• 特殊技法色块边沿采用办法能够到达烟雾粒子效果

    Special skills: Some colour law, in the color piece in the edge of the drawing of a method using point can achieve the effect of smoke particles.


  • 艺术设计专业中的表现技法多种此文论述了素描形式色彩形式的表现技法。

    There are many expression skill methods, some of them are sketch points paint and colour pour paint.


  • 作为实例,选择水力学力学中常用关系曲线,它们分别是对数、半对数和普通方格上的。

    As examples, the relation curves plotted on log-paper, semi-log paper and ordinary coordinate paper in hydraulics and soil mechanics were selected.


  • 钢笔的话可以通过线来制造明暗(画平行线),交叉排线(平行线相交),涂鸦点绘或者其他时髦的笔触。

    With a pen, you can shade by hatching (making parallel lines), cross-hatching (parallel lines crossing over parallel lines), scribbling, stippling, or making other funky little marks.


  • 一张艺术给给某个脑壳里就是下边这些了——有意思看看简简单单一幅画都让了些啥。

    This is how it looks like when you give a dot art to someone who is a little bit older with a little bit of dirty mind. It is interesting to see what a simple picture makes someone to think of.


  • 北京时间周二下午310分,我国西北酒泉卫星发射中心成功地发射测图卫星“天一号”。

    China successfully launched a mapping satellite, "mapping satellite - I," from the northwestern Jiuquan satellite launch Center at 3:10 p.m. (Beijing time) Tuesday.


  • 但是,必须声明一,我辣椒痴迷有节制的,我也不会去买那些着烈焰红唇痛苦即享受”字眼的怪异T恤

    I have to say that I drew the line at getting a capsaicin molecule tattoo. And I did not buy the T-shirt with the flaming red mouth and the legend “Pain Is Good.”


  • 龙纹之龙整齐状,青花自然肩部纹饰如意花卉,属官精品瓷器

    The Interfax dragon depicted in a neat spot, blue and white hair color natural, wishful flower shoulder decoration, the case of an making fine porcelain.


  • 北京时间周二下午310分,我国西北酒泉卫星发射中心成功地发射测图卫星“天一号”。

    China successfully launched a mapping satellite, "mapping satellite - I," from the northwestern Jiuquan satellite launch Center at 3:10 p. m. (Beijing time) Tuesday.


  • 采用坐标碎部坐标比例尺地形图精度进行系统地分析,并定量地给出了采用不同测距方式展图的中误差。

    The precision of a large scale topographic map is systematically analyzed, which is measured and drawn with the help of coordinate point distributor for the distribution of the detailed points.


  • 如今电视卡通世界里故事师除了提出一些笑话故事之外几乎参与镜头。

    In the TV cartoon world of today the story board artist has virtually no story imput on a show, other than to suggest a more practical way to present a gag or a story point.


  • 这本图文结合本,记下了一个生活极度幸福的城市的80后女孩,对生活看法、一心声。

    This book - with a combination of illustrations and words - would lead you to the fantasy world of a local "80's" girl who is living in the most blissful universe.


  • 其次本文软件中所使用技术进行了详细介绍,具体有 MFC控件数据库设计访问方式模块化编程理论等

    Secondly, we will use software technology to the point of details about the specific MFC controls since painting, Database Design and interviews, modular programming theory.


  • 其次本文软件中所使用技术进行了详细介绍,具体有 MFC控件数据库设计访问方式模块化编程理论等

    Secondly, we will use software technology to the point of details about the specific MFC controls since painting, Database Design and interviews, modular programming theory.


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