• 取暖燃料上涨老年人引起许多忧虑。

    The increase in the tax on heating fuel is causing a lot of anxiety among elderly people.


  • 计划包括更高燃料还有退休年龄延长无论男女

    He also plans tax rises, including higher fuel taxes, and an increase in the retirement age for both men and women.


  • 他们设备其他物品,并把间接支付他们的设备和燃料

    They spend money on equipment and other items, and they also spend it indirectly by paying taxes on their equipment and fuel.


  • 比如美国采取管制形式来控制汽车尾气排放欧洲采用征收燃料的方法。

    Vehicle emissions, for instance, are controlled by regulation in America, whereas they are mostly discouraged by fuel taxes in Europe.


  • 燃料同样起着环保利器的作用因为精准目标污染物同时改变习惯

    Fuel duty has also served as a useful environmental weapon, since it accurately targets a pollutant and changes behaviour.


  • 的确今年年初我们认为没有理由燃料作出任何改变,但只能说明当时的情况

    And while it is true to say that earlier in the year we saw no reason to make any changes to fuel tax, that statement applied to the situation then.


  • 而对燃料微小调整实际上意味着驾车人士跟年初相比汽油花费变少

    This slight adjustment in fuel tax means that in real terms, motorists are actually paying less for their petrol than at the beginning of the year.


  • 我们继续最大努力,帮助勤劳人们获得财产安全感削减收入所得冻结燃料

    We're going to keep on doing everything possible to help hardworking people feel financially secure cutting income taxes and freezing fuel duty.


  • 但是此刻加拿大担心的是经济停滞能源消耗增加所以他们可能欢迎Mr Dion的提高燃料的建议。

    But at the moment they are more worried about a slowing economy and rising energy costs. So they are unlikely to welcome higher fuel taxes, as Mr Dion proposes.


  • 如果燃料税确实上调,则可能进一步打击英国消费前景我们认为降低近期几率,从而利空英镑

    If the rise does go ahead this would cloud the outlook for UK consumption even further and weigh on the pound in our view as it would make a rate hike less likely in the near-term.


  • 通过使用玉米乙醇作为替代汽油成本将会降低因为现在化石燃料进口已经计算价格

    By using corn ethanol instead, the cost of gas will decrease because now the import taxes on fossil fuels are calculated into the price.


  • 经济学角度来看,为了应对外部性原则上应该征收准确的:燃料征收的应该等于使用一升燃料造成危害

    Economics is precise about the tax that should, in principle, be levied to deal with negative externalities: the tax on a liter of fuel should be equal to the harm caused by using a liter of fuel.


  • 燃料车辆很多地方将会上升

    Fuel and vehicle taxes will go up in many places.


  • 国际能源署估算与之形成对比的是美国近海风力发电,成本50-70美元/千瓦时化石燃料发电如果不算温室气体排放的话,价格低。

    That compares with $50-70 per MWh for onshore wind power in America, by the IEA’s reckoning, and even lower prices for power from fossil fuels, unless taxes on greenhouse-gas emissions are included.


  • 石油使用征收货物激励有车一族生产者最优化他们的燃料使用,由此减缓石油需求增长

    Impose an excise tax on oil to increase incentives to drivers and manufacturers to economize on fuel use and soften growth in demand for oil.


  • 1992签订协议年,比尔·克林顿尝试通过能源使美国开始逐步减少化石燃料依赖

    A year after the 1992 treaty, President Bill Clinton tried to pass an energy tax that would have helped the US to begin reducing its dependence on fossil fuels.


  • 排放许可拍卖不仅有利于解决气候变化问题,也会挤压化石燃料出口商暴利空间。

    Carbon taxes or auctioned emissions permits not only address climate change but recapture some of the windfall profits of fossil fuel exporters.


  • 令人惊讶的是他们放弃酒精燃料机会,就征收或者是控制温室气体总量管制计划,他们都懒得考虑。

    Surprisingly, they also passed up the opportunity to lavish more subsidies on ethanol. They did not even bother to consider a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade scheme for greenhouse gases.


  • 消减了燃料进口

    It also cut import duties on fuel.


  • 与此同时化石燃料公司受到用于“解决气候变化影响意外收入打击。

    Meanwhile, fossil fuel corporations will be hit with a windfall tax that will be used to "deal with the effects of climate change."


  • 作为交换,德国境内17核电站运营商需要每年为年度燃料再生能源基金支付总额为23亿欧元费用。

    In exchange, the operators of Germany's 17 nuclear plants will pay a combined 2.3 billion euros in annual fuel-rod taxes and contribute to a renewable-energy fund.


  • 许娟表示:“除了涨价以外,我们别无选择,因为我们所有成本都在上涨——人工燃料运输甚至进入这个市场费用很多

    "We've got no choice but to raise prices because all our costs are going upwages, fuel, taxes, transport and even the fee to get into this market has gone way up, " Ms Xu said.


  • 各种各样专家自由党保守党的,同意汽油煤炭其他燃料资源征收,这最简单有效减少碳的排放量方法

    A wide range of experts, liberal and conservative, agree that imposing a carbon tax on gasoline, coal and other sources of fuel would be the simplest and most efficient way to reduce carbon emissions.


  • 最终有望缓解澳大利亚化石燃料严重依赖

    Eventually, the carbon tax is expected to alleviate Australia's heavy reliance on fossil fuels.


  • 例如黎巴嫩燃料国内产品进行了削减,降幅超过GDP的1%。

    Lebanon, for example, has cut fuel excise tax by over 1% of GDP...


  • 例如黎巴嫩燃料国内产品进行了削减,降幅超过GDP的1%。

    Lebanon, for example, has cut fuel excise tax by over 1% of GDP...


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