• 丁醇本来是从发酵生产的,加仑丁醇燃烧乙醇释放更多能量可以通过现有输油管运输

    Butanol, which is typically made by fermenting sugar, packs more energy per gallon than ethanol and can be shipped via existing oil pipelines.


  • 根据一些报道丹麦每年燃烧蜡烛其他欧洲国家的人

    According to some reports, Danish people bum more candles every year than people from any other European country.


  • 此,他们空腹行走进食后行走燃烧的脂肪更多。

    As a result, they burned more fat during walks on an empty stomach than when they had eaten first.


  • 据大多数计算结果,竞走者以每小时6英里的速度前进时,每小时会燃烧大约800卡路里,尽管跑步时燃烧的热量要少,但这大约是他们走路时燃烧热量的两倍,跑步时每小时可能会燃烧大约1000卡路里或更多。

    According to most calculations, race walkers moving at a pace of six miles per hour would burn about 800 calories per hour, which is approximately twice as many as they would burn walking, although fewer than running, which would probably burn about 1,000 or more calories per hour.


  • 二手烟雾人们燃烧卷烟水烟烟草制品产生,并弥漫餐馆办公室其他封闭空间内的烟雾。

    Second-hand smoke is the smoke that fills restaurants, offices or other enclosed spaces when people burn tobacco products such as cigarettes, bidis and water pipes.


  • 但是太空这些火箭效率低——它们通过燃烧大量燃料产生了需要更多推力

    In space, however, these rockets are inefficient-they burn through huge quantities of fuel while generating more thrust than necessary.


  • 这些碳不能作为燃料因为提取出他们来所需要能量燃烧他们获得的能量还要大。

    It is useless as fuel, because it would take more energy to extract than would be gained by burning it.


  • 燃烧能量的的动物那些食物缓慢转换成能量的动物生存时间更短

    Creatures that burn up energy more quickly tend to have shorter lives than animals that convert food into energy slowly.


  • 是相当段时间内太阳能面板制造商目标因为随着太阳能发电价格下降甚至燃烧化石燃料发电的价格更便宜

    That's been the goal of solar panel makers for a long time, because as those prices decline electricity from the sun costs the same as, or is even cheaper than electricity from burning fossil fuels.


  • 公里燃烧热量一公里还要

    Walking a mile burns even more calories than running a mile.


  • 研究表明回收塑料燃烧塑料节省能量。

    Research shows that more energy is saved by recycling plastics than is gained by burning them.


  • 燃烧天然气发电依旧风力涡轮发电廉价。

    Burning natural gas is still a cheaper way of generating power than using wind turbines.


  • 产生燃烧其它天然气之类矿物燃料两倍二氧化碳

    Burning coal produces roughly twice the CO2 emissions of even another fossil fuel like natural gas.


  • 误区跑步走路燃烧脂肪。

    Myth I hate #4: Running a mile will burn more than walking a mile.


  • 氦气空气得多并且惰性气体意味着空气和明火接触不会燃烧,而氢气却会(请看下图)。

    Helium is far lighter than air and is inert, which means it won't combust when you combine it with air and energy, like Hydrogen does (below).


  • 一些公司同时认为这种新的电池也能传统电池安全——传统电池在短路的时候可能燃烧

    Some companies also think the new cells could be safer than batteries, which can burst into flame if short-circuited.


  • 与之相反,在煤炭开采甲烷释放要少燃烧煤炭所产生CO2燃烧天然气所释放的CO2多出2

    Coal, by contrast, is associated with a much smaller methane release during mining; but burning it produces about twice as much CO2 as burning natural gas.


  • 平流层火山喷发自然结果,这种硫燃烧煤释放的硫能造成更强的冷却效应。

    Sulphur in the stratosphere, a natural result of volcanic eruptions, provides a lot more cooling per tonne than the coal-emitted sort.


  • 其实所扬言的要简单得多科学家们正在开发一种系统利用在污水容易滋生的细菌产生氧化氮,通过火箭推进器燃烧耗尽

    It's actually simpler than it sounds — the scientists are developing a system that exploits sewage-loving bacteria to produce nitrous oxide, which can be used up by a rocket thruster.


  • 尽管迷你高尔夫不会燃烧脂肪消耗吊床更多热量

    Although miniature golf won't incinerate fat, it will burn more calories than lying in a hammock.


  • 这种燃料可以降低火箭研发操作成本,储存时也单纯的液体燃烧更为安全

    These rockets can be cheaper to develop and operate, and the fuel is safer to store than in purely liquid-fuelled ones.


  • 不幸的是,由于缺乏某些调整压缩专门方法这样引擎如果燃烧汽油的话会立刻四分五裂

    Unfortunately, without some special means for altering the compression ratio, such engines would quickly disintegrate if fuelled with petrol.


  • 千万年以来,人类主要燃料木头燃烧木头的过程,碳101较而言,煤燃烧过程中这个率是21,而石油的率则是12。

    Humanity's main fuel for eons was wood, which has a carbon-to-hydrogen ratio of 10 to 1 when burned; by comparison, that ratio is 2 to 1 for coal and 1 to 2 for oil.


  • 采用这样生物燃料认为是中性”,因为燃烧这些燃料产生的CO2生产过程中吸收的CO2少。

    The use of such biofuel is viewed by many ascarbon neutralbecause the carbon dioxide that is emitted from burning the fuel is less than the amount of CO2 the organisms absorb to grow.


  • 采用这样生物燃料认为是中性”,因为燃烧这些燃料产生的CO2生产过程中吸收的CO2少。

    The use of such biofuel is viewed by many as' carbon neutral 'because the carbon dioxide that is emitted from burning the fuel is less than the amount of CO2 the organisms absorb to grow.


  • 火苗山上以及高速公路两边燃烧时,它似乎有催眠作用。火苗卡车高多了。

    The flames were almost hypnotic as they raged on the mountain and along both sides of the highway, towering above his truck.


  • 实验表明老鼠服此药4周后正常同类燃烧热量更多效果更好。

    The experiments showed that sedentary mice that took the drug for 4 weeks burned more calories and had less fat than untreated mice.


  • Leibel博士提到:“人们减掉难以置信的重量不是为了获得更大食量而是燃烧正常值更多的卡路里创立完善体重反弹体系。”

    People who lose significant weight not only gain bigger appetite but also burn fewer calories than normal, creating "a perfect storm for weight regain," Leibel said.


  • 环境学家质疑燃烧树木获取能量效益表示一些例子中,“生命周期排放排放效果差。

    Environmentalists have also questioned the carbon benefits of burning trees for power, saying that in some cases the "lifecycle" emissions are worse than coal.


  • 环境学家质疑燃烧树木获取能量效益表示一些例子中,“生命周期排放排放效果差。

    Environmentalists have also questioned the carbon benefits of burning trees for power, saying that in some cases the "lifecycle" emissions are worse than coal.


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