• 世纪以前先贤祠下陷,就这样堵塞热纳维埃夫山上一部分的沟管。

    In this manner, the heaping up of the Parthenon, obliterated, a century ago, a portion of the vaults of Saint-Genevieve hill.


  • 可西嘉岛位于法国大陆东南面西地中海中的一个大岛(热纳亚和意大利相邻)。

    Corsica is a large French island located to the south-east of mainland France in the west Mediterranean Sea (close to Genova, Italy).


  • 青年林军将军迪埃斯梅退到热纳普的客舍门口把佩剑交给一个杀人不眨眼的骑兵,骑兵却杀那俘虏。

    Duhesme, the general of the Young Guard, hemmed in at the doorway of an inn at Genappe, surrendered his sword to a huzzar of death, who took the sword and slew the prisoner.


  • 原谅这个好心仆人的这种掩饰死亡的企图,埃尔莫·热纳是个学者,甚至是个智者,他的诚实远远超过个平庸御医

    I forgive this good servitor his endeavor to hide my death from me. Hermogenes is learned; he is even wise, and his integrity is well above that of the ordinary court physician.


  • 杰克逊维尔:北卡罗来东部城市靠近大西洋并处于威尔明顿市东北偏北。勒热纳军营,一个美国海军陆战队训练基地在其附近人口30,013。

    A city of eastern North Carolina near the Atlantic Ocean north-northeast of Wilmington. Camp Lejune, a U. S. Marine Corps training base, is nearby. Population, 30,013.


  • 艾斯解释说它们任务之一就是进行经过训练的具体直接体力活动,正如普通为主人其它事一样。

    One thing is to perform specific, straightforward physical tasks for which they have been trained, just as other types of service dogs do for their owners, Esnayra explained.


  • 艾斯解释说它们任务之一就是进行经过训练的具体直接体力活动,正如普通为主人其它事一样。

    One thing is to perform specific straightforward physical tasks for which they have been trained just as other types of service dogs do for their owners Esnayra explained.


  • 曼联战胜役中起了重要作用,而在8-2狂屠阿森比赛中,又是阿森后防一刻不得安宁记录,不过正是在那场比赛中,他受伤离场。

    His power, in fact, is one major reason why Tottenham was destroyed and why the Arsenal back four lost the plot before he got that injury in the 8-2 winand remember it was he who got the opener.


  • 不能指出成为阿森球迷具体时间但是记得去观看场非常可怕比赛劳伦得到一次操刀点球机会。

    I can't pinpoint the exact time when I became an Arsenal fan, but I remember watching a dire, dire game against Spurs, decided by a late penalty taken by Lauren.


  • 这个问题显然非常荒谬,因为这种想法他们本身智力水平比起旺阿森帅位更应得到质疑

    The question is so absurd that the sanity of the person who asked it would be in far greater doubt than the job security of the Arsenal manager.


  • 皮特通过自己的“B计划电影公司任该片制片人拍摄过《欢迎来到萨拉路》的迈克尔·温特伯顿任该片导演

    Pitt is a producer on the project through his Plan B film company, and British filmmaker Michael Winterbottom, whose credits include "Welcome to Sarajevo" and "The Road to Guantanamo," is directing.


  • 丹尼·维尔贝克赛季初搭档鲁尼表现颇为抢眼,对阵阿森的比赛贡献入球,随后不幸受伤

    Danny Welbeck was forging an impressive partnership with Rooney at the start of the season and contributed goals against Spurs and Arsenal before injuring his hamstring.


  • 除了助教汤尼·亚当斯还有现役的劳伦,坎贝尔卡奴,理查德·休斯拉萨·迪亚拉以及罗姆·托马斯出现了“庞培军团”的名册他们前枪手球员

    As well as assistant manager Tony Adams, there are currently Lauren, Sol Campbell, Kanu, Richard Hughes, Lassana Diarra and Jerome Thomas on the books at Pompey, all of them ex-Arsenal players.


