• 的这些陈年老事让吧。

    Here I am boring you with my reminiscences.


  • 不停发牢骚,终于使

    In the end, I just got fed up with his constant complaining.


  • 我等二十分,有点不耐

    I'd been waiting for twenty minutes and I was getting impatient.


  • 他们很快海滩烦了便去散步

    They soon tired of the beach and went for a walk.


  • 懒得饭热菜烦了

    I can't be bothered making a hot mealit's too much like hard work.


  • 没有时间更多的衣服让烦了

    It annoyed me that I didn't have time to do more ironing.


  • 已经相当的烦了

    I have already been put to considerable inconvenience.


  • 要是知道烦了

    If this gets out there'll be trouble.


  • 这份工作干了以后开始

    After five years in the job, he was beginning to feel restless.


  • 很快就烦了故事

    She soon wearied of his stories.


  • 看出很大烦了

    I could see that something was terribly wrong.


  • 所有这些猜测

    I am tired of all the speculation.


  • 现在陷入真正。他指控剽窃

    Now he's in real trouble. He's accused of plagiarism.


  • 明星们也烦了自己打扮起来去领奖

    Even the stars get tired of gussying up for the awards.


  • 抱歉给您添麻

    We are very sorry to have incommoded you.


  • 他们拖延不耐

    They were impatient at the delay.


  • 投资者们对提高收益承诺越来越不耐

    Investors are growing impatient with promises of improved earnings.


  • 信封都舔

    I'm tired of licking envelopes.


  • 观众开始不耐烦了

    The audience was becoming restless.


  • 观众变得不耐烦了

    The audience grew restive.


  • 舒尔曼有点全女子团队中的叽叽喳喳声。

    Schulman is a little tired of the hoo-ha about the all-women team.


  • I was really pissed off.


  • 我等

    I'm fed up with waiting for her.


  • 油罐里只有这么燃料如果得太快,就烦了

    There is only so much fuel in the tank and if you burn it up too quickly you are in trouble.


  • 这些愚蠢问题

    I'm fed up with your silly questions.


  • 们变得不耐烦了

    They were getting impatient.


  • 果你不会说那门语言,那就有麻烦了

    If you can't speak the language, it can be a problem.


  • 们在门口等了两个小时后开始不耐烦了

    People started to get impateint after waiting at the gate for two hours.


  • 那个女人有点不耐烦了

    He has become somewhat impatient with the woman.


  • 莫尔恐怕他们烦了

    Mole, I'm afraid they're in trouble.


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