• 可能几个例子出来

    This point may be false, there is wide, I give a few examples.


  • 问题开始时图像是(例如)100并且半径设置50

    The problem is that the image at the start is (for example) 100 points wide and you set the corner radius to 50 points.


  • 如果性能分析发现对于XML数据需要对于关系数据或索引则需要的页那么可以使用不同空间实现

    If you have done a performance analysis and find that you need a large page size for XML data but a small page size for relational data or indexes, you can use separate table Spaces to achieve this.


  • 这些窗子都通到相当厅堂,地上铺了石板,厅中间石柱,顶上有窿,微光大片的阴影相互间隔

    They all opened on a tolerably vast hall, paved with large flagstones, cut up by arcades and pillars, where only a tiny light and great shadows were visible.


  • 下一步要计算需要使居中的缩进基于页面两个 72边距一个三个正常

    Next, calculate the amount of indent you'll need to center the table, based on the page width, two 72-point margins, one wide column, and three regular columns.


  • 量子一些微型晶体,材质为几十原子纳米(一米十亿分之一)半导体材料。

    Quantum dots are tiny crystals of semiconducting material just a few tens of atoms, or a few nanometres (billionths of a metre), across.


  • 如果光导纤维缩减,那么光束纤维不够那个被捕捉,因为无法穿越纤维。

    If the optical fibre is tapered, the light ray will become trapped at the point where the fibre is no longer wide enough to let it pass any farther.


  • 为了完全化解导弹威胁,大气层外拦截器(EKV)将会弹头的“最佳有效位置进行撞击。 “最佳有效在弹头有效载荷厘米区域范围内

    Toachieve complete threat neutralization, the EKV will collide with the warhead’s“sweet spot, ” an area just a few centimeters wide where the missile’s payloadis located.


  • 我们正努力想要帮助那些需要帮助孩子们,当然了,洛佩兹赢得这个比赛,惊讶因为肩膀几乎我们两个加起来的一样

    We try to help children in need and I am actually not surprised he won because his shoulder is double the size of ours.


  • 如果时候了。

    If so, it's time to cast a wider net.


  • 他说,“第一次肌肉增强训练中,Deena在跑步过程接触地面时,就像这个高大我们一直强调,“的脚抬高快一。””

    In her first plyometrics workouts, Deena hit the ground like this big, flat-footed person, but we kept emphasizing, 'Get your feet up fast.Get your feet up fast.


  • 莫林非常喜欢iPad,有了iPad触摸屏开发的基于符号的-海豚沟通界面,或许有可以亲自告诉

    He loves the iPad, and thanks to a symbol-based human-dolphin communication interface being developed for the iPad's ample touchscreen, he could one day be able to tell you so himself.


  • 尖锐的,否则的,它执着上,并不聚会

    The mind, sharp but not broad, sticks at eVery abundance point but does not arouse.


  • 突然地方前头开到了一旁。

    Suddenly, at a wider place, the car ahead pulled off the road.


  • 灾民安置内,大约300需要修建50防火道(没有任何建筑物区域)。

    Within a displaced persons camp, build a firebreak (an area with no buildings) 50 m wide approximately every 300 m of building area.


  • 地方知道她是乡村长大的。

    She wanted to have a little open space. She grew up in the country you know.


  • 粒度OS目前根据报告标题努力实现定位故障——条款根本做不了OS中如此复杂

    Granularity in the headings that the OS currently reports under will also work towards the locating trouble points - wide umbrella terms just do not cut it anymore in an OS so complex.


  • 省道v字形一端一定一端逐渐缩小,“v”缝合时线迹距离称为

    The dart is a "v" shape, with a certain width in the end, the other end is gradually reduced, the shape of "v" by the suture stitch distance is called the province wide or discount amount.


  • 尖锐的不是的,它执着并不活动。 % 䲐榨

    Thee mind, sharp but not broad, sticks at every point but does not move.


  • 其它频率上满足恒定要求向量可以根据参考频率复数权值通过折算求得

    The complex weighting vectors at other frequencies satisfying the request of wideband constant beamwidth can be deduced from the one at the reference frequency.


  • 这么洪的声音男中音问题没有

    Such a broad and resonant voice has no problem singing baritone.


  • 目的比较分子激光光束光斑扫描切削模式对复性近视散光矫正效果的影响。

    Objective We compared the efficacy of excimer laser flying spots mode and broad beam made for treatment of myopia with astigmatism.


  • 尖锐的不是博的,它执着上,并不。

    The mind, sharp but not broad, sticks at every.


  • 我们采取正面渡江方法,分了几十个渡江,绝大部分都没有遭遇到强大的抵抗

    We made a wide, frontal crossing from scores of places, meeting with no substantial resistance in most places.


  • 采用这种孔径成像方法结果表明,即使单个共集也收到相当好的成像效果。

    The use of wide aperture image method even makes single common-shot gather find quite good image result.


  • 研究位置、始扩水流佛汝德数与水头之间关系,导出了水头损失闸门有关计算公式。

    It is shown that the relationship exists among the location of the flaring gate piers, the Froude number at the section of starting flare, the weir head, the head loss and the gate width.


  • 根据曲轴电子束聚焦理论研究了一种曲轴轨迹确定扩散分布方法

    Based on the theory of wide electron beam focusing with curved axis, a method for determining the off-axis point spread distribution is studied using the trajectories with curved axis.


  • 根据曲轴电子束聚焦理论研究了一种曲轴轨迹确定扩散分布方法

    Based on the theory of wide electron beam focusing with curved axis, a method for determining the off-axis point spread distribution is studied using the trajectories with curved axis.


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