• 猜测得到你渴望已的金钱、名声以及令人惊奇的写作技巧时会发生什么吗?

    Can you guess what happens when you acquire the thing -money, fame, "love", amazing writing skills -that you've wanted for so long?


  • 猜测得到渴望已金钱名声以及令人惊奇写作技巧时会发生什么吗?

    Can you guess what happens when you acquire the thing - money, fame, "love", amazing writing skills - that you've wanted for so long?


  • 作者充满激情写作特别才智过人文字充满热情时候,写出来的才是最好文章

    Passionate writing is the best kind of writing, especially if the author has even a sliver of talent - the enthusiasm and love just comes right through the page.


  • 尽情表达自我欢笑,去生活,去写作,去,去作画去写博客,去歌唱,去工作,去做饭,去建造…没有尽头。

    Express yourself any way you can: laughing, living, writing, loving, drawing, blogging, singing, working, cooking, building... the list goes on and on.


  • 荷华作家工作室学习写作

    She studied writing at the Iowa Writers Workshop.


  • 只有到了现在才理解:从文章中波伦丝太太看出了我写作的毛病,诸如用大词,夸张华丽,不注意结构等。

    Only now do I understand. After my first few papers, Mrs. Abrams knew I had a problem with exaggeration, flamboyant descriptions, and a lack of organization in my papers.


  • 波伦丝太太喜欢讲究修辞用语的陈述严密组织结构融合在一起使在练习中发现了适合自己写作风格,从而使我的写作水平大大地提高产生了质的飞跃。

    Mrs. Abrams had fused my love of description and articulation with a martinet like organization to improve my writing by leaps and bounds. This allowed me to find my own style of writing.


  • 林克——同时也是一个法律讲师——抱着道德多义性警戒写作了此书,同时救赎力作出了慷慨激昂辩护

    Schlink, who is also a lecturer in law, writes with an alert sense for moral ambiguities, yet he also makes an impassioned stand in defence of the redemptive power of love. Philip Oltermann


  • 世界带来讽刺The EnduringVision每周五更新内容写作良好。

    Bringing the world satire and love, the Enduring Vision is updated five nights a week with well-written content.


  • 一个聪明唱歌写作女孩还有勇气

    Dewi is a smart girl. She enjoys singing and writing. She is full of courage!


  • 伦敦一家1910年买下了五百英亩的哥伦农场葡萄园命名为“美丽”,生活写作款待朋友和重要人物的地方,也是的所在。

    The Londons bought the 500-acre Glen Ellen ranch and vineyard in 1910 and named it Beauty ranch. It was where he lived, wrote, entertained friends and dignitaries and eventually died.


  • 写下什么话题文字呢?关于?关于?关于生,关于关于虚无关于万物?你写作只是为了还是为了悦人?

    And of what would you write: of love? Hate? Life? Death? Nothing? Everything? Would you write to please just yourself? Or other?


  • ·中的人物情节大多生活中经历过或者非常熟悉的,再说充满激情所以写作进度很快不到脱稿了。

    "Jane Eyre" in the plot and characters, most of her life experience or are very familiar with, say she is full of passion, so the progress of writing quickly, less than a year on the finalized.


  • 五身高的可以跳舞写作绘画帮助别人做志愿者做祷告

    At five foot five I can laugh, jump, run, dance, write, paint, help, volunteer, pray, love and cry.


  • 伦?写作侦探小说。

    Poe also wrote detective stores.


  • 所以本文最后结论霍尔顿塞林格来说生活方式和态度,也是写作风格和笔调。

    So the paper concludes that, for Holden and for Salinger, love is the style of life and the style of writing.


  • 该文小说为例,力求探索创作的语言风格写作技巧的独特诠释

    Based on this short story, this paper tries to explore Bunins language style, writing techniques, and his unique interpretation of love.


  • 世界上下面的责任感生活我们已经摆在我们面前下,我们自己的生活,”是源自思想写作父亲

    And in the World Below "there is sense of the lives of the people we love who have gone before us running underneath our own lives" that derives in part from thinking and writing about her father.


  • 我会回国女人结婚,我会继续写作

    I will go back to my country and marry the woman I love... I'll stick to writing books.


  • 名字应征写作工作

    My name is Ellen. I'm here to apply for the writing job.


  • 但是学习建立复杂系统兴趣鼓励成为一名工程师书面提出技术写作可行的令人兴奋选择我的工作我的

    However my interest in learning and building complex systems encouraged me to become an Engineer and my love toward writing made technical writing a viable and exciting choice for my work.


  • 也许知道主要兴趣一直以来是写作所以决定要去自由作家。我想,找回我u‘最初的’。

    As you may know, my primary interest has been in writing, so I have decided to become a free-lancer writer, which should put me back in touch with my 'first love'.


  • 一年不同写作风格走出波伦丝太太课堂

    I walked out of her class that year with a different look at writing. Before it had been this unattainable art that I would never get into.


  • 一年不同写作风格走出波伦丝太太课堂

    I walked out of her class that year with a different look at writing. Before it had been this unattainable art that I would never get into.


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