• 结果表明破碎程度体表面扩散作用主要度量因子

    The result shows that the coal broken degree is the main token factor for measuring the oxygen free-diffusing characteristics in coal.


  • 加工利用过程中的一个重要指标,可磨性指数煤的破碎机理、破碎后的粒度分布均有关系。

    The grindability of coal is an important parameter in pulverized coal utilization, and the HGI(Hardgrove Grindability Index) is relevant to the coal pulverization and the particle size distribution.


  • 深入分析破碎特点,指出层间顶煤的破碎效果多因素综合作用的结果,不同开采条件具有不同的放效果。

    The stability of main and immediate roof structure and its influence on strata behaviour are analysed. The failure features of roof coal between top and bottom slice are thoroughly studied.


  • 形成过程特征破碎机械、灰颗粒破碎磨耗特性等方面进行了研究。

    The procedure of coal' s formation, the characteristics of coalrock, the crusher and particles' fragmentation and attrition are researched.


  • 分析采高支架应力位移分布影响破碎机理的分析和顶移动和运动规律的研究提供依据

    Mining high and support have influence on stress and displacement distribute of top coal, which offer the basic law of mechanical for top coal broken analysis and movement.


  • PCB系列锤式破碎可供化工、泥、等工业部门或细碎各种中等硬度以下的脆性矿山、灰

    PCB series crusher is used for breaking medium degree of hardness materials, such as brittle ore, rock, coal limestone, slag, etc. in chemicals, cement, building materials and electricity industries.


  • 破碎燃烧过程中的一个复杂物理化学过程。

    Coal particle fragmentation represents a complicated physicochemical process during the combustion of coal.


  • 方法爆技术解决破碎顺利放出的有效途径之一。

    The technique of primary drilling and blasting is an effective way to solve the problem of crushing, caving and transportation.


  • 论述综放开采破碎机理变形破碎回收规律

    The paper discusses the roof coal breakage principle, deformation breakage and retrieval law and analyzes factors affecting cover caving ability.


  • 根据模拟结果分析了开采范围支承压力峰值变化破碎影响

    On the basis of model's results, effects in top-coal smash, and changes of peak value of abutment pressure within mining range are analyzed.


  • 干净送入破碎锅炉

    The clean coal is sent to a crusher and the boilers.


  • 结果表明,诸因素均诱发自由基形成体被破碎细小,自由基浓度越大

    The results show that the smaller coal size, the higher oxidation temperature, and the longer oxidation time, the higher concentration of paramagnetic center are able to form free radicals.


  • 试验结果表明,经过哈氏可磨性测定仪后,工业分析都发生了不同程度的变化,而破碎粒度分布取决于种的化程度,而与种的可磨性指数相关性较小。

    The results(indicated) that the approximate analysis of the pulverized coal changed to different degrees, and the particle size distribution mainly depended on the coal rank but not the HGI.


  • 巷道掘进时由于受断裂构造影响,瓦斯含量大应力集中松软破碎,掘进困难

    Because of crack structure, high gas amount, concentrated stress, soft and broken coal, it's very difficult for tunneling.


  • 总结现场试验效果基础上应用断裂力学理论分析倾斜层巷道放裂纹扩展破碎机理

    On the basis of summarizing testing effects, the extension of crack and the breaking mechanism of top coal caving in steep seam have been analyzed by applying fracture mechanics theory.


  • 如果稳定性差,入炉后就受热产生崩裂破碎这样一来就提高炉内阻力增加物的数量

    If the poor thermal stability of coal, coal charging hind can because of be heated and produce split, broken, so they will improve furnace resistance and increase the number of bring out content.


  • 解决工作面旋转中心反复支撑情况下十分破碎难以管理问题能把端头的弧形三角基本回收

    This will not only solve the problem of the rotation center of the face was very broken in repeated supporting role and was very difficult to manage, but also will basic recovery t...


  • 解决工作面旋转中心反复支撑情况下十分破碎难以管理问题能把端头的弧形三角基本回收

    This will not only solve the problem of the rotation center of the face was very broken in repeated supporting role and was very difficult to manage, but also will basic recovery t...


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