• 唯心主义并非我们尝试建立更美好世界或者范围内来说,建立一个长期可行的关系理想状态。

    Now, this idealism doesn't refer to us being idealistic in that we try to build a better world, or, on a lower scale, a working long-term love relationship.


  • 我们倒因为缺少一番送行告别的热闹,不无失望之感。不过我们都相信为了迎娶米丽小姐作一番准备,或者有个机会打发个堂姐妹。

    We were a little disappointed that there was not a public blowing-off, but we believed that he had gone on to prepare for Miss Emily's coming, or to give her a chance to get rid of the cousins.


  • 汝,汝一念,使吾勇于也。

    I love you so much that I would die for you.


  • 观点报料透露,扎·维尔兄弟美国的代理人克里斯·穆尔(ChrisMuhr)“那种开会时尖酸刻薄的家伙别人鲍勃的决定真是愚蠢透顶。”

    One source who holds this view says that the Samwer's proxy in the U.S., Chris Muhr, "is the kind of guy who will hold somebody up in a meeting, and say, 'Bob, you made a really dumb decision."


  • 这真是元稹描写景物名言不是花开花”。

    " What should the sentence describing scenery famous saying of yuan zhen "is not in love chrysanthemum, the flower blooms do no more".


  • 会上传到我们网站希望能帮助许多而痛苦找到通达究竟

    This will be posted at our websites with the hope that many who are suffering for "love" will find a way out to reach lasting love.


  • 直到永远。

    Love but her, and love for ever.


  • 只要全部控制权交给上主,不要取回控制权,这一整天全然臣服于照顾,留意感觉

    For one day, give full control to God. Do not take back the control. Surrender to His care and love, all day long. Notice how you feel.


  • 宽限期不能功勋,收益,因慈悲上帝

    This grace cannot be merited ; it proceeds solely from the love and mercy of God.


  • 二十八年来,墓前发生一切只有我自己才能注解

    Only I can comment on this love and all things that happened in the past twenty-eight years.


  • 中西齐家之道不同表现为施还报区别,但是说没有注意到历史语境的不同,将前现代与现代混为一谈。

    The differences between China and the west in terms of family are that Chinese emphasize filial piety while westerners stress love. This theory confuses the pre-modernity with modernity.


  • 听闻传言后,第一反应翻遍钱包的现金,第二反应是电话告知好友,十足就是占小便宜顺带两根主妇

    My first reaction on hearing this was examining every note at my wallet and secondly inform friends by phone. What a greedy woman I am as a housewife asking for more scallion FOC at the food market!


  • 非凡圣诞节使不再孤单,您周围始终有的人陪伴!

    May this Christmas be so special that you never ever feel lonely again and be surrounded by loved ones throughout!


  • 你的心抽丝织成布帛仿佛要来穿衣裳

    It is to weave the cloth with threads drawn from your heart, even as if your beloved were to wear that cloth.


  • 电梯一直沃尔科特电梯公司用于办公零售直到公司奥尼亚县外办公单位

    The elevator had been used for office and retail purposes for Walcott elevator before the company built a new unit outside of Ionia.


  • 是否认为谎言所阻碍不会(Clynes描述)愤怒所阻碍?支持评论互动之相关证据

    Do you think love is blocked by lying but not by anger (in the sense Clynes describes?) Support or critique the evidence for this interaction.


  • 任何争议,厨房保留随时取消或更改优惠条款之权利无须作出任何预先通知

    I Love Kitchen reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions without any prior notice and shall have the final say in any dispute.


  • 构成之下好比repairwear非常满意并且方式有时斑纹更加温暖天气的。

    I am very happy with this, and love the way it looks under makeup, much better than Repairwear Day, which sometimes streaks on me in warmer weather.


  • 意味着康诺第五出现名单列表中,其在1998, 1999, 20032006年获得过奖项。

    This marks the fifth time that ICONICS has made the list, having previously appeared in 1998, 1999, 2003 and 2006.


  • 意味着康诺第五出现名单列表中,其在1998, 1999, 20032006年获得过奖项。

    This marks the fifth time that ICONICS has made the list, having previously appeared in 1998, 1999, 2003 and 2006.


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