• 如果拍摄对象耳朵很大,就让他们稍微侧下头这样就只有一个耳朵拍出来了,然后光源一个耳朵消失阴影中,就不会注意到。

    If your model has big ears, then turn their head so only one is showing and then feather the light so that the other ear will fall into shadows and not be noticeable.


  • 额外试验:让朋友阴影然后打开闪光灯试试!

    Bonus experiment: Stand your friend in the shade and pop up your flash!


  • 先是联邦税收抵免结束然后让人闹心就业消息以及抵债房屋存量高居不下的阴影

    There is the end of the federal tax credit, and the crappy employment news, and the shadow inventory of foreclosed homes.


  • 点击选框显示更多选项”,然后修改阴影数量为100,调整中间调对比度为- 100。

    Click in the box "show more options". Then change Shadows: Amount to 100 and Adjustments: Midtone Contrast to -100.


  • 欢迎图片下面阴影再复制一份然后它们拖动到原图片的下面。

    Duplicate your welcome image and shadow layers, and then drag them underneath there originals.


  • 然后顶部图层执行图像>调整>阴影/高光

    Then for the top layer Image>Adjustments>Shadow/Highlights.


  • 做了一些客户Nike看,然后我们认为窗户需要一点不一样白色阴影所以我们等待的时候,他们重新漆了窗户。

    I did some test pictures to show my client and Nike and we agreed the windows needed to be a different shade of white, so they were re-painted while we waited.


  • 页面截图导入Photoshop中,然后空白矩形尝试近似渐变发光阴影直到得到一样的外观

    Take a screenshot of the page, import it in Photoshop, then draw a blank rectangle and try to approximate the gradients, glow, and shadow used until you get the right look.


  • 就好比是放到“蜘蛛头”里,然后你来选择:在两个陌生人里,你打算把谁打发到死亡之阴影去?

    It was like if I put you in the Spiderhead and gave you the choice: which of these two strangers would you like to send into the shadow of the valley of death?


  • 河边放下圈套然后本书阴影等上好几个小时。

    He would set his traps by a river and then wait for hours, resting with a book in the shade of a tree.


  • 而亲几乎不会挑剔主妇它们堆砌细小骨头然后很随意的捣碎这些堆砌物,层层鱼骨头形成阴影里喂养嗷嗷待哺的小鸟。

    Hardly fastidious homemakers, the birds raise their nestlings in the dark on a layer of tiny fish bones regurgitated as pellets, then shattered with a perfunctory peck.


  • 如果我们白色影响然后周围环境,颜色阴影变得非常明显

    If we let white affect us, then the surroundings, the colour and the shadows become more intense.


  • 这个例子中,刽子手头部软骨是从过渡白色然后直接粉色跟紫色水洗涂进阴影处。

    In the example below, the cartilage of the Carnifex head is blended up to pure white and then shaded pink directly into the recessed areas.


  • 首先使用模糊工具然后手涂抹工具把阴影混合在一起下列各项例子所示。

    This was done first with the blur tool and then by blending the shades together with the smudge tool, as shown in the following example.


  • 叶子不易察觉地抖动一下然后似乎努力朝着阳光处挺了挺身躯不过这个小小的动作能令摆脱科莱特阴影

    Leaves imperceptible shake a bit, and then it seems very hard to move the sun at a very pretty body, but did not make it this small action to get rid Klaette shadow.


  • 为了创建阴影可以新建图层摆放形状的下方,然后画笔工具一个光滑阴影直到满意为止。

    To create this shadow i recommend you to create a new layer, place it under the big shape, and then with Brush tool start drawing very smoothly until you are happy with the result.


  • 月球进入阴影然后消失了分钟

    The moon goes into the shadow and it disappears for a few minutes.


  • 然后,他指指月亮,月食正接近尾声,地球阴影开始光线越来越亮。

    The eclipse was ending; the earth's shadow was beginning to move away. The light got brighter.


  • 请尝试阴影然后看过之后毛巾拭除一些亮点使核心阴影变暗。

    Try and hit the shadow hard and then after you have gone over with a towel erase out some highlights and make the core shadow darker.


  • 然后又在阿瑟·邓特房子上蒙上阴影

    It cast a shadow over Arthur Dent's house.


  • 然后可以开始阴影努力使的不同差异核心阴影轮廓

    Then you can start to divide the light from the shadows, hitting the core shadow outline hard making a distinct value difference between light and shadow.


  • 它们被烧焦发出发出嘶嘶然后后退,旋转的平底阴影

    They would hiss and recoil, reeling upside down in the shadows among my cooking pans.


  • 然后就像近景图中那样增加额外色彩最后PS黑色笔刷不同植物图层增加景深滤镜的方法,植物增加一些阴影

    Then giving extra colors like we did in the close views and in the end we added some shadows just using a black brush in Photoshop to give some depth to the different layers of vegetation.


  • 然后我们给它添加更多细节,加亮部分云彩因为它们不足以产生如此深阴影

    We then add some details and lighten parts of the cloud, which are probably not sufficiently thick enough to create the deepest shadow.


  • 然后顶点着色器的发明实际上他们没有任何阴影

    Then vertex shaders were invented, but they don't actually shade anything;


  • 然后证实钥匙1聚集阴影并且银行前进

    Then I identified the key as Tin 1, Gathered Shadows and headed to the bank.


  • 紧紧地握了一下堂妹,向奥德夫人鞠了一躬然后拱门黑色阴影了出去,走上了庄院府邸外那条安静林荫道

    He pressed his cousin's hand, bowed to Lady Audley, and walked away under the black shadows of the archway, and out into the quiet avenue beyond the Court.


  • 紧紧地握了一下堂妹,向奥德夫人鞠了一躬然后拱门黑色阴影了出去,走上了庄院府邸外那条安静林荫道

    He pressed his cousin's hand, bowed to Lady Audley, and walked away under the black shadows of the archway, and out into the quiet avenue beyond the Court.


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