• 眼里父亲母亲那样相亲相爱

    In the eyes of my father and mother love each other so.


  • 如其所看见父亲母亲观众中,聚精会神地看着他。

    As he spoke, he saw his mother and father in the audience, watching intently.


  • 不得不承认处理父亲母亲之间微妙棘手关系像是在走钢丝绳所有的努力都值得。

    I have to admit that dealing with the delicate and touchy relationship with my parents is like walking a tight rope, but it's worth my efforts.


  • 目的比较不同性别不同学历层次学生父母养育方式学生父亲母亲不同养育方式。

    Objcetive: To compare different gender and academic credential medical students' parental rearing styles and different rearing styles of medical students father and mother.


  • 然后希望自己变成鹊儿,可以父亲母亲座桥他们见面母亲相思痛。

    Then I want to become, father and mother can set up a bridge to enable them to meet, to relieve the pain of mother's love.


  • 研究也许已经低估了出于抑郁症父亲数量因为我们知道父亲母亲相比寻求抑郁症帮助可能性更低。

    The study is likely to have underestimated the Numbers of fathers who experience depression, because we know fathers are less likely than mothers to seek help with depression.


  • 父亲母亲同样孩子成长过程中起着不可替代重要影响,但是多少年来人们一直父亲视为养儿女的局外人

    Father is very important in child's development just as mother. But before, people always regarded father as being outside of fostering the children.


  • 这份研究关于父亲母亲的结果十分重要的,因为改变传统观念妈妈总是给予孩子最大影响唠叨的方面来讲。

    "The findings about fathers and mothers are important because it turns... conventional wisdom - that mothers have the most influence on children - on its ear," he said.


  • 父母责任效力责任实施要素中的重要环节,包括父亲母亲、父母未成年子女、父母第三人之间的责任分配负担关系。

    The effect of parents liability which concludes the distribution among father and mother, parents and minors, parents and other tortfeasors is important to implement liabilities.


  • 通常来说母亲角色父亲角色下列几个方面存在不同

    Generally, the role of a mother differs in the following aspects from that of a father.


  • 全国青年纵向调查询问母亲许多问题包括孩子父亲是否他们一起生活

    The NLSY surveys asked the mothers about many things, including whether the father of their children lived with them.


  • 认为放弃监护权的母亲同样做法父亲有一样吗?

    Do you view mothers who relinquish custody differently than fathers who do the same?


  • 研究表明较大孩子母亲往往更多孩子谈论他们挫败父亲努力分散孩子的注意力,鼓励他们继续前进。

    Research shows that mothers of older children tend to talk more with their children about their frustrations, while fathers may try to distract a child and encourage him or her to move on.


  • 屠夫佩卡尔儿时父亲母亲四个兄弟姐妹共用房间

    While growing up, Pevekar, the butcher, shared a single room with his father, mother, and four siblings.


  • 父亲这个群体—无论是否家庭主父孩子相处的时间母亲这个群体一样

    And fathers as a whole - stay-at-home dads or otherwise - spend almost as much time with their children as mothers do.


  • 这次调查之前的研究结果恰恰相反。之前的研究显示父亲年龄母亲的年龄对孩子的影响大。

    The findings contrast with recent research that suggested the father's age played a bigger role than the mother's.


  • 休布伦先生母亲近期过世,在怀念其母同时也无限思念已故父亲姐姐

    He is mourning his mother's recent death and throughout he is haunted by memories of her and of his dead sister and father.


  • 因为痛恨丈夫的行为,冬梅母亲父亲离婚,随后离开了泸州

    Huang Dongmei's mother left Luzhou after she had divorced her father because she could not forgive his wrongdoings.


  • 拥抱母亲,而只父亲握手

    I hugged my mother. I shook hands with my father.


  • 个月的时候开始父亲Phillipe母亲Jan祖父Jacques的第一次海上远航。

    At four months old she went on her first oceanic expedition with her family, father Phillipe Cousteau, mother Jan, and grandfather Jacques Cousteau.


  • 母亲孩子年龄相差25岁父亲孩子的年龄相差20相比,小孩患孤僻症的比率高了一

    Among children whose mothers were younger than 25, autism was twice as common when fathers were older than 40 than when dads were in their 20s.


  • 当时母亲一次事故中惨死父亲未能很快悲痛孤独中恢复过来

    When my mother had died after a tragic accident, he did not quickly recover from the shock and loneliness.


  • 巴马父亲肯尼亚母亲美国人奥巴马七岁那年母亲夏威夷大学读书结识一个印尼结婚,之后他们印尼

    Mr Obama, who was born to a Kenyan father and an American mother, moved to Indonesia when he was sevenafter his mother married an Indonesian man she met while studying at the University of Hawaii.


  • 巴马父亲肯尼亚母亲美国人奥巴马七岁那年母亲夏威夷大学读书结识的个印尼结婚,之后他们印尼

    Mr Obama, who was born to a Kenyan father and an American mother, moved to Indonesia when he was seven -after his mother married an Indonesian man she met while studying at the University of Hawaii.


  • 巴马父亲肯尼亚母亲美国人奥巴马七岁那年母亲夏威夷大学读书结识的个印尼结婚,之后他们印尼

    Mr Obama, who was born to a Kenyan father and an American mother, moved to Indonesia when he was seven -after his mother married an Indonesian man she met while studying at the University of Hawaii.


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