• 自然采光人工照明良好空间明亮良好的隔断,保证员工工作环境安静舒适

    The natural natural lighting and the artificial lighting are good, the space big, has the good room partition brightly, guaranteed that staff's working conditions are peaceful, are comfortable.


  • 自然采光人工照明良好空间明亮良好隔断保证员工工作环境安静舒适

    Natural lighting and artificial illume is good, the space is large, bright, good partition, ensure employees working environment quiet and comfortable.


  • 这个避难所典型的小型避难所,最近才公布出来,进行了良好修复有着很好的工作照明

    This one is characterized by extremely small size, recent kitting-up, rather good repair and working lighting.


  • 一项研究表明,与村民相比照明系统良好城市居民有可能发胖——即使饮食相同

    According to a study, those living in well-lit towns or cities are more likely to become obese than country dwellers - even if they eat the same amount.


  • 整个灯具设计美观简洁大气豪华既有良好照明效果能给人带来美的感受

    The lighting design Elegant, luxurious atmosphere, both good lighting effects, but also brings the feeling of beauty.


  • 过去现在相当长的段时间里,采光照明设计尽管了巨大进步良好发展趋势,但仍然存在一些观念上的误区

    In the past a few years, although the design of daylighting and illumination has made a splendid progress and a good developing tendency, there are still some error notions remained.


  • 我们大量窗户调和建筑巨大规模,窗户建筑带来明亮室内提供了良好照明

    We moderated the building's monumentality with a large number of Windows, which gave lightness to the structure and provided good illumination to its interior.


  • 这样适度照明特别舒适感来自落地窗良好视野创建了出来。

    So moderate lighting, special comfort and magnificent view from the Windows lowered into the floor is created.


  • 如何保持良好通风照明效果

    How to maintain good ventilation and lighting performance?


  • 另外为了达到设计上分辨距离还要有良好照明反衬度。

    In addition, to obtain the designed resolution distance, GND lighting and good contrast are necessary.


  • 照明最近而又通风散热良好地方通过使用双面胶布、带、螺丝材料镇流器牢固安装固定。

    Stick the ballast on the nearest place from the headlamp in the engine room firmly by using double-faced tape cable tie and etc.


  • 科学数据表明良好道路照明至少降低30%城市交通事故率,45%的乡村道路事故率,30%的高速交通事故率。

    Scientific data indicate that:Good street lighting reduced by at least 30% of City traffic accident rate, 45% of the rural road accident rate, and 30% of high-speed traffic accident rate.


  • 回收设备运作非常良好照明取暖

    This collector device works very good for lighting and heating.


  • 因此塑造良好交通广场照明环境不能注重水平照度包括垂直方向的光线数量。

    Thus to create a good lighting environment for the traffic squares, we should not only pay attention to the horizontal illuminance, but also vertical illuminance within the space.


  • 颜色往往有点冲了出去即使蔚蓝的天空良好照明

    Colors tend to be somewhat washed out, even under blue skies with good lighting.


  • 设置自动模式下相机如果良好照明主要对象在相机重点是不能一个小型摄像机照片

    Setting your camera in auto mode, if you have good lighting and the main object is in the camera's focus, you CANNOT get a bad photo from a compact camera.


  • 良好道路照明要求LED路灯长方形的光,路灯发出的所有刚刚可以覆盖住马路马路之外的光污染几乎为零。

    A good roadway illumination requires the LED street light to have a rectangular light distribution pattern just cover the roadway and without any light pollution out of the road.


  • 智能照明系统满足照明质量的前提下,具有良好节能效果

    Intelligent lighting system could meet the lighting quality, and has good effect on energy saving.


  • 您在外行走时应对周遭环境保持警觉,附近有人地方,或是晚上时有良好照明的地方。

    Be aware and take notice of what's around you when out walking. Stick to areas that have other people around, and that are well lit at night.


  • 良好照明设计当然离不开完整照明文件这一环节。

    One element of good lighting design is of course complete lighting documentation.


  • 一个白色背景对比鲜明的黑线良好照明比较有益的。

    Comparison against a white background with contrasting black lines and good lighting are helpful.


  • 合理选用光源不但获得良好照明效果达到节能目的

    To properly use them can obtain not only the good lighting effect but also achieve the purpose of energy saving.


  • 实验证明半导体制冷系统解决太阳能LED照明系统散热问题具有良好效果

    The experiment shows that, the semiconductor refrigeration system in solving the radiation problem of solar energy LED lighting system achives very good effect.


  • 智能照明控制作为智能大楼内照明控制种方式,由于良好性能独特的控制效果越来越受到业主设计人员的青睐。

    The intelligent Lighting control system with its better properties and unique effect, as a kind of control in the building, is highly appreciated by the owners and designers.


  • 桥身桥面充满工业冷峻钢材难免少了一丝亲切,为了与环境形成良好呼应,灯杆扶手秉承就地取材的原则,选用道地的乡间材料——竹子,内部通体打穿并埋入照明线路

    The industrial steel structure of bridge make it unkind. So we chose the local material bamboo to make the light poles and handrails. Bamboos are pierced to put in lighting wires.


  • LED照明应用离不开它所需要驱动控制电路,通过驱动电路来获得良好平稳电流使LED照明更加稳定,满足各种场合的应用要求,同时可以延长LED使用寿命。

    LED drivers are necessary in the application of LED lighting. They can supply constant output current and make the LED light even, and also can make the LED's life longer.


  • LED照明应用离不开它所需要驱动控制电路,通过驱动电路来获得良好平稳电流使LED照明更加稳定,满足各种场合的应用要求,同时可以延长LED使用寿命。

    LED drivers are necessary in the application of LED lighting. They can supply constant output current and make the LED light even, and also can make the LED's life longer.


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