• 化石燃料释放地球储存多年

    Fossil fuels release carbon that has been stored for years from the earth.


  • 燃烧石油其他矿物燃料释放二氧化碳上升毛毯陷阱地球

    The burning of oil and other fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide, which rises, blankets the earth and traps heat.


  • 燃烧石化燃料释放出的二氧化碳很多科学家认为是导致气候变化的主要的人为因素

    Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide, which many scientists describe as the biggest man-made contributor to global warming.


  • 世界卫生组织估计使用这些燃料释放温室气体每年能导致150万人死亡——大多数妇女小孩

    The World Health Organization estimates that using those fuels, which also releases greenhouse gases, is responsible for 1.5 million deaths per year - most of them children and women.


  • 这些燃料释放粒子它们速度要快于光速水中速度因此会产生一种名为切伦科夫(契伦科夫)射线本身无害光线

    The particles the fuel gives off, which travel faster than the speed of light in water, can as a result produce a particular type of light, harmless in itself, called Cerenkov radiation.


  • 大多数大气并不化石燃料释放的二氧化碳一样,几天沉淀析出。 氨气--氮和氧的化合物-遇水变成氨基,随雨水在地上起化肥作用。

    Most nitrogen doesn't stay in the atmosphere the way carbon dioxide from fossil fuel does, but precipitates out within a few days.


  • 他们从未提及农场工厂生产食物需要燃料以及释放二氧化碳

    They never refer to the fuel that farms and factories require to produce the food, and the carbon dioxide that releases.


  • 我们应该减少使用那些释放温室气体燃料

    We should lower the use of fuels that release greenhouse gases.


  • 地图可以帮助科学家们了解人类燃烧化石燃料释放二氧化碳,有多少全球树木吸收贮存起来。

    The map may help scientists build an inventory of how much of the carbon dioxide people release by burning fossil fuels gets stored by trees around the world.


  • 不仅仅化石燃料二氧化碳最大释放源,更是不清洁的能源

    Coal is not only the largest fossil fuel reservoir of carbon dioxide, it is the dirtiest fuel.


  • 我们人类无节制的活动,挖掘矿物燃料燃烧释放它们大气中

    Digging up fossil fuels, burning it and releasing it in the atmosphere.


  • 核能矿物燃料不同,完全没有元素,不会在燃烧释放改变大气的二氧化碳

    Unlike such fossil fuels, which release climate-changing carbon dioxide when burnt, nuclear power is "carbon free".


  • 不过,考虑到植物生长过程中是会吸收二氧化碳的,因而用于制造生物燃料植物可以抵消一部分它们作为汽车燃料释放的二氧化碳。

    But since plants absorb carbon dioxide as they grow, crops grown for biofuels should suck up about as much carbon dioxide as comes out of the tailpipes of cars that burn these fuels.


  • 原因保养得好的汽车消耗较少燃料释放较少温室气体,使用寿命更长,这样可以一段时间内保持环境银行帐户的平衡

    The idea is that a well-kept car will consume less fuel, pump out fewer greenhouse gases and also last longer, which in the longterm helps the environment and your bank balance.


  • 几个燃料组件放到反应堆中心释放的能量会更高

    Put several fuel assemblies into the core of a nuclear reactor, and the amount of energy released gets even higher.


  • 核裂变产生能量极其巨大——相比同等质量的普通燃料汽油等,核裂变材料释放出的能量几百万

    Nuclear fission produces insane amounts of energy — we're talking several million times more energy than you'd get from a similar mass of a more everyday fuel like gasoline.


  • 猜想至少是一架民兵军用飞机燃料泵着火并释放大量烟雾导致的。

    He said that several of the explosions — thought to be the result of at least one military aircraft and a fuel tank catching fire and releasing plumes of smoke — were particularly large.


  • 意味着如果我们贻贝海鲜酱、卡西诺式烧或者其他美味的海鲜佳肴,我们最好立刻摆脱我们对那些释放碳的化石燃料的依赖。

    It means if we want to keep eating mussels marinara, clams casino, or other alliterative seafood dishes, we'd better kick our carbon-emitting fossil fuels habit right quick.


  • 煤灰化石燃料(特别是柴油煤碳)、木材其他生物燃料燃烧释放的。

    Soot is released from burning fossil fuels (particularly diesel and coal), wood, and other biofuels.


  • 燃烧过程释放CO2来自森林木材绿色燃料,森林吸收CO2。

    Assuming it comes from properly managed forests, however, wood is a green fuel because the CO2 released when it gets burned will be sucked from the air by the trees planted to replace the felled ones.


  • 预计到2050由于化石燃料燃烧释放二氧化碳溶于海水,海水变全球范围珊瑚礁急剧缩减

    2050 projected year when coral reefs worldwide will shrink because of increased ocean acidity as atmospheric carbon dioxide, from burning fossil fuels, dissolves in seawater.


  • 虽然燃料电池电动汽车本身不会释放二氧化碳,但使用化石燃料生产氢气电能依旧会产生二氧化碳

    While fuel cell or electric vehicles emit no carbon dioxide themselves, CO2 is produced when hydrogen or electricity is produced from fossil fuels.


  • 大多数生物燃料顶多达到平衡,即他们生长吸收的二氧化碳被制成生物燃料燃烧释放二氧化碳等量。

    Most biofuels are at best carbon neutral, emitting as much carbon dioxide when they're produced and burned as the biofuel crops take in as they grow.


  • 大多数生物燃料顶多达到平衡,即他们生长吸收的二氧化碳被制成生物燃料燃烧释放二氧化碳等量。

    Most biofuels are at best carbon neutral, emitting as much carbon dioxide when they're produced and burned as the biofuel crops take in as they grow.


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