• 本文重点分析气化锅炉燃烧部分,即联产过程分析

    This paper emphasis on analyzing the part of coal gasification and boiler burning, the analysis of process of gas and heat co-product.


  • 此前的策略凉爽的季节里,有控制燃烧部分森林,减少可燃物载量(fuelloads),由于市区民众纷纷抗议由此引起的烟雾,这个办法已经在许多城市被弃用。

    Controlled burning in cooler months, to reduce fuel loads, was given up in many places after city people protested about smoke hazes.


  • 祭品面粉部分掰去作为祭司会费剩下部分摆在祭坛里燃烧

    The offering was flour, oil, and incense. Part of the incense was taken away as the priest's dues, and the rest was burned in the altar.


  • 点燃蜡烛,因为通过计算着燃烧蜡烛剩下部分能推测时间

    He lit the candle and could tell the time by counting the number of parts left of the burning candle.


  • 这些分子燃烧起来汽油干净部分原因是它们-碳键更少如果有的话),而且它们排放碳氢化合物不太可能产生臭氧

    These molecules burn more cleanly than gasoline, in part because they have fewer, if any, carbon-carbon bonds, and the hydrocarbons they do emit are less likely to generate ozone.


  • 这些分子燃烧起来汽油清洁部分原因是它们-碳键更少或者不存在,而且它们排放碳氢化合物产生臭氧可能性更小。

    These molecules burn more cleanly than gasoline, in part because they have fewer, if and, carbon-carbon bonds, and the hydrocarbons they do emit are less likely to generate ozone.


  • 重新进入大气层过程中,部分航天器穿过地球大气层燃烧殆尽。

    During re-entry, most of the spacecraft will burn up while passing through the Earth's atmosphere.


  • 部分燃料北半球燃烧的,那里温度似乎正在下降。

    Most of the fuel is burnt in the northern hemisphere, where temperatures seem to be falling.


  • 部分燃料北半球燃烧的,那里温度似乎正在下降。

    Most of the fuel is burnt in the northern hemisphere, where temperatures seem to be falling.


  • 过去十年间中国煤炭燃烧持续排放可能全球气温保持相对稳定部分原因

    Increased emissions of sulphur from Chinese coal burning may be part of the reason why global temperatures were fairly stable over the past decade.


  • 模拟场景展示如何燃烧城市哪些部分受到影响。

    The simulation then shows how the fire would burn and what parts of the city would be affected.


  • 部分电动充电装置包括液态氢为燃料燃烧

    One contains an electric charging mechanism and the other includes electric combustion piles fueled by liquid hydrogen.


  • 植物剩下部分可以进一步利用生产液体燃料或者用来燃烧产生蒸汽发电

    The rest of the plant can then be further used to produce liquid fuels, or burned to produce steam for electricity generation.


  • 这些植物经过加热后粘稠度降低便直接柴油机燃烧或者部分油类经过化学方法加工生物柴油。

    When these oils are heated, their viscosity is reduced, and they can be burned directly in a diesel engine, or the oils can be chemically processed to produce fuels such as biodiesel.


  • 月亮正好阻挡住太阳中心部分人们太阳像燃烧圆环环绕在月球周边就是日环食

    As the Moon blocked just the central portion of the Sun, people looking skyward would have seen a fiery ring around the Moon's perimeter, what is known as an annular eclipse.


  • 煤炭需要转换气体剥离其中的然后燃烧剩余部分

    Coal is turned into a gas, the carbon is stripped out and the rest is burned.


  • Nadeau,有警察严重受伤,有两个年轻男子燃烧汽车爆炸炸掉了部分

    Two police officers were seriously injured and two young men lost parts of their hands in explosions when protesters torched cars, she said.


  • 作为业务部分公司设立工业基础设施包括甲烷气体燃烧

    As part of its operations, the company set up industrial infrastructure including methane gas burn-off stacks.


  • UNDP基金拨款国家将会收到一份避免温室气体排放信贷可能部分抵消他们国家石油燃烧费用

    Countries that paid into the UNDP fund would receive a credit for the avoided greenhouse gas emissions, potentially offsetting some of their own oil burning.


  • BP公司每天花费数百万美元栏收集石油使用化学分散剂分解石油,燃烧海洋表面部分石油。

    BP is spending millions of dollars a day to contain the oil with booms, using chemicals to disperse and break it up, and burning some oil on the ocean surface.


  • 灵感,这火炬你们内心强烈燃烧与此同时在你们的内在小孩部分缺乏着理解。

    While this inspiration, this torch of light, was burning strongly in your hearts there was at the same time a lack of understanding in the inner child part of yourself.


  • 干木材重量大约一半组成的,如果腐化了,燃烧了,部分碳都会以二氧化碳的形式释放出来

    Roughly half the dry weight of a tree is made up of stored carbon, most of which is released when the tree rots or is burned.


  • 制备食品烟熏直接干燥工序燃烧过程形成部分芳烃可能人类致癌物

    Parts of PAH are possible human carcinogens formed during the combustion of fuel both in the smoking and in the direct drying processes involved in the preparation of food.


  • 中国世界最大二氧化碳排放国部分来自化石燃料燃烧

    China is the world's biggest emitter of carbon dioxide, mostly from burning fossil fuels.


  • 中国世界最大二氧化碳排放国部分来自化石燃料燃烧

    China is the world's biggest emitter of carbon dioxide, mostly from burning fossil fuels.


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