• 去年11月阿根廷法官鲁道夫·尼科巴·科拉尔发出了涉嫌爆炸男子国际逮捕令

    Last November, Argentine Judge Rodolfo Canicoba Corral issued international arrest warrants for eight men wanted in connection to the bombing.


  • 1988年泛美航空客机途径苏格兰洛克比上空爆炸事件导致270死亡只不过扎菲疯狂邪恶的终极表现之一而已。

    The bombing of a Pan Am plane over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988, which killed 270 people, was only the final confirmation of his madness and evil.


  • 据悉,当地时间7时56分莫斯科市中心的卢比地铁站发生爆炸,造成车厢14人和站台11死亡

    The dead in the first blast at 7:56 am included 14 people inside the train and another 11 people on the platform at the Lubyanka station in central Moscow.


  • 第一发生爆炸卢比得名臭名昭著卢比扬监狱,作为苏联时代秘密警察克格勃的总部

    The Lubyanka station, where the first explosion occurred, takes its name from the infamous Lubyanka prison that also served as the former headquarters of the KGB, the Soviet-era secret police.


  • 发生爆炸鲁比杨名字来源于臭名昭著的鲁比杨监狱这里曾经苏联特务机构克格勃的总部所在地。

    The Lubyanka station, where the latest explosion occurred, takes its name from the infamous Lubyanka prison that also served as the former headquarters of the KGB, the Soviet-era secret police.


  • 飞往途中,飞机在充满迷雾森林坠毁爆炸夺取了机上96的生命。

    An explosion in the fog of the forest took them and 94 others on the way to Katyn.


  • 目标”上爆炸了,方塞将军幸存了下来,而且仅在3个月便返回工作岗位

    She exploded on target but he survived to return to work just three months later.


  • 8名士兵坎大哈省内路边爆炸,1名士兵帕克·迪直升机撞机事故中受伤致死。

    Eight were killed in separate roadside bombings in Kandahar province, and one died of injuries from a helicopter crash in Paktika.


  • 拉斯·帕达·斯煤矿第一爆炸发生周六午夜据信甲烷引起

    The first blast, believed to have been caused by methane, hit the Raspadskaya mine just before midnight on Saturday.


  • 阿萨姆邦北部警察避免了孟买爆炸事件首府高哈蒂附近巴斯地区重现

    Police in the northern state of Assam have averted a repeat of the Mumbai blasts in Baska district near the capital Guwahati.


  • 2006年,丰差点成为猛虎组织一次自杀性爆炸中的亡魂。好在个月之后,安全回到司令官职位,向猛虎组织发起攻势消灭

    Fonseka was nearly killed by a LTTE suicide bomber in 2006, but in three months returned to his post as army commander and launched the offensive that would spell the end of the LTTE.


  • 1988年洛克比镇的泛美航空公司爆炸可能扎菲卷入名声最大同时也是最有争议事件

    The 1988 Pan Am bombing over Lockerbie is possibly the most well-known and controversial incident in which Gaddafi has been involved.


  • 但是否认巴基斯坦阿富汗所有自杀性爆炸袭击主要嫌疑犯哈提供庇护将会极大促进北约行动。

    But denying a Pakistani refuge to Mr Haqqani, the prime suspect in all suicide-bombing in Afghanistan, would still be a big boost to the NATO-led effort.


  • 就连放弃违禁核武器项目、对1988年泛美航空公司爆炸受害人进行赔偿以后,扎菲上校也从不美国盟友

    Even after giving up an illicit nuclear-weapons programme and compensating victims of the Pan am bombing of 1988, Colonel Qaddafi was never America's ally.


  • 专家们把眼光投入1979年墨西哥半岛伊克·斯托克爆炸希望找到线索,如何海湾是如何驱散降解石油的。

    Experts look to the 1979 Ixtoc blowout off Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula for clues to how oil disperses and degrades in the Gulf.


  • 贝茨先生说:“特拉维夫不到以色列空投加沙炮弹爆炸声,在斯德洛特,你却听得到。”

    "In Tel Aviv you don't hear Israel's bombs dropping on Gaza, but you do in Sderot," says Mr Elkabetz, explaining the empathy.


  • 确实通古斯爆炸冲击波的范围内的发现硝酸盐的存在。

    And indeed, nitrates are found in snow around the Tunguska blast.


  • 其中一文件提到,三军情报局将1000辆摩托车交给组织,人们认为该组织应该喀布尔发动大多数自杀性爆炸大规模袭击负责。

    One reports that the ISI handed 1, 000 motorcycles to the Haqqani network, thought responsible for most suicide bombings and spectacular attacks in Kabul.


  • 或许今天下午响彻的黎波里爆炸为了支持来自多哈的信息:扎菲上校必须下台。

    Perhaps the two explosions that echoed around Tripoli this afternoon were backing up the message from Doha that Colonel Gaddafi must go.


  • 巨大爆炸声中惨叫着和油轮沉入海底

    In a massive explosion, card and tin unseeing tanker sank to the seabed.


  • 当地时间凌晨1:00,扎菲上校居住公寓方向传来三声雷鸣般的爆炸随后我们酒店附近出现了一系列大的爆炸

    They began around 1:00 am local time with three thunderous explosions from the direction of Colonel Gaddafi's compound, followed by a series of even larger blasts much closer to our hotel.


  • 传统上当一个爆炸胜率人人都开始组,然后就占据越来越大部分环境

    Traditionally when a deck has a very high win rate, people begin to copy it, and it becomes a larger and larger part of the meta.


  • 的座驾爆炸当场夺走她的生命。残骸发出可怕撞击声萨鲁凄凉的表面翻滚

    Her vehicle exploded, killing her instantly, and the wreckage tumbled against the bleak Saleucami landscape in a fiery crash.


  • 世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)传播病毒巴西拉丁美洲的其他地方出现“爆炸”传播,从而使这场斗争突然变得更加紧迫

    The battle has abruptly become more pressing by what the World Health Organization has called the "explosive" spread of the mosquito-borne Zika virus through Brazil and other parts of Latin America.


  • 世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)传播病毒巴西拉丁美洲的其他地方出现“爆炸”传播,从而使这场斗争突然变得更加紧迫

    The battle has abruptly become more pressing by what the World Health Organization has called the "explosive" spread of the mosquito-borne Zika virus through Brazil and other parts of Latin America.


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