• 他们一样他们的都为了能有更好将来

    I love them in the same way, what they do is for my better future.


  • 如此之深,无法去,就弗兰克一样

    But Paddy's love for her was as deep and impossible to wipe out as hers was for Frank.


  • 斯彭德总结说,男女混合班级里如果女孩男孩一样吵闹出风头被认为不淑女”;如果她们温顺安静,就会被人忽视。

    Spender concludes that, in mixed classes, if the girls are as boisterous and pushy as the boys, they are considered "unladylike", if they are docile and quiet, they are ignored.


  • 这种短信文图片字母数字的组合代表某个单词的,感觉像字谜一样比如:"i <3u"就代表“”(中间的<3像一颗心的形状,代表“”),b4before(以前)这个单词的缩写形式,lollaugh outloud(大声笑出来)这三个单词的缩写。

    It can be likened to a rebus, which uses pictures and single letters, or numbers to represent whole words (e.g, "i <3 u" meansI love you”, b4 means before, lol means laugh out loud, etc. ).


  • 正如所说一样

    True to my word, I married for love and not for money.


  • 既然有条件的,可以采取一些办法获取,我可以之而努力;他的一样,并没有越出控制力

    Since his love is conditional, I can do something to acquire it, I can work for it; his love is not outside of my control as motherly love is.


  • 因为我想让他们临死看到一张充满,这张脸上告诉他们,他们的生命我们个人的生命一样我们犯下罪行,要珍贵得

    I want them to see a loving face when they die. I want my face to carry the love that tells them that they and every one of us are worth more than our most terrible ACTS.


  • 语言知识以及对于几个他自己一样亲戚联系唯一纽带。而国家现在那个土地面包保护重要地位的国家。

    The knowledge of the language, the love of a few kindred as poor as himself, were the only cords that tied him: his country is now that which gives him land, bread, protection, and consequence.


  • 至今无法回答这个问题因为真理一样主观的。

    I still can't answer that question because truth like love is subjective.


  • 如果正如之前听说一样使命的话,那么正在履行使命而且履行的非常好。

    And if, as I've heard before, the work of dogs is to love and be loved, then she is doing her job, maybe a little too well.


  • 马克·桑福德女朋友他的“灵魂伴侣”,然后如果一样这个漂亮女人的,一个财政稳健派,我说的吧?

    Mark Sanford described his girlfriend as his 'soulmate.' And I thought, well, if there is one thing that beautiful women love, it's a fiscal conservative, am I right?


  • 就像其它电影一样危险一部人物为主题的影片,画像。

    Like most of my other films, I'm Dangerous with Love is character-driven. It's portraiture.


  • ·包法利夫人亲切枯燥无味乡村医生妻子,渴望通俗小说一样的奢华浪漫生活

    Emma Bovary, the wife of a kindly but dull country doctor, yearns for a life of luxury and romance that she has read about in popular novels.


  • 其中许多没有研究过,不管那些它们潜在威胁,还那些像莫尔斯密码一样传递危险信号内在含义,这些科学家一头雾水。

    Many have never been studied, leaving scientists in the dark about the potential threats and the meaning of their Morse code-like flashes that signal everything from love to danger.


  • 敏寺教民眼里,就和在个信步回家的乡村小镇教民眼里一样一个外来的女人,一个他们不认识的人。

    The Emminster congregation looked at her as only a congregation of small country-townsfolk walking home at its leisure can look at a woman out of the common whom it perceives to be a stranger.


  • 巴罗正确的,毕竟认为我们会对唠叨,——为什么停止唠叨好像我停止他们一样

    Barrow was right, after all, when she said we nag the people we care about — which is why if you ask me to give up nagging, it feels as if you're asking me to give up caring.


  • 是一样对于那个

    Is it not the same with the one your love?


  • 汽船上遇到了弗雷德杜伯雷(AlfredDuperier),在麦嘉豪斯(MuggahHouse)酒店一个年轻医生。 他艾玛一样卷进了大海里,依靠抓住残骸被冲小岛。

    In the hull of the steamer she met Alfred Duperier, a young doctor who had been staying at Muggah House and who, like Emma, had been swept to sea on a bit of wreckage and washed up back on the island.


  • 在当SharePoint比较深刻认识时候,(你会觉得)纵然SharePoint产品一样出售,但事实上一个平台,它需要一些亲切关心这样他就会如你所愿的运行

    This is when you get the deeper understanding of SharePoint, that even though it is sold as a product it is actually a platform that needs some tender love and care to work the way you want it to.


  • 之前成名一些知名电影制作人,比如费里尼(Federico Fellini),森斯坦(Sergei Eisenstein),和帕索里尼(PierPaoloPasolini)一样伯顿的电影绘画作品的延伸

    Like those of a few notable moviemakers before him - including Federico Fellini, Sergei Eisenstein, and Pier Paolo Pasolini - Burton's films are extensions of his drawings.


  • 无论那些自己孩子那些像自己孩子一样教会小朋友女士们我们感谢你们

    Ladies - both those with children of their own, and those who love the kids of our church as if they were their own - we appreciate you.


  • 表达方式有千万种,选择种方式如同选择哪一个一样需要理由

    Expression of the countless love the way, as a way to choose which person you choose to love, is not justified.


  • 我们灵魂深处力量我们所知道的力量一样

    The power of love and light within our soul is now different from the power of what we have known.


  • 不变的,我们不见觉不到时,一样的我们。

    God's love being unchangeable, he is just as loving when we do not see or feel His love.


  • 不变的,我们不见觉不到时,一样的我们。

    God's love being unchangeable, he is just as loving when we do not see or feel His love.


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