• 爱迪生灯泡中心,有燃烧灯丝产生火焰光芒

    Edison's bulb is, at its core, a burning filament that casts the glow of a flame.


  • 数百游客巴黎人站在那里看着火焰屋顶跃起大教堂塔尖着火燃烧然后倒塌时,人们震惊流泪

    As hundreds of tourists and Parisians stood and watched the flames leaping from the roof, there was shock and tears as the cathedral spire caught fire, burned, and then collapsed into itself.


  • 实验中的电棒本质上用电火焰燃烧器中推开,把燃料源中分离出来,然后熄灭了

    The electric wand in the experiments essentially uses electricity to push the flame away from the burner, detaching it from the fuel source, so it goes out.


  • 哈佛项近期实验中,一个电场火焰燃烧上推开。

    An electric field pushes a flame away from a burner in a recent Harvard experiment.


  • 他们很多枯枝一起,直到火焰熊熊燃烧,他们又高兴起来了。

    They piled on great dead boughs till they had a roaring furnace, and were gladhearted once more.


  • 流浪者安古斯之歌》里,了促使古斯追逐那种燃烧激情头脑里的火焰

    In "The Song of the Wandering Aengus," I talked about the kind of flickering passion and the fire in the head that sends Angus out on his quest.


  • 坦桑尼亚格雷戈里大裂谷座山脚下,纳特龙湖呈现火焰燃烧般的亮红色周围不幸落入咸水的动物遗体

    At the base of a mountain in Tanzania's Gregory Rift, Lake Natron burns bright red, surrounded by the remains of animals that were unfortunate enough to fall into the salty water.


  • 们曾试着燃烧化学物质,观察火焰的颜色。

    We once tried to burn the chemicals and watch the colors of the flames.


  • 在冬天并非拥有熊熊燃烧火焰,而是无物可烧。

    Instead of having bright blazing fires in winter, she had nothing to burn.


  • 即使那个最黑暗时刻,柏林人民希望火焰依旧熊熊燃烧

    But in the darkest hours, the people of Berlin kept the flame of hope burning.


  • 爱迪生灯泡则中心有一个燃烧灯丝产生火焰光芒

    And Edison's bulb is, at its core, a burning filament that casts the glow of a flame.


  • 无形的火焰之中死亡一种燃烧优雅翅膀

    Immaterial, death in flames is like a burning of light, graceful wings.


  • 谢谢你们确保自由火焰全世界熊熊燃烧

    Thank you for ensuring that the flame of freedom burns bright throughout the world.


  • 我们认为奥林匹克火焰代表了“奥林匹克精神”,这种精神奥林匹克参赛选手心中熊熊燃烧

    We are told this flame represents the "Olympic spirit," a spirit that burns strongest in the heart of the Olympic athlete.


  • 整夜南部邦联炮火持续不断,一直第二凌晨萨姆燃烧火焰越来越高,浓烟进入到了堡内,士兵们仍然在继续还击

    Confederate shells continued to smash into Sumter throughout the night and into the morning of the second day. The fires at Fort Sumter burned higher.


  • 火焰通过绳索开始燃烧,在死亡之前短距离的蹒跚几步

    The flames burnt through the rope and he was able to stagger a short distance before collapsing and dying.


  • 火焰四周靠近在下午4时300英尺的“燃烧飓风席卷了整个地区

    The flames closed in from all directions, and then, at 4 p.m., a 300-foot-tall "fire tornado" blazed across the area.


  • 为了使更清楚的看到一点,在手上这种胶,并且还加入了一种在燃烧可以发出透明黄色火焰的胶材料。

    To show you what it looks like up close, I covered my hand in the gel and then painted on some thinned-down contact cement, which produces a very nice opaque yellow flame when lit.


  • 之前着正在燃烧火焰段时间如果不到现实的火源,在网上一段熊熊燃烧火焰视频看看,或者找个安全地方划根火柴

    Stare at a burning fire for a time before going to your drawing; if you don't have a fire, look at a video of a crackling fire online or simply light a match somewhere safe.


  • 试图扑打火焰手指也粘上了然后手指也燃烧

    He tried to beat at the flames, but his fingers grew oily, and burst into fire.


  • 然后可怜格雷上炉门,那下面火焰熊熊燃烧然后:“从这里进去,看看是不是足够面包了。”

    "Then she dragged poor little Grethel up to the oven door, under which the flames were burning fiercely, and said:" Creep in there, and see if it is hot enough yet to bake the bread.


  • 那天他们橙色簇暗淡火焰很快就燃烧海蒂手腕肩膀大腿内侧

    That day, they were orange, a pallid fire that would soon flicker at Hattie’s wrists, shoulders, and the insides of her thighs.


  • 一小撮投入壁炉燃烧的火苗不仅制造出相当可爱黄色火焰使烟囱轻易掉下来,预防烟囱着火改善气体流通

    A handful of salt thrown onto the flames in your fireplace will not only produce pretty, vivid yellow flames, it will help loosen soot in the chimney, preventing chimney fires and improving air flow.


  • 不大,不小种难以描述的棕红色其中燃烧一种火焰准确地说是隐藏了双重表情矛盾得出奇

    They were neither large nor small, while their color was a nondescript brown; but in them smouldered a fire, or, rather, lurked an expression dual and strangely contradictory.


  • 这种办法的另一个好处在于,产生水蒸汽能够稀释周围空气中的氧气浓度,从而抑制火焰燃烧

    As a bonus, the steam also smothers the flames by diluting the amount of oxygen in the surrounding air.


  • 无论天气好坏火焰燃烧整整一个夏天,而伦敦的夏天对火炬却是考验

    This flame will stay lit through any weather a British summer may fling at it.


  • 心中自己的灰底下燃烧了一段时间但是得很清楚,它只是燃烧更深入一些,现在重又冒出来,把整个火焰里了。

    The fire had been smothered, and had smouldered for a time, but she saw all plainly now; it had but made headway, and now it had burst forth afresh, and had inflamed her whole being.


  • 多数女人没有窒息致死而是熊熊燃烧火焰被活活烧死

    Most of the women did not suffocate, but burned to death in the brilliant roar of the flames.


  • 时至今日,坑洞依旧燃烧着熊熊火焰无人知晓几十年中究竟有多少天然气资源由此浪费

    The gas is burning till now, no one knows how many cubic meters of the resource has been burnt.


  • 甚至英里外就可以看到熊熊火焰越过巨大的玻璃穹顶在国会大厦顶部燃烧景象让众多市民驻足观望。

    Flames leaping from the great glass dome surmounting the building could be seen for miles around, and attracted huge crowds to the scene.


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