• 本文重点探讨了膨胀出口效率影响

    The influence of liquid quantity carried out from the exit of expansion machine upon its isentropic efficiency is emphatically discussed in this paper.


  • 同时介绍利用上述基本热力学数据计算石油天然气膨胀机制过程效率

    The basic data thus obtained could be used for the calculation of the isentropic efficiency in the expanding process of natural gas in refrigeration.


  • 合适倾角有利于扩大压气机工作范围能够改善流道内流动提高效率

    An appropriate front lean Angle increases the range of a centrifugal compressor, improves the flow and enhances the isentropic efficiency.


  • 优化实例结果显示某高压涡轮导叶效率93.88%提高94.94%,局部区域流动情况得到较大改善,匹配更加合理

    The optimization results show that the efficiency changes from 93.88% to 94.94%. Flow situation in several local zones is improved and profile surface matching results are more reasonable.


  • 获得了最大生态学函数条件下最佳效率输出功率产生与在最大输出功率条件下结果进行比较。

    The optimal efficiency, output power and entropy production at the maximum of an ecological function are obtained, and are compared with those results at the condition of maximum output power.


  • 生态学优化牺牲小部分输出功率为代价,较大地降低循环而且一定程度上提高热机效率

    The optimization of the ecological function makes the entropy generation rate of cycle decrease greatly and the thermal efficiency increase with the cost of a little decreasing of the power output.


  • 为了接近效率,所涉及过程热机循环必须可逆涉及没有改变

    In order to approach the carnot efficiency the processes involved in the heat engine cycle must be reversible and involve no change in entropy.


  • 温度缓蚀效率影响由于效应不是效应

    The effect of temperature on the inhibition efficiency is attributed to the entropy change rather than the enthalpy effect.


  • 因此,生态学目标函数不仅反映输出功率之间的最佳折衷而且反映输出功率和热效率之间的最佳折衷。

    So it represents not only a compromise between the power output and the entropy generation rate but also one between the power output and the thermal efficiency.


  • 组织系统管理效率递减规律效应一个具有普遍意义并且具有重要研究价值课题

    The degression rule of the administrative efficiency of organizational systems, namely entropy effect, is a universal subject with important research value.


  • 建模型分析认为,核电同行评估实际上帕累托改进过程,也是一个企业治理的过程,因此,也是企业运行绩效改进、效率提高的过程。

    It shows that the peer review of nuclear power is actually a process of Pareto improvement, and of governance entropy decrease. It's a process of improvement of the enterprise operational efficiency.


  • 采用最大减少风速时程分析时频域上的信息损失提高效率

    The maximum entropy method is adopted to reduce the information loss and improve computational efficiency.


  • 提高物流网络协同效率有序程度提出了协同物流网络结构运行综合分析方法

    A synthetic method based on structure entropy and operation entropy was put forward to improve the collaboration efficiency and order degree of logistics network.


  • 进一步将作为支持向量机(SVM分类器的输入量,结果表明SVM具有良好分类能力计算效率,可以满足在线监测的要求。

    Then, inputting the two-dimension spectrum entropy into the SVM classification, the result shows that SVM has fine compute efficiency and classified ability.


  • 不足方法的计算效率不如传统方差信息方法快。

    The shortcoming of this method is but that its efficiency is slightly inferior to that of the traditional MSE and information entropy.


  • 激励系统运行过程中产生激励导致激励效率下降,因此激励可作为激励系统活力的度量。

    An incentive system produces incentive entropy during its operation, resulting in a decrease in incentive efficiency.


  • 实验数据表明算法准确清晰地分割人脸皮肤区域非皮肤区域,且分割效率效果单纯使用常用的二最大分割算法优化。

    The data of experiment shows that the algorithm can separate skin and non-skin regions accurately, and then the result of segmentation is better than method using two-dimensional maximum entropy.


  • 实验结果表明预处理方法改变了图像统计特性,从而提高图像的压缩编码效率

    The experimental results illustrate that the proposed method efficiently improves the performance of entropy coding by increasing the compression ratio than that of plain entropy coding.


  • 利用混沌优化方法一次寻找图像多个极值提高了阈值寻找的效率

    Chaos optimization is used to search all local optimal points of the entropy function in once searching, which can improve the efficiency of searching threshold.


  • 讨论传热单元、冷热流体热容量型对换热器传递有效度的影响,并把换热器传递有效度和效率以及换热器无因产数进行了比较。

    The effects of heat transfer units number, heat capacity ratio of fluids and flow patterns on exergy-transfer effectiveness are discussed. The comparison among exergy -...


  • 讨论传热单元、冷热流体热容量型对换热器传递有效度的影响,并把换热器传递有效度和效率以及换热器无因产数进行了比较。

    The effects of heat transfer units number, heat capacity ratio of fluids and flow patterns on exergy-transfer effectiveness are discussed. The comparison among exergy -...


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