• 印象父亲形象就是这样

    The impression that this is the image of his father.


  • 需要父亲形象需要一个

    You needed a father figure, and I needed a kidney.


  • 写道,“在父亲形象里,找到自己脾性。”

    “It was into my father’s image ... that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, ” he wrote.


  • 父亲形象灵魂也多少消失在他爱情光辉中了。

    His father himself was fading out of his soul to some extent, under the splendor of his love.


  • 虽然,阿加莎喜欢拍成的电影,但是觉得电影刻画父亲的形象过于严肃,对孩子没有怜爱之

    Although Agathe admired the movie, she felt it misrepresented her father as too strict and not as the loving, caring parent he was, Kane said.


  • 的确父亲形象半个世纪理想化想像来得复杂随着自己生活阅历增加不会对此感到吃惊。

    Indeed, father's image was more complex than the idealized supposed one in my mind which had last for near half a century. But I won't be surprised by it now, with the increase in experience.


  • 令人难过的是,好像可以选择朋友不能选择亲人一样可以选择父亲的形象,却不能真的选择自己的父亲

    But sadly, just as you can choose your friends but not your relatives, you can choose your father figures but not your actual father.


  • 这些传奇人物形象严培明及其父亲的形象之间混杂单单出现特定作品中,他的其他肖像画的关联中呈现了这样的特点。

    This mixing of mythical figures with the person of Ming and the person of his father occurs not just within this specific group of works, but also appears in the portraits.


  • 尽管如此,意识到自己还是找到那个男人——但并不是父亲这么多年来在传说中已经变成虚幻形象

    I realized, though, that I wanted to find the man - not the mythical figure my father had become over the years.


  • 典型日本父亲形象恐怕就是放假了打打高尔夫球,或者什么也不做,只是在家里消磨时间。

    On their days off, the stereotypical Japanese father goes golfing or loafs around the house.


  • 不再生活中的神奇形象后,他就是他,我还是我,这部分是因为他不是一个尽责父亲

    While he is no longer this mythical figure in my life, he is who he is and I am who I am, partly because of his absence.


  • 但同时她们也告诫巴马的女儿第一女儿并不容易因为她们父亲塑造形象和她们所了解的不一样

    But they cautioned the Obama girls that life as the First Daughters would not always be easy with their father portrayed differently than they know him.


  • 医院第一看到一个瘦弱悲伤身影几乎不出父亲——他和我童年时那个身体强壮精力充沛形象是如此不同

    I rushed to the hospital and met, for the first time, a thin, sad figure that I hardly recognized as my father-so different from the strong, robust figure of my childhood.


  • 幅图形象描述了三个儿子女儿如何对待一个年老无助父亲

    The picture symbolically depicts how three sons and a daughter treat their old, helpless father.


  • 总是不得不树立强大父亲形象维持家里秩序

    I always have to be the strong father-image and keep order in the house.


  • 每月魏叙(音译)都从父亲那额外获得几百块,维系作为慷慨男友形象

    Every month, Wei's father gives him another several hundred yuan so that he can sustain the status of generous boyfriend.


  • 父亲去世后路西安同样的方法安排母亲,他这一系列,以组敏感、冷静形象表达了一个儿子坚定

    Likewise, after his father died, Lucian kept his mother similarly occupied. His series of her, portraits of delicate, cold-eyed attention, express a son's uncompromising love.


  • 对外暴君形象掩盖了他父亲般慈爱的形象会责备那个艾利克斯”的小伙子赞赏精神乐对生活

    The dictator he presents to the world conceals the father figure who tells a lad off for calling him "Alex" but still admires his spirit and sees life as rich in comedy.


  • 现在一名父亲,你可以纠正孩子自身形象错误认识,逐步培养孩子的自信心

    But now that you're a father, you can correct the self-image mistakes you made by instilling a sense of self-confidence into your children.


  • 但是今天父亲已经不再是那种冷酷无情的形象了,他们不再羞赧表现出犊深情。

    But today's father has been liberated from the stereotype of the cold, impersonal, unemotional man.


  • 但是一些其他事却不可避免地发生了:当亨利年少的时候,家对来说就是“安全胶囊天堂,可是一切都不复存在了; 而他曾经父亲的看法——强壮细心呵护和保护照顾家人的形象——这一切粉碎了。

    " But something irrevocable had happened: the "safe bubble" and haven of Henry's youth had gone for ever, and his vision of his dad as "strong, caring and protective" had been shattered.


  • 终于Rushdoony身上看到了一个关心他、赞成他的父亲形象渴望一生的。

    At last, in Rushdoony he had found the attentive and approving father he yearned for his whole life.


  • 新闻中提起了父亲名字Sara马上关注起来,她专心地记者陈述,“入选被认为是因为他严厉打击犯罪形象。”

    The mention of her father's name gets Sara's attention. Sara's listens intently as the reporter finishes, "his consideration is being attributed to his reputation for being tough on crime."


  • 很明显的,父亲通常领导者权威人士的形象象征

    Obviously, there is father, who is often symbolized by a guide or an authority figure.


  • 一位高级育儿专家提醒各位母亲儿子占有欲过父亲高大的形象难以树立,男孩成长造成不利影响。

    A top parenting expert has warned mothers that being too possessive of their sons and not letting men be strong father figures can be detrimental to their boys' upbringing.


  • 当然,约翰尼·德普仍旧扮演杰克船长,基思·理查德继续杰克父亲形象,“我们需要你角色回归”德普的理查德,“感受强烈件事。”

    "We needed his character back," says Depp of Richards. "That was one of the things I felt very strongly about."


  • 父亲外祖父们叔叔继父养父任何家庭中的父亲形象都会因为他们辛勤工作所爱之人的影响而被给予尊敬

    Fathers, grandfathers, uncles, stepfathers, foster fathers and any father figures in a family are honored for the hard work and affection they give to their loved ones.


  • 父亲外祖父们叔叔继父养父任何家庭中的父亲形象都会因为他们辛勤工作所爱之人的影响而被给予尊敬

    Fathers, grandfathers, uncles, stepfathers, foster fathers and any father figures in a family are honored for the hard work and affection they give to their loved ones.


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