• 举世闻名宿命爱情中,悲剧19世纪俄罗斯画卷上缓缓展开……令人难忘的不朽经典

    Tragedy unfolds amid the canvas of 19th-century Russia, in the most famous of doomed love stories. A memorable and enduring classic.


  • 举世闻名宿命爱情中,悲剧19世纪俄罗斯画卷上缓缓展开……令人难忘不朽经典

    Tragedy unfolds amid the canvas of 19th-century Russia, in the most famous of doomed love stories.A memorable and enduring classic.


  • 二十世纪六十年代美国民间音乐表现爱情希望外,还表现反战情绪。

    The American folk music in the 1960's expressed anti-war sentiments as well as love and hope.


  • 这部影片以20世纪60年代为背景,讲述爱情生活去年威尼斯电影节获得金狮奖提名,在今年亚洲电影大奖上获得最佳摄影奖

    The 1960s-era drama about love and life was nominated for the Golden Lion at last year's Venice Film Festival, and won the Best Cinematography at this year's Asian Film Awards.


  • 英语语言者借用了思想,于是从中世纪开始,sweet +heart就成为了一个表达爱意尤其是浪漫爱情

    English speakers borrowed the idea, and sweet + heart has been a term of endearment -particularly for romantic love -since the Middle Ages.


  • 这些支离破碎爱情侵蚀未来整整一个世纪

    These fragmented love, eroding the future for a whole century.


  • 对于我来说一类泰国电影有着20世纪90年代约翰·休斯所导演青春爱情喜剧某种健康活力红粉佳人十六支蜡烛》。

    To me, this type of Thai film has some of the exuberance and energy of the John Hughes teenage romantic comedies of the 1990s, such as Pretty in Pink or Sixteen Candles.


  • 费雯丽30从影生涯2次摘得"小金人"。 在20世纪30年代好莱坞,她与另一位传奇巨星劳伦斯·奥列佛(图)的结合一直视为爱情佳话

    In public, the British actress, who won two Oscars in a career spanning 30 years, was portrayed in 1930s Hollywood as the romantic soul mate of another rising star, Laurence Olivier (L).


  • 片中被20世纪福克斯公司拿来开宗明义年度故事主题,便是讲述对门不当户不对青年男女之间浪漫爱情搞笑故事。

    The 20 th century fox brought by the very year, tells a story theme is opposite undeserved door wrong young men and women of romantic love between and funny story.


  • 人们19世纪开始浪漫爱情作为婚姻基础

    Sheldon:Romantic love as the basis for marriage has only existed since the 19th century.


  • 昨天项警方问讯透露,已婚舞蹈教练有染妇女竟将自己与其的“爱情结晶”的尸体存放在一个鲜为人知的地方超过半个世纪

    A woman who had an affair with her married dance instructor kept the remains of their love-child hidden away from a disapproving world for half a century, an inquest was told yesterday.


  • 因此19世纪50年代早期接受深肤色英俊音乐会钢琴家理查德•博宁的爱情,而决定变成一个世界级花腔女高音歌唱家的时候,琼有些害怕。

    Hence her horror when Joanie took up, in the early 1950s, with a darkly handsome concert pianist called Richard Bonynge, who was determined to turn her into a world-class coloratura soprano.


  • 同性世纪是个新的热点话题不像旧社会里,同性之爱认为禁忌的爱,那时人们觉得这样的爱情是可耻的,他们从来不会谈论

    The gay love is the new hot issue in the new century, unlike the old days, the gay love was thought to be taboo love, people at that time took it as a shame, they never talked about it.


  • 因此小说区别十九世纪其他爱情小说称为“心理罗曼司”。

    Therefore, the novel distinguishes itself from the other love stories in the nineteenth century and is called "a psychological romance".


  • 爱情世纪童话,而收获爱情女孩幸运的。

    As true love becomes the fairy story, the girl who had harvested love was so lucky.


  • 爱情世纪童话,而收获爱情女孩幸运的。

    Although love is the fairy tale of the end of the century, it is the love-gained girl that is fortunate.


  • 影片讲述是一个发生21世纪大学校园爱情故事

    The film tells of a love story taking place at a university in the 21 century.


  • 小说20世纪视角讲述了发生19世纪中期英国维多利亚时代爱情故事

    From a 20th century perspective, the novel tells a tortuous love story happening in Britain of the Victorian Age in the 19th century.


  • 十九世纪英国女作家·奥斯的《爱玛》,一方面呼吁男女平等爱情为基础的婚姻

    The novel Emma, written by the nineteenth century writer Jane Austin, appeals to the equal rights between men and women, and advocates love marriage;


  • 讲述20世纪纽约生活一对夫妻美好爱情故事德拉丈夫詹姆斯一对贫穷,詹姆斯份工作他们日子幸福

    It tells the story of the beginning of the 20th century in New York life of a couple of beautiful love story: husband James is Della and a poor man, James has a job, they had a very happy day.


  • 19世纪,“柏拉图哲学”风靡一时安徒生爱情观就深深地打上了被伏尔泰称为“形而上学爱情”的柏拉图思想的烙印

    The Platonism once was the rage in the 19th century and had branded "Metaphysical Love" into the Andersen's love view.


  • 狄金森19世纪美国诗坛惟一敢于坦率从事爱情诗创作诗人

    Emily Dickinson was the only woman poet in the 19th century American poetry world who dared to create love poems frankly.


  • 一部十九世纪女性爱情喜剧片

    This is a love comedy about some women in 19th century.


  • 大体翻译一下:其他十七世纪殖民者一样塞缪尔认为婚姻财产契约建立爱情基础上的情感维系

    Samuel Sewall viewed marriage, like other seventeenth-century colonists, as a property arrangements rather than an emotional bond based on romantic love.


  • 骑士文学中的典雅爱情欧洲世纪一种奇特的人文景观

    The refined love in the cavalier literature is a unique humane landscape in the Medieval Europe.


  • 骑士文学中的典雅爱情欧洲世纪一种奇特的人文景观

    The refined love in the cavalier literature is a unique humane landscape in the Medieval Europe.


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