• 孤寂了许多感动歌声空旷平添绿

    Liu alone lonely sing a lot of moving, her voice for open and green to add a little rhyme.


  • 绿元素代替生命值抵御伤害直到绿元素回合减少2绿元素。

    Applies damage to Green Mana instead of Life Points. Lasts until Green Mana is zero and reduces your Green Mana by 2 per turn.


  • 带有绿黄色清新芬芳并且带有使人振奋果香,口感和谐入口干脆。

    Pale yellow with a greenish hue, a clean fresh and aromatic wine with refreshing fruit flavour, an excellent balance and a crisp dry finish.


  • 每个月里,都有一个星期六早上绿食品市场卖主聚集布鲁克林弥赛亚教堂

    One Saturday morning each month, the vendors of the Greenpoint Food Market converge on the Church of the Messiah in Brooklyn.


  • 上图绿可以连接家庭网络上的设备

    The green and red dots represent devices that could be connected to your smart home network.


  • 2鸟类()恐龙(绿)个体嗅球尺寸身体大小统计

    IMAGE 2: Graph of olfactory bulb size and body size of individual bird (black symbols) and dinosaur (green symbols) species.


  • 绿线表示建筑成本,可以看到建筑成本,自1890年来,实际计算,所有的数据均进行了通胀修正,1890年开始有上涨,并非是大幅度上涨

    The green line is the building costs and you can see that building costs, since 1890, in real terms-- everything is corrected for inflation -have gone up a little bit since 1890, but not a whole lot.


  • 他们展示了绿量子制成的实验量子显示屏,由一个特殊晶体管阵列进行供电控制

    They demonstrated an experimental quantum-dot display made of strips of red, green and blue dots on an array of special transistors that powered and controlled them.


  • 晨雾笼罩开普敦绿体育场——2010年世界杯足球赛赛场之一。

    Early morning fog enshrouds Cape Town's Green Point 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup Stadium.


  • 一家名叫国际绿诺科技公司传奇式股票市场上熄火了,一直到现在,这家未经得起考验的公司在美国眉目未出现。

    Such was the fabulous stock-market flameout of a company called Rino International, an untested enterprise that, until recently, would have raised nary an eyebrow in the United States.


  • 用户在线时用户的头像显示一个绿——这跟实时聊天工具

    Presence will be indicated by a green dot on users' avatars - very much like IM.


  • 更可悲即使进午餐的路上我们中也提及告知绿”是非常美丽的,或者我们完全没必要隐藏这一

    The tragedy is that many of us never talk aboutit, or never get told that our “green hair” is beautiful, or that we don’t needto hide, no matter what anyone says on the way to lunch.


  • 然而戈尔工财团已经为重新处理气田天然气二氧化碳计划得到绿

    Yet the Gorgon consortium has scored green points with its plan to rebury the carbon dioxide it pumps up along with the field's gas.


  • 目前,尽管绿公司坚称自己收费透明的,但美国佛罗里达州首席检察官正在对此类公司展开调查。

    Now Florida's attorney general is investigating prepaid firms to see whether they fully disclose their charges. Green Dot insists it does.


  • 图中,这些公司名称旁边绿标注。

    Those companies are the ones with green dots next to their names.


  • 这时你会注意到你其它时候注意不到的一:蟾蜍大约生着一切生命体中最美丽的眼睛,金子一般,或者准确地说,像金色宝石一般,就是有人会镶嵌在图章戒上、叫作绿玉的那种。

    It is like gold, or more exactly it is like the golden-coloured semi-precious stone which one sometimes sees in signet-rings, and which I think is called a chrysoberyl.


  • 染色标本克里普斯海洋脊椎动物藏品中只占据了一小部分这些藏品大多是从太平洋海域中收集而来的(下图中的绿即为收集地)。

    The stained specimens are a small part of ScrippsMarine Vertebrate Collection, which originates mostly from eastern Pacific Ocean collection events (green dots, image below).


  • 染色标本克里普斯海洋脊椎动物藏品中只占据了一小部分这些藏品大多是从太平洋海域中收集而来的(下图中的绿即为收集地)。

    The stained specimens are a small part of Scripps' Marine Vertebrate collection, which originates mostly from eastern Pacific Ocean collection events (green dots, image below).


  • 寻找一下博文下面ShareThis按钮(三个连线的绿),选择文本”选项,iPhone移动浏览器使得阅读文本信息发送链接非常容易

    Look out for the ShareThis button (three green dots connected by lines) under blog posts and select the "text" option. iPhones and mobile browsers have made it easy to read links sent by texts.


  • 凌晨1已经有数百人聚集美国长岛绿购物中心沃尔玛商场门前

    By 1:00 a.m., hundreds had gathered in front of the Wal-Mart at Long Island's Green Acres Mall.


  • 为了做到这一,“逐一短暂麻醉了一千两百只蚂蚁,并用金属丝大小的刷子它们分别上航模——拉力绿竞赛代托纳”。

    To do that, she said, “I briefly anesthetized 1, 200 ants, one by one, and painted them using a single wire-size brush, with model airplane paintRally Green, Racing Red, Daytona Yellow.”


  • 2011年一季度绿公司的收入达到1.17亿美元,比2010年上涨了26%,而其中仅来自沃尔玛业务所占比例就高达60%。

    The retailer now accounts for 60% of Green Dot's revenue, which hit $117 million in 2011's first quarter, up 26% over 2010.


  • 一个绿沙拉吗?

    Just a mixed-green salad, okay?


  • 娜琪•奥古斯丁回忆说,凌晨2到达绿购物中心已经有两千排起了长队

    As Nakea Augustine recounted, when she arrived at Green Acres Mall at 2:00 a.m., the line was already two thousand people long.


  • 杰克:刷绿漆一天才

    Jack: It's not genius to pick green.


  • 10月份绿市场一开张,一直这里卖。

    She has been selling at the Greenpoint market since its inception in October.


  • 绿公司真正迎来突破2005年。 当时,沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)与其合作发行沃尔玛现金卡(MoneyCard),消费者在沃尔玛将工资退税兑现后,可以将现金存入卡中。

    Its breakthrough came in 2005 when Wal-Mart (WMT) partnered with it for the Walmart MoneyCard, which customers load with money when they cash a paycheck or tax refund at a Wal-Mart.


  • 绿公司真正迎来突破2005年。 当时,沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)与其合作发行沃尔玛现金卡(MoneyCard),消费者在沃尔玛将工资退税兑现后,可以将现金存入卡中。

    Its breakthrough came in 2005 when Wal-Mart (WMT) partnered with it for the Walmart MoneyCard, which customers load with money when they cash a paycheck or tax refund at a Wal-Mart.


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