• 尼安德能够捕杀长毛猛犸象

    Neanderthal man was able to kill woolly mammoths and bears.


  • 伟大社会科学家约瑟夫·曾说过一句话,大意是:没有创造性的破坏,就没有彻底创新

    To paraphrase the great social scientist Joseph Schumpeter: there is no radical innovation without creative destruction.


  • 每年都会收到100捐赠的玩具,弗志愿者们每年都会举办活动,志愿者们不仅分发玩具分发衣服食物其他东西

    With donations at more than 100 bears a year, Fredette and volunteers host activities every year, where volunteers not only give out the bears, but also clothing, meals, and other things.


  • 年来,努纳武的一些因纽人报告说,在人类居住区周围看到北极的情况有所增加,这使人们认为其数量在增加。

    In recent years some Inuit people in Nunavut have reported increases in bear sightings around human settlements, leading to a belief that populations are increasing.


  • 气候变暖让北极受到威胁是因为他们需要冰海捕捉海豹但是一个暖和的气候因纽会带来很多麻烦

    Polar bears are threatened because they use sea ice as a platform from which to hunt seals. But a warming climate brings many problems for the Inuit.


  • 衰退带来问题逐渐深入分歧理念核心:究竟应该求助凯恩斯主义的刺激还是的创造性毁灭

    The recession raises questions that go to the heart of the ideological division between the parties: should you resort to Keynesian stimulus or Schumpeterian creative destruction?


  • 如果马哈成为海岸边主要脂肪蛋白质来源的话,雌性可以大吃吃大马哈鱼,以储存更多的脂肪准备越冬,同时也在潜在地增加产仔率

    If salmon are a coastal bear's primary fat and protein source, a successful female can feast on salmon to store more fat for winter, potentially increasing the number of cubs she can produce.


  • 为了纪念设立了一个纪念基金,这个基金用来对北极栖息地进行保护。

    A memorial fund has been opened in honor of Knut, with funds going toward the preservation of polar bear habitats.


  • 这种诞生和消亡过程,称为“创造性破坏”,第一个认识经济增长主要动力。

    Schumpeter called this birth-and-death processcreative destruction,” and realized before anyone else that it was the main source of economic growth.


  • 一般意义上,在扮演领主的角色,当不用奉承时,奉承,当然挖苦的。

    More generally, Schumpeter seemed to be playing the role of grand seigneur, and he tended to flatter where flattery was not due, no doubt satirically.


  • 动物园网站上也满给克的留言,安娜的网友写道:“克努可爱的北极,你怎么会死呢?”

    "Knut, you were the sweetest polar bear that I ever knew — why did you have to die?" wrote one mourner named Anna.


  • 抑或怪物最好朋友宝宝

    Or that Telly Monster's best friend is Baby Bear?


  • 一家德国报纸报道很快就要结束单身生活了,慕尼黑北极季亚娜会做伴

    According to a German newspaper, Knut will soon cease to be alone, as polar bear Gianna from Munich is to be his partner.


  • 老师打着拍子,我唱野餐》,这我们派对恐怖游戏之一。正常的说话声是和亨利?

    Teacher had tapped me to sing "The Teddy Bears Picnic" as part of the scary entertainment for our party.


  • 充分利用日记,于此我们得知自我怀疑当然公开场合明显

    He makes full use of Schumpeter's diaries, which is where we learn of his self-doubt; it certainly was not evident in his public manner.


  • 一方面认可马克思一些分析理论重要性独创性:另一方面,他又从个方面批判马克思思想体系

    While acknowledging the importance and originality of some of Marx's analytical contributions, Schumpeter offers a threefold criticism of the Marxian system.


  • 哈佛师从已故约瑟夫·后,美国海军支持入侵北非驱逐舰服役

    After Harvard, where he studied under the late Joseph Schumpeter, he spent four years in the U.S. Navy, serving on a destroyer that supported the invasion of North Africa.


  • 世界各地动物爱好者为他们失去深爱北极克努而悲痛

    Animals lovers around the world mourn the loss of beloved polar bear, Knut.


  • 生命最后-1945年六十六死去的1950年-才认识

    I knew Joseph Schumpeter only in the last five years of his life, from 1945 until his death in 1950, at the age of sixty-six.


  • 就意味着如果追击猎物,那么即使是世界短跑纪录创造者尤塞恩博尔难以幸免于难。

    That means if a bear decides to give chase, even Usain Bolt, the world record sprinter, could not outrun it.


  • 科学家们美国阿拉斯加州附近北极进行了研究,宣称北极这次耐力之旅可能由于气候变化的影响。

    Scientists studying bears around the Beaufort sea, north of Alaska, claim this endurance feat could be a result of climate change.


  • 进一步解释了生产率提高这一概念

    Schumpeter further expanded the idea of productivity increases.


  • 真正重要依然的作品——一些随笔想多谈一些。

    Still, what really matters are Schumpeter's writings-the books and a couple of essays; and that is where I have something to add.


  • 德国柏林动物园北极正在室外洗澡

    Polar bear Knut takes a bath in his outdoor enclosure at the zoo in Berlin, Germany.


  • 在美国顿山(GrandTetons)已经有长的段历史了,它们认为危险物种之一。

    Grizzlies are known to be some of the most dangerous bears and have a long-standing history in the Grand Tetons.


  • 根据预测目前波弗海岸这些占总数5-10%,根据2006年美国地理调查北极约1500只。

    The bears currently onshore represent 5-10% of the southern Beaufort population, estimated in 2006 by US Geological Survey to be 1, 500 bears.


  • 楚科奇鱼类野生动物组织未来目标防止阿拉斯加北极两个种群进一步减少

    The conservation goal of the Fish and Wildlife Service over the next five years is to prevent further decline of Alaska's two polar bear populations, the southern in Beaufort and in the chukchi.


  • 楚科奇鱼类野生动物组织未来目标防止阿拉斯加北极两个种群进一步减少

    The conservation goal of the Fish and Wildlife Service over the next five years is to prevent further decline of Alaska's two polar bear populations, the southern in Beaufort and in the chukchi.


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