• 作为证明花了所有了一枚戒指

    As proof of his love, he spent all his money on a ring for her.


  • 世上存在存在证明

    There is no love; there are only proof's of love. ~ Pierre reverdy.


  • 如果一个,那么礼物展示出你的,而且应该证明那个的了解程度——包括他们衣服鞋子尺码

    If you love someone, a gift should show that; it should also prove how well you know that person, and that includes their clothes or shoe size.


  • 为了证明去爬最高去游最深去跨越宽的沙漠

    To prove his love for her, he climbed the highest mountain, swam the deepest ocean, and crossed the widest desert.


  • 并且,说完这些后,你要继续行动证明

    And follow up those words with actions that prove your love.


  • 这个伟大的试验证明我们中的一部分极好幽默的有一些却是黑客或者是开玩笑或者是卑鄙小人。

    The great experiment proved that some of us are wonderful and interesting but that a lot of us are hackers and pranksters and hucksters.


  • 我们齐聚一堂敬拜神,同时以和好行为彼此相待的时候,也许可以说,我们通过现实中的生活证明了一事实就是神已经我们个人和解了。

    As we gather to worship God and exercise love and good deeds toward one another, we demonstrate in real life, you might say, the fact that God has reconciled us to himself and to one another.


  • 这个便利店店经理的体贴理解生动地证明了,雇主给予的关心雇主给予的酬劳,更加使印象深刻

    The thoughtfulness, empathy and love of this convenience store manager demonstrates vividly that people remember more how much an employer CARES than how much the employer pays.


  • 丈夫从来不用语言表达她的不用行动证明甚至连她在一起享受时光渴望都没有

    Her husband was not one to communicate his love to her through words, or demonstrate it through his actions, nor did he express any desire to spend time with her.


  • 遗憾,我们急缺实际护城河祈祷场所,因为部分里,巴证明自己就是一座有价值的城堡

    It's a shame our particular moat, the ashram of Pray, is so exhausting, because in the Love section Bardem proves himself a worthy castle.


  • 只要我们真心实意地承认神明无所不能,我们能够证明上帝力量与我们同在。

    When we admit in our heart that all things are possible to the omnipotent and omnipresent love, we would be able to demonstrate the truth that the power of God exists right where we are.


  • 证明真的前卫,曾经一度这个疲软艺术世界失去意义

    "Justify My Love" is truly avant-garde, at a time when that word has lost its meaning in the flabby art world.


  • 上周“夜间线路”节目中,麦当娜磕磕巴巴的,漫无边际的说着话,以捍卫充满争议新的电视录像证明”,最后让人觉得不如真正的她那般机智了。

    Defending her controversial new video "Justify My Love" on "Nightline" last week, Madonna stumbled, rambled and ended up seeming far less intelligent than she really is.


  • 正好证明LaBruyere说突如其来多么不切合实际。

    That proves how wrong is that saying of La Bruyere "Love comes all of a sudden."


  • 大于,把铭记于心,每天一点证明

    Actions speak louder than words, so remember love and continue to show little proofs of your love everyday. Here are a few ideas.


  • 这项民调证明女人相比男人是有过之而无不及!男人中伤别人而且成为同事们关注焦点

    But this poll proves that men aren't as bad as women, they're worse! Men just love a bit of scandal, and will do anything they can to be centre of attention with their colleagues and peers.


  • 就是他们这里证明的——我实在啊。

    That's what they're proving here-i just love it.


  • 他们教会面前证明

    They have testified to your love before the church.


  • 一些罪恶之没有被上帝选上得到拯救这一事实不能证明上帝他们态度完全没有真挚

    The fact that some sinners are not elected to salvation is no proof that God's attitude toward them is utterly devoid of sincere love.


  • 还有罕见因一阵悲恸而全身抽搐,还会抽抽噎噎说出几个不连贯的词语来表达母亲似乎用心碎证明她确实一颗心。

    Or - but this more rarely happened - she would be convulsed with a rage of grief, and SOB out her love for her mother, in broken words, and seem intent on proving that she had a heart, by breaking it.


  • 我们通过向那些丝毫没有理由值得我们去,依旧奉献我们证明

    No, we demonstrate it when the people we have committed to loving give us good reasons not to love them, but we do anyway.


  • 人类善举证明着人间有这份正是我们生命全部意义

    Human ACTS of kindness and loveand love borne out by action — is really what life is all about.


  • 然而知道一对夫妇就是通过这种方式来证明他们对彼此的,并且每一都乐在其中。

    However, I know of a couple of testers who love the head smacking animations so much that they let themselves get caught every time.


  • 但波本人也承认,自己是个内向瞎胡闹的孩子试过邻居家男孩证明外星人开始入侵地球或者玩具士兵撕烂。

    By his own admission, Burton was an introverted, destructive childhe would try to convince the boy next door that an alien invasion had begun or would tear the heads of his toy soldiers.


  • 公开承认需求可以作为证据之一,证明其实还准备好。

    Professing a need for love could also be taken as evidence that you weren't ready for it.


  • 全国范围来看,米歇尔的支持率多了然而明年共和党党内竞选活动的第一荷华打响,所以说,米歇尔若拿下荷华,就能证明自己材实料的竞选人了。

    Nationally her support is much lower, but since Iowa will be the first state to pass judgment on the Republican field next year, a win there would instantly confirm her as a genuine contender.


  • 全国范围来看,米歇尔的支持率多了然而明年共和党党内竞选活动的第一荷华打响,所以说,米歇尔若拿下荷华,就能证明自己材实料的竞选人了。

    Nationally her support is much lower, but since Iowa will be the first state to pass judgment on the Republican field next year, a win there would instantly confirm her as a genuine contender.


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