• 管理系统应用实现香料形成产品过程中所有信息追踪管理。

    The tracing management of all information gathered during the forming of commercial Oriental tobacco bales was realized by this management system.


  • 研究发酵温度时间通气材料水量因素微生物菌株P1发酵香料影响

    The factors influencing the fermentation of oriental tobacco seed with the strain P1, such as fermentation temperature, time, aeration material and water application, were studied.


  • 发明采用低温方式来烘干雪茄物料有效减小雪茄香味损失收缩量

    The invention dries the cigar tobacco flake material adopting the low temperature and slow drying manner, which can effectively reduce the cigar scent loss and the tobacco flake shrinkage.


  • 用途十分广泛,雪茄寺庙中僧人手中的念珠收音机外壳配电盘盖和电话机的机壳

    It be-came the stuff of everything from cigar hold-ers and rosary beads to radio housings, distributor caps and telephone casings.


  • 抽可以吗?我的好像抽完了

    Could I have a cigarette? I seem to have run out.


  • 虽然Gorely火山经常,但看到时候少,因为空气达到一定温度湿度不见了。

    Though Gorely always smokes, its smoke is seen only sometimes (when the air reaches a certain temperature and humidity, it becomes visible).


  • 癌症众所周知二手肺癌致病因素之一,一些研究表明二手其他癌症也有着千丝万缕关系。

    Cancer. Secondhand smoke is a known risk factor for lung cancer. Some research also suggests a link between secondhand smoke and various other types of cancer.


  • 扔掉——你所有

    Throw away your cigarettes - all of your cigarettes.


  • 现在照片几乎没有一张不叼着的,她时候只有打开另一包的时候。

    Nowadays she is rarely photographed without a cigarette in her mouth, and when she isn't smoking, she is clutching a pack.


  • 老陈顶着个啤酒牙齿黑黑的,由于抽过多不时发出刺耳咳嗽声。即便允许自己也从没有停止过监视,抽得也是那种便宜南京

    He had a paunch blackened teeth and the raspy cough of an avid smoker and he never stopped watching even when he allowed himself a cigarette smoking a cheap brand named after the city itself.


  • 可是翻开时,我才发现如此,里面只有些残留渣,发出簌簌声音,我的,抽完了。

    But when I pulled out my pack it was too light and stray bits of tobacco made that soft rustling sound so I knew I was out of cigarettes.


  • 每当,都会伸出只手一根新的上去,把之前抖掉,缭绕着一股灰色

    Each time he finished a cigarette, an arm reached out and replaced it, dense puffs of gray smoke following moments later.


  • 除了直接的以别人要的方式研究他们单纯观察人们互动行为,比方说问别人要根但不特定某个耳朵说话

    In addition to the direct cigarette-ask study, they also simply observed people interacting and also asked for cigarettes without directing their requests towards a particular ear.


  • 果真如此焦油深深吸入对人的危害可能高焦油卷中未被吸入的大。

    If so, then deeply inhaled smoke from low-tar-delivery cigarettes might be more harmful than uninhaled smoke from high-tar cigarettes.


  • 研究表明一根含薄荷吸一根一般所摄取的一氧化碳尼古丁替宁量更多。

    Research has shown that menthol cigarettes may provide higher levels of carbon monoxide, nicotine and cotinine per cigarette smoked than regular cigarettes.


  • 阿尔迪的父亲一支个月这个男孩每天如果得不到满足,他还会大发脾气

    Six months after his father gave him his first cigarette, the overweight boy was smoking two packs a day and threw violent tantrums if his addiction was not satisfied.


  • 身上残留物,会存留在衣服头发,还有靠枕地毯上等等,这些东西会造成三手——同样造成危害特别小孩而言

    The residue that clings to a smoker's hair and clothing, as well as cushions, carpeting and other goods — sometimes referred to as thirdhand smokealso can pose risks, especially for children.


  • 研究显示,在被掐灭很长时间以后,三手还是会残留头发皮肤衣服家具窗帘墙壁床铺地毯灰尘车辆以及其它物体的表面

    Studies show that third-hand smoke clings to hair, skin, clothes, furniture, drapes, walls, bedding, carpets, dust, vehicles and other surfaces, even long after smoking has stopped.


  • 拿起纵向地放在摊开的手掌里,弹弓似的甩甩胳膊,用接住半空中几个筋斗的

    She held a cigarette lengthwise in her open palm, sprang her arm like a catapult, and caught the thing in her mouth after it had flipped a few times in midair.


  • 随着白肋文化流行,新的和卷制造中心转至达姆和温斯顿-塞勒姆。

    New centers for the manufacture of smoking tobacco and cigarettes followed the culture of bright leaf, flue-cured tobacco to Durham and Winston-Salem, North Carolina.


  • 重要油炸在高温时候表面会升起层薄薄的蓝色使油被分解成使人难消化的物质。

    Smoking temperature is important when frying, if the oil has a slight blue smoke or haze rising from it then it is too hot and will begin to break down which makes it indigestible.


  • 来自雪茄二手与来自香的二手一样含有同样有毒化学物质。

    Secondhand smoke from cigars contains the same toxic chemicals that secondhand cigarette smoke does.


  • 如果男的最好随身并且不论见到谁都要根,他们即使多半不会你的不过绝对

    If you're a man, carry a pack of cigarettes with you and offer them to any man you meet. They will most likely not take one, even if they do smoke, but they will appreciate the sentiment.


  • 重量平均重量。

    Weight is reported as the average of tobacco from five cigarettes prior to drying.


  • 二手不仅来自呼出(我们称之为主流气),而且来自从雪茄或者管中飘散出气(我们称之为测流)。

    Secondhand smoke comes from both the smoke that smokers exhale (called mainstream smoke) and the smoke floating from the end of the cigarette, cigar, or pipe (called sidestream smoke).


  • 那个大人物拿出一包,点上一支,“听听这个怎么。”身边其他那些在抽着人围拢的时候,他向他们说道。

    "Hear what this man has to say," he said, when a group of other men, who were also smoking, gathered around.


  • 了无,便坑里往上冒,好像火炉。日头天空昏暗了。

    And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.


  • 维生素b3两种基体形式——()酰胺(称为酰胺)。

    Vitamin B3 comes in two basic forms - niacin (also called nicotinic acid) and niacinamide (also called nicotinamide).


  • 维生素b3两种基体形式——()酰胺(称为酰胺)。

    Vitamin B3 comes in two basic forms - niacin (also called nicotinic acid) and niacinamide (also called nicotinamide).


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