• 你要寻找这个景观中特有的元素以此作为个表现景观物质并能显示景观尺度兴趣

    Look for an element peculiar to that place and use it as a point of interest that says something about the scene and imparts a sense of scale.


  • 通常有序数据类别自然顺序尺度相邻之间差距不必总是相同的。

    Usually, categories for an ordinal set of data have a natural order, but the distinction between adjoining points on the scale is not necessarily always the same.


  • 坚信的一就是,个人主观上所感觉得到的那种幸福感才是最重要的,因此设计了包含四个问题的“主观幸福尺度”。

    From her firm belief that it is each person's self-reported happiness that matters, she developed a four-question Subjective Happiness Scale.


  • 要验证这一我们需要深入普朗克尺度(10 - 35)进行探测,GEO600实验探测到的噪音尺度不到10 - 15米。

    At its finest scale, we should be able to probe down the "Planck length" which measures 10-35 meters. But the GEO600 experiment detected noise at scales of less than 10-15 meters.


  • 为了设计未来电脑控制处理器纳米尺度下的变形必须且重要的一

    To design these computers of the future, it is important to be able to control nanoscale strain in the processors.


  • 人性营销说白一就是节操但是需要一个开玩笑一样,这个需要自己把握尺度了。

    Humanity marketing clear though is no moral integrity, but also need to have a degree, just like a joke, this is the need to grasp the scale.


  • 尺度(interval)—定距尺度任意两个相邻测量单位之间距离(称为间距)相等的,任意的。

    Interval - an interval scale is a scale of measurement in which the distance between any two adjacent units of measurement (also known as intervals) is the same, but the zero point is arbitrary.


  • 提出算法不用计算b -函数的显式,而是利用B -样条的尺度关系计算采样的值,具有一致简单编码

    New algorithm need not directly compute values of B-spline interpolatory function, the values were computed using B-spline scaling relation on sampling points, which had simple and uniform coding.


  • 摘要本文线性规划提出了不可行内原始-对偶仿射尺度算法,并证明算法一个多项式时间算法。

    This paper presents a infeasible interior-point primal -dual affine scaling algorithm for linear programming. it is shown that the method is polynomial-time algorithm.


  • 为了实现建筑师设计中控制建筑尺度,在比例上周边建筑相互协调。

    To achieve this, the architects developed a design that mimics the scale and proportions of its neighbour.


  • 指向直方图关键的指向相关,指向数据来源于高斯图像最接近关键尺度那些值。

    The orientation histograms are relative to the keypoint orientation, the orientation data comes from the Gaussian image closest in scale to the keypoint's scale.


  • 提出一种利用尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)特征实现对抗几何攻击水印方案

    The image watermark scheme based on Scale Invariant feature Transform (SIFT) feature is proposed for resisting geometric attacks.


  • 音频信号实时检测实验中,算法准确地定位最佳尺度极大值取得了较好的基频提取结果

    In the real time experimentation for pitch detection of audio signal, the algorithm ensures the optimal scale and extracts the maximum of wavelet transform, and it has achieved a better result.


  • 反映,用1 - 4来表示尺度上,与之相对应的时间达到的标准值更高

    This will reflect a higher percentage of criteria met at a point in time measured along the 1-4 sliding scale.


  • 提出用离散曲率提取特征,曲率表达式包含了高斯函数曲线,选用了合适的离散尺度因子

    The discrete curvature arithmetic was used to extract feature points, which the curvature expression contains Gaussian nuclear function and chooses appropriate discrete scale factor.


  • 这些天来SIFT关键可以说流行的因为他们可以匹配不同尺度旋转照明图片

    These days, SIFT keypoints are arguably the most popular, since they can match images under different scales, rotations, and lighting.


  • 使用高斯函数导数作为基本曲线方向函数进行尺度小波分析得到候选集,提出了四筛选规则对候选集进行逐步筛选得到正确角集。

    Firstly, using the first order derivative of Gaussian function as the base wavelet, the direction Angle function of a planar curve was analyzed on multiple scales to obtain the candidates of corners.


  • 运用尺度分析方法,构造出格模型演化方程局部平衡分布函数

    The local equilibrium distribution function of lattice model evolution equation is constructed by use of multi scale analysis.


  • 基于本文轮廓尺度空间研究演化行为描述提供一种有效的表达方式。

    Based on above, this paper will investigate the evolution behavior of corners in the contour scale space, which will provide an excellent corner description.


  • 各种尺度金字塔自己智能无限流入

    Each size pyramid has its own point of streaming in of intelligent infinity.


  • 再次给出了利用尺度不变特征作为导航陆标进行探测器自主着陆导航算法

    Third, this paper presents an autonomous landing navigation algorithm taking the scale invariant feature points as the landmarks.


  • 板块运动理论一个关键就是地质历史的尺度海洋盆地开合是因为板块转换,具有转换特征

    A key aspect of plate tectonic theory is that on geologic time scales ocean basins are transient features, opening and closing as plates shift.


  • 结果表明像素覆盖所采用测量尺度构成图像最小尺寸——像素的尺寸。

    The results show that the scale of pixel-covering method is pixel that is the least dimension to form images.


  • 多一相信自己他人成就作为自我评价标准尺度

    To believe in yourself more and judge yourself less by the accomplishment of others.


  • 针对复杂天空背景目标检测跟踪提出了一利用多窗口、尺度多次差影融合目标图像快速检测与跟踪方法

    In order to detect and track dim-point targets under the complex background of sky, a high speed method is put, which uses multiwindow, little yardstick, repetitious subtracting and fusing images.


  • 摘要针对图像特征提取与匹配适应性准确性问题,本文提出将尺度不变特征变换算法应用图像特征提取与匹配。

    Abstract: in order to improve the stability and reliability of image matching, this paper applied the scale invariant feature transform algorithm to image matching.


  • 产生一个特征向量描述关于尺度空间坐标系局部区域采样

    Each point is used to generate a feature vector that describes the local image region sampled relative to its scale-space coordinate frame.


  • 产生一个特征向量描述关于尺度空间坐标系局部区域采样

    Each point is used to generate a feature vector that describes the local image region sampled relative to its scale-space coordinate frame.


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