• 优点改进焊接范围同类产品大,机架结实稳定精度

    Advantages: After modification, the product has a wider welding scope, more solid frame, more stable performance, higher accuracy than the similar product.


  • 如果阀体材料可以焊接的,膨胀系数差异很大或者工作温度变化幅度范围较大螺纹连接部必须进行

    If the valve body material can be welded, but very different thermal expansion coefficient, or changes in operating temperature range of a larger thread junction closure weld must be honey.


  • 应用范围包括产品装配组合建筑迁移焊接维修业务以及其他起重定位

    Applications include product assembly, component building and transfer, welding, repair operations, and other work lifting and positioning.


  • 通过厚薄两开关综合调整使输出焊接电流适应更薄更广范围成为可能

    Through combination adjustment of the thick and thin switches, to make the output welding current be possible to adjust the scope thinner and wider.


  • 电流调节范围适合多种焊接

    With wide range to adjust current, it can weld plates with various thickness.


  • 电源电压主要性能参数表中,在一般情况下焊机内的电压自动补偿电路保证焊接电流保持在允许的范围

    Supply voltage in the "main performance parameters" in the table, under normal circumstances, the welding voltage compensation circuit will guarantee automatic welding current to keep the scope.


  • 金属医生一种脉冲过程,可以用来面积范围实现精密涂层用来修复附加值部件

    Metal Doctor (MD) is a pulsed micro-welding process that is being used increasingly for small scale and precision coating and repair of high value components.


  • 提升搬运焊接接点第2部分:焊接质量等级无损检测范围

    Lifting and handling. Welded joints. Part 2: weld quality classes. Extent of the non-destructive testing.


  • 正是因为如此钢材在经过焊接机械手焊接之后,热处理避开这一温度范围

    Because of this, this kind of steel after welding manipulator welding, its heat treatment to avoid this temperature range.


  • 试验结果表明焊接电流调节范围电流控制精确

    Experiments show that the welding current can be adjusted in a wide range and controlled precisely with this system.


  • 输入电压有波动焊接材料一致时候,适当范围焊接效果基本不受影响。

    When fluctuation in input voltages or inconformity of welding materials occurs, the effect of welding is basically impregnable within an appropriate range.


  • 分析汽车车身焊接夹具三种典型运动机构特点及其适用范围提出实用汽车焊接夹具参数库的建立设计标准化思路

    It analyzes the character and application scope of motion mechanism for three typical body welding jig, presents foundation method for practical welding jig library and standardize design idea.


  • 圆筒汽缸使用,有图案焊接设计安装几乎任何应用领域。我们公司可根据说明应用范围定做

    Round body cylinders utilizing snap ring, threaded and welded designs to fit almost any application.? Custom built to your specifications and applications.


  • 经济可比性范围内,分析生产焊接钢管无缝钢管时,各类不同工艺流程条件物料消耗构成和价格比较

    Bosed on economic comparability the consumption of materials and the price of welding and seamless pipe are compared under the different producing process.


  • 激光焊接很快加热冷却速度作用范围合适工艺条件下可避免RPCHAZ的软化,激光焊接高质量焊接RPC钢的方法之一

    In order to avoid the possible softening of HAZ in welding of RPC steel, laser welding is one of the best methods due to its faster heating and cooling rate and narrower HAZ.


  • 优点设备先进性能超群焊接线径范围适用广性价比高适于工厂大批量投产

    Advantages: advanced equipment, superb performance, a wide range of welding wire, the application of a wide range of cost-effective, suitable for mass production factories.


  • 红色指示灯熄灭后温度标准范围可以重新开始焊接

    When the red light is extinguished, the temperature is reduced to the standard range, can be re-started welding.


  • 产品焊接试验表明可以使搭接焊缝熔深控制产品设计要求范围之内。

    Welding test of the products has shown that penetration of the lap weld can be controlled in required tolerance for design using the control system.


  • 系统采用积分分离式参数PID调节器焊接电流调节范围具有良好响应速度调节性能

    The PID adjuster of integration separation mode has been used in this system, which have good responsive speed and adjust property in the range of welding current.


  • 速度焊接电压设置范围与配套焊接电源相关

    Note: the wire feeding speed and the welding voltage are dependent on the selected welding power.


  • 分别作用下的工字形焊接弹性范围腹板屈曲时,腹板约束作用。

    When a welded I-section plate girder is subjected to bending or shearing, buckling of web in elastic range will be restrained by flanges.


  • 电流电压调节范围,负载持续,可连续焊接

    Contimuously adjustable current and voltage, wide adjustment range, high duty cycle, continuous welding.


  • 本企业尤其注意国家标准不适合于高温范围焊接腐蚀性紧固件

    Especially attention shall be taken that the National Standards of fasteners can not be used for high temperature operation, weldability and corrosion resistance fasteners by enterprises.


  • 采用质量焊接材料适当焊接规范参数范围焊接工艺评定试验结果完全满足产品制造技术条件要求

    High quality welding material and suitable welding parameters were used for the welding procedure qualification test results fully meeting the requirement of the product manufacturing specification.


  • 近年来一种新型高效焊接——A-TIG正引起世界范围内的高度重视

    Recently, a new type of welding method (A-TIG welding) calls a great attention all over the world.


  • 保证焊接接头组织性能出发,确定最佳焊接线能量范围制定正确焊接工艺参数提供了依据。

    To ensure the organization and performance of welded joints, we determined the best welding line energy range, and it provided a basis for the development of the correct welding parameters.


  • 使用X-RAY射线检测无铅焊接空洞问题发现焊接空洞大小直径都可以接受范围

    X-RAY-ray inspection using a lead-free solder paste of voids issue, found that the size and diameter welded hollow in acceptable range.


  • 发现超窄间隙焊接电压范围21 ~24v电流在210 ~ 270a能够得到较好的焊缝成形。

    When welding voltage is between 21v and 24v and welding current is between 210a and 270a, better welding line can be obtained.


  • 网友的最新评价:焊接方面:把机箱和弦焊接一起大小超出误差范围

    Welded elements: assembled from racks and chords with an exceeptional size range in one piece.


  • 网友的最新评价:焊接方面:把机箱和弦焊接一起大小超出误差范围

    Welded elements: assembled from racks and chords with an exceeptional size range in one piece.


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