• 过去给农民带来灾难水旱灾害,现在不再发生了。

    The devastating floods and droughts that imposed a recurrent tax of suffering on the fellah in no longer occur.


  • 就是为什么我们不能重点放在如何应对灾害,我们必须这样做,更重要是在灾难发生如何减少破坏影响,”霍尔姆斯

    "That's one of the reasons we want to focus on not just how we respond to disaster, we need to do that, but how you reduce the impact of those disasters before they happen," Holmes said.


  • 如果发生灾难类似最近发生地震自然灾害当地搭建移动式医院非常明智而理想的选择。

    In the event of a calamity or a natural disaster like the recent earthquakes, a mobile hospital would be a very good thing to set up on location.


  • :“如果间很容易倒塌压死学生老师教室里,开设自然灾害灾难风险课程是否意义呢?”

    "Does it make sense to teach lessons about natural hazards and disaster risk in a classroom that is a liable to collapse and kill students and teachers alike?" he said.


  • 国家灾害管理局显示,时下巴基斯坦洪灾是该国历史上严重自然灾难之一。

    According to the National disaster Management Authority, the current floods in Pakistan constitute the worst natural disaster in the country's history.


  • 飓风艾琳可能是2011年内使美国第10次损失超过10亿美元灾难初步估计,美国2011损失超过10亿美元灾害次数打破了2008年记录

    Hurricane Irene is very likely to be the 10th billion-dollar disaster of 2011, breaking 2008's record for number of billion-dollar disasters a year, according to preliminary estimates.


  • 伊莱娜·纽蒙,塔尔大学心理学家,从事灾害精神健康影响研究,她很担心周末这些灾难无形之物。

    Elana Newman, a University of Tulsa psychologist who researches the effects of disasters on mental health, said she worries most about the intangibles of the weekend's events.


  • 某些地区中,自然灾害不当政策或是两者皆有之的情形不仅加剧了本严峻的形势,还使那些歧视或处于社会边缘的人群遭受更大的灾难

    In some regions, natural disasters or misguided policies, or both, compound already severe situations and render them catastrophic for the most discriminated and marginalized populations.


  • 日本经受所有由其灾害引起磨难之后,这灾难所带来的影响也已经不言自明

    The disaster in Japan, for all the terrible suffering it has caused, looks set to have a more muted effect.


  • 报道其他自然灾害事件中,在灾难发生的,本地区源源不断地救援物资和国际救助一齐投向受灾地区。

    In other natural disasters that I've covered, steady streams of local and international aid have usually converged upon the stricken area within four days of the event.


  • 一个突出趋势是:人为灾难石油泄漏辐射泄漏,造成的心理疾病自然灾害,像飓风,导致的精神压力持续时间更长。

    One clear trend stands out: Mental distress tends to linger longer after man-made disasters, like an oil spill or radiation leak, than after purely natural ones, like a hurricane.


  • 目前基本没有灾难气候灾害预报,对台风龙卷风预报也之又少。

    There are almost no forecasts on catastrophic climate hazards, and the few that there concentrate on typhoons and tornados.


  • 人类史上曾发生过多次灾难气候灾害预测报告通过灾害发生气温变化海水盐度进行分析从而得出的。

    The prediction was based on the analysis of the change of temperature and seawater salinity before previous catastrophic climate disasters in human history.


  • 但是自然灾害灾难疾病能真正考验信仰者信仰

    But natural disasters and catastrophic illnesses really test the believers' faith.


  • 自然灾害也许某些自然灾害2009年肆虐然而我们水晶却无法告诉我们到底是什么灾难在何时何地爆发。

    A natural disaster, for example, could well afflict the world in 2009-but just what, when and where defy our crystal ball.


  • 日本媒体一次爆炸反应堆保护盖掀开,加剧了人们对于日本大地震中破坏核电站带来灾难灾害担忧

    Japanese media said an explosion blew the roof off the reactor, raising fears of a disastrous meltdown at a nuclear plant damaged in the massive earthquake that hit Japan.


  • 有时候灾难保险费用令人咂舌,灾害是否会发生还是未知之数。

    Sometimes the price of catastrophic insurance is chokingly high while the risk remains remote.


  • 类似这种自然灾害之严重,比如几年前由东南亚海啸引发的连串灾难真实地改变城市乡村以及海岸线形状

    Disasters like this, or the events of the Southeast Asian tsunamis, can literally change the shape of cities, countrysides, and coastlines.


  • 更重要的是突发事件灾害情况下我们应该保持头脑清醒,依靠自己躲避灾难

    What's more, in case of emergencies and disasters, we should keep our head, and rely on ourselves to escape from the disasters.


  • 有时候一些严重灾难自然灾害火灾

    Sometimes there will be some serious disaster, for example, natural disaster and fire.


  • 于1970年袭击区域热带气旋是从有文字记录至今致命热带气旋,评为现代最可怕自然灾害之一。这场灾难中有50万丧生。

    The Bhola tropical cyclone struck the territory in 1970 was the deadliest tropical cyclone ever recorded and is rated as one of the worst natural disasters in modern times.


  • 人类获得项科技重大成就,人类就会又获得一次惨痛非自然自然灾害灾难

    Human beings in their won a major achievement in science and technology, human will get a bitter of nature and natural disasters and disaster.


  • ,既是又不是,并指出造成灾难相比这种原油泄漏灾害简直小菜一碟

    Yes and no, say the Zetas, who point out that relative to the disasters that the pole shift will cause, such oil spill disasters are peanuts.


  • 金斯强调日本有史以来一直受到各种灾害的侵袭,他们习惯应对各种灾难

    Kingston notes that Japan has been struck by disaster since its creation, and it's accustomed to dealing with disaster.


  • 今年以来,世界各地自然灾害频发冰山融化,火山喷发惊心触目瞬间人们看到灾难大片2012。

    This year, frequent natural disasters around the world, melting glaciers, volcanic eruptions, and that startling moment of striking, so that people seemed to see a large disaster, 2012.


  • 今年以来,世界各地自然灾害频发冰山融化,火山喷发惊心触目瞬间人们看到灾难大片2012。

    This year, frequent natural disasters around the world, melting glaciers, volcanic eruptions, and that startling moment of striking, so that people seemed to see a large disaster, 2012.


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