• 自己什么将它们写下来不光身体上的,所有方面的都记下来。

    Write down what you love about yourself, not only physically, but as a whole.


  • 母亲曾经一个女人的方式告诉过他什么但是比起所需所求,自己给予的方面上需要弥补的东西更多

    His mother had been a woman that gave him what she thought was love, but it had more to do with what she was able to give than what he needed.


  • 他们了解他们国家发生什么是事情,因为他们自己的国家。

    They want to know what’s going on in their country, because they love it.


  • 幸运的,年轻的时候就知道了自己什么

    I was lucky? I found what I loved to do early in life.


  • 女人男人明确知道自己什么但是,必须抓住一点她们成为男人那个什么”!

    Women want a man that knows precisely what he loves... but here's the catch: they want that to be them!


  • 如果拒绝了自己独有全部,你体会不到什么真正的

    You will not feel what real love is if you restrain yourself from loving that special person wholly.


  • 问问自己什么今天能为或者带来欢乐的事情

    Ask yourself, what's one small thing you can do today to bring joy to you or someone you love?


  • 英国,我也自己是英国人而自惭形秽,我也知道什么我要英国甚于其他国家

    I don't hate Britain, and I am not ashamed of my nationality, but I have no idea why I should love this country more than any other.


  • 感到奇怪,,”班夫人,“什么总是自己孩子想得那么傻。”

    'I am very surprised, my dear,' said Mrs Bennet, 'that you should be so ready to think your own children silly.


  • 为了建立人与人之间纽带首先需要就是向别人无私地表达自己对他们的无论什么方式,无论是否得到同样的回报

    And the way to make this kind of connection is by first expressing your love - without expecting it to be returned - in any way you can.


  • 根本明白什么叫做真正的失去因为自己胜过其他任何人。

    You don't know about real loss, because that only occurswhen you love something more than you love yourself.


  • 男人自己满意女人如果自己都不自己男人什么你呢?

    Men fall in love with women who are happy with themselves. Why would a man love you if you don't love yourself?


  • 就是恋情中,付出什么想得到什么以及反映出你有自己

    It is what you put into the relationship, what you want out of it, and it is a reflection of how much you love yourself.


  • 人生短短几十年,不要自己留下了什么遗憾笑,想就哭,该的时候就无谓压抑自己

    Your life only lasts for a few decades, so be sure that you don't leave any regrets. Laugh or cry as you like, and it‘s meaningless to oppress yourself.


  • 当然还是自己家人朋友的。但是没有什么可以永恒的,改变必然到来的时候,最好迎头接受充分利用它。

    Of course I still love my family and friends, but nothing is permanent, and when change comes, which it inevitably will, the best thing to do is to take it head in and learn to make the most of it.


  • 了解自己——你什么什么启迪你,你怎样的人——你就会幸福

    The better you know yourself-what it is you love, what inspires you, what you are made of-the happier you will be.


  • 教会自己处理孩子问题,而不是发脾气。你的孩子弄什么吗?

    Instead of reacting with anger, teach yourself to react with love.


  • 感到奇怪,,”班夫人,“什么总是自己孩子那么她们很聪明。”

    'I am very surprised, my dear,' said Mrs Bennet, 'that you should be so ready to think your own children silly. As it happens, they are all very clever.'


  • 与其给疲惫父母亲们开讲座告诉他们作为父母的职责无条件的”他们的孩子,或许Heineman问问自己什么这么的父母不能承担责任,有什么方法可以去提供帮助给他们。

    Instead of lecturing harassed parents about their duty to love their children "unconditionally", Heineman might do better to ask himself why so many of them can't cope and try to offer them support.


  • 自己空间不是自恋是想看看什么最新动态

    Love into their own space, not narcissism, to see if you have what the latest developments.


  • 对于人们什么因为寂寞感到自己是多余的、没人不受欢迎微不足道、令人绝望没有安全感甚至于遭遗弃我们表示理解。

    It's understandable why people who are lonely might feel unwanted, unloved, undesirable, insignificant, despairing, insecure, or abandoned.


  • 真正没有什么得少的,自己整个儿都的人。

    True love is no love is much less, he is the person who gave him his whole love.


  • 但是已经自己妻子视为一体而且死了我走了——或者别人然后成为快乐或者其它什么

    But I have identified myself with my wife and when she dies my love has gone - or I love somebody else, which then becomes pleasure and all the rest of it.


  • 无论什么时候你们坟前看我,借助你们相伴一生长久、快乐回忆,请满怀哀伤而欢欣的口吻自己:“这里埋葬我们的和我们朋友。”

    Whenever you visit my grave, say to yourselves with regret but also with happiness in your hearts at the remembrance of my long happy life with you: 'Here lies one who loved us and whom we loved.


  • 由于工作接触日常交流对象大部分年轻人,我自己也不老,所以“什么这个问题经常会被我们谈起

    Seeing as the majority of people I work and talk with are young and that I myself am a young person, this question about what is love comes up pretty frequently.


  • 一方面可能会感觉自己几乎没有权利要求什么,会感觉自己值得别人去

    On the one hand, you may feel that you have little right to ask for anything, that you are not worthy of love.


  • 凡是自己国家的人,什么不会

    Anyone who does not love his country will never love anything.


  • 不管觉得自己是个什么样的人,都深深地你,关心著你。

    No matter how you feel about yourself, God feels a great love and concern for you!


  • 不管觉得自己是个什么样的人,都深深地你,关心著你。

    No matter how you feel about yourself, God feels a great love and concern for you!


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