• 灵魂形态灵魂2530得到额外奖励使用次数。

    Spirit Form: A Spirit Shaman gains one additional use of the Spirit Form ability at levels 25 and 30.


  • 人类历史上此时此刻投生地球人类形态很多灵魂也是这个类型它们来自另一个中枢太阳并和那里无意识有关

    Many souls incarnate in human form upon Earth at this time in human history fall into this category, they come from another Great Central Sun and the related unconscious therein.


  • 一个每天在追逐真理布莱士·帕斯卡(译者注:法国数学家):“一旦灵魂真理延伸,它绝不会回到最初形态。”

    Be one of those few who pursue truth both night and day. Blaise Pascal said, "Once your soul has been enlarged by truth, it can never return to its original size."


  • 这些灵魂扩展人类形态是来理解人类之舞培育一个人类的觉醒进化的。

    These souls extended into human form to understand the human dance and foster human awakening and evolution.


  • 看着Sam讥讽人类形态的Lucky叼或是嘲笑Lucky的领子实在很有意思——就好像Sam自己灵魂似的

    Watching Sam taunt Lucky in human form with a ball, or laugh at his collar, was just funny – even if you do have a soul.


  • 高桥:在设计怪兽时,所考虑的是角色灵魂形状。我相信即使内在心灵也应有自己形态

    TAKAHASHI: I design the monsters to give shape to the characters' souls. I believe that even the heart-the soul, the inner essence-has a form.


  • 现在忆起灵魂获得形态最初意图时刻

    Now is the time to remember the original purpose for which your soul has taken form.


  • 形态提升程度决定灵魂获得更高层面力量程度,地球内部的统治层中获得更高层次职位

    To the degree that the form has ascended, to such a degree will souls have earned a greater level of power and therefore receive a higher level of position within the governance of Earth.


  • 通常关系灵魂业力基因业力所共有,因为段关系几个特殊灵魂选择步入一个特殊的形态所造成的。

    There is generally a relationship between soul karma and genetic karma, and it is because of such a relationship that any particular soul chooses to incarnate or walk into a particular form.


  • 不管先进与否实体灵魂可以根据愿望改变自己身体形态概念种娱乐也是绝对虚假的。

    The concept that entities, souls, advanced or otherwise, can alter their physical reality by wishes is entertaining but absolutely false.


  • 建设新型生育文化中它的理论形态灵魂观念形态核心

    In building new reproductive culture, theoretical formation is the soul, and conceptual formation is the core.


  • 具有“动感”的设计形态更加生动地体现设计的灵魂思想

    The innervation design form can embody the design thought and spirit more vividly.


  • 影响使困惑灵魂以为自己活动的作为者,殊不知活动实际上物质自然形态履行的。

    The spirit soul bewildered by the influence of false ego thinks himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out by the three modes of material nature.


  • 条裂缝追溯到一条特定绳索,它连结形态以太身体通向留在你提升早期接合点上的灵魂碎片

    This crack can be traced to a particular cord attached to the etheric body of the form and will lead to the piece of soul that was left behind at an earlier juncture in one's ascension.


  • 与生命、存在相关事情,爱情原则是追求至善,超越可见形态,是人与人灵魂沟通

    The "eros" is an affair relating to the life and the existence, the principle of the love, which transcends the visible shape and communicates the soul of men and women, pursues the good.


  • 灵魂一道走形态形态

    My soul walks with me, form of forms.


  • 情感作为物质形态出现有意思是,物质把人灵魂表现出来。

    Emotions emerge shaped as states of matter and more interestingly, matter ACTS out what goes on in the soul.


  • 最终造成了结果,在香巴拉内部一个新的次序树立要求所有拥有职位灵魂提升形态

    This is coming to an end at last, and a new precedence has been set within Shamballa requiring all souls who hold positions within Shamballa to ascend the form.


  • 我们拥有来自各种密度很多人类形态灵魂灌输记录

    We have many records of soul infusion in human form from a variety of dimensions.


  • 反观中国文化形态可以发现,其根本灵魂就附着绵延了几千史官文化上。

    And finding the soul of Chinese cultural patterns be based on the historigraphic culture which last for thousands of years.


  • 主要遵循4个基本步骤分析基础断层褶皱形态分析是核心,平衡观念灵魂构造复原是手段。

    The structural model should be built in 4 steps with the axial surface analysis as the basis, the fault-fold geometric analysis as the key, the balanced idea as the guidance and the stru.


  • 主要遵循4个基本步骤分析基础断层褶皱形态分析是核心,平衡观念灵魂构造复原是手段。

    The structural model should be built in 4 steps with the axial surface analysis as the basis, the fault-fold geometric analysis as the key, the balanced idea as the guidance and the stru.


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