  • 认为曼城切尔西我们主要的对手,在他们之后还有利物浦阿森

    I think between them and Chelsea they’ll be our two closest rivals and I think just behind them maybe Liverpool, Arsenal and Tottenham.


  • 弗格森阿森死敌阿塞·旺认为内维尔英超联赛历史上最好的右后卫

    Ferguson's Arsenal counterpart Arsene Wenger feels that Neville is the best right-back the Premier League has seen.


  • 托特与阿森支持者不和,也正是阿布扎比的人们与利雅得的居民处处作对

    It is the people of Tottenham against the people of Arsenal, the people of Abu Dhabi against the people of Riyadh.


  • 枪手分别里尔查尔顿签下了维尼奥和小将延金森,但是看上去温格更需要注意应该如何留下法布雷加斯斯里。

    The Gunners have snapped up Gervinho from Lille and Charlton rookie Carl Jenkinson but much of Arsene Wenger's focus has seemingly been on keeping hold of Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri.


  • 嗓子又涩;同事建议在幕间几口的利宾

    Her throat felt tight and dry; a colleague said she should sip hot Ribena between the ACTS.


  • 不仅如此,曼联可能是有史以来最凶险赛季开局他们击败了阿森切尔西

    They have also beaten Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham in probably their toughest league start for a very long time.


  • 达特茅斯大学的毕业生作家保罗·辛说:“霍金的理论表明黑洞根据原理放射能量。”

    "Hawking famously showed that black holes radiate energy according to a thermal spectrum," said Paul Nation, an author on the paper and a graduate student at Dartmouth.


  • 前锋迪福相信球队可以保持良好状态周日阿森“大考”中击败对手

    Tottenham striker Jermain Defoe is confident his team can continue its impressive form and beat Arsenal in the 'big one' on Sunday.


  • 需要同城死敌阿森4比1击败的痛苦中恢复

    Spurs need to bounce back from their 4-1 home defeat by north London rivals Arsenal in midweek.


  • 已经英超赢了曼城19场,只有阿森比他们(20场)。

    Tottenham have won 19 Premier League matches against Manchester City. Only Arsenal, with 20, have beaten City on more occasions.


  • 击败曼城确保了进军赛季冠军联赛,甚至还有可能超越阿森直接晋级小组赛

    With the result against Spurs, City may not only be mathematically guaranteed Champions League football next season but could possibly overtake Arsenal and guarantee their entry into the group stages.


  • 客场球迷嘘声,有纽卡斯尔阿森

    Newcastle, Spurs or Arsenal on away fans' noise.


  • 1913年,枪手搬迁之前西北伦敦伍尔维奇的落脚点,距离白鹿的主场仅仅只有3英里的距离,两家俱乐部主场只有一是导致阿森和托特之间的矛盾主要原因。

    The bad blood between Tottenham and Arsenal arose from the latter club's relocation from Woolwich in southeast London, to just three miles from Spurs' homeland across the river, in 1913.


  • 1946年12月9日出生于意大利尼托埃迪•安东尼•阿尔•马伊诺(Eduige Antonia AlbinaMaino),都灵附近村庄皮埃蒙特(Piedmont)长大

    She was born Eduige Antonia Albina Maino in the province of Veneto in Italy on December 9. 1946, and she grew up in a modest village in the Piedmont near Torino.


  • 2008年10月29日,英超阿森vs伦敦酋长球场

    October 2008: Arsenal v Tottenham Hotspur, FA Premier League match, Emirates Stadium, London


  • 收回房屋所有权的行动中,4个受影响最大内华达佛罗里达加利福尼亚亚利桑到了一半以上这家数据供应商描绘的美国,颜色变得越来越

    The four hardest hit states (Nevada, Florida, California and Arizona) still account for over half of repossession actions, but the data provider's heat map of the country is turning ever more pink.


  • 收回房屋所有权的行动中,4个受影响最大内华达佛罗里达加利福尼亚亚利桑到了一半以上这家数据供应商描绘的美国,颜色变得越来越

    The four hardest hit states (Nevada, Florida, California and Arizona) still account for over half of repossession actions, but the data provider's heat map of the country is turning ever more pink.


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