• 试图取悦观众艺术家来说无疑自取灭亡

    Trying to please an audience is the kiss of death for an artist.


  • 我们活两千还是灭亡

    Will we last another two thousand years or will we wipe ourselves out?


  • 结婚那个早晨带给灭亡变成海上泡沫

    His wedding morning would bring death to her, and she would change into the foam of the sea.


  • 小心地我们珍贵的文物放在卡片上这样毫无意义,这会加速它们的灭亡

    There is no point whatsoever in carefully placing our valuable artifacts in paper or card that is going to hasten their demise.


  • 小心地我们珍贵的文物放在卡片上这种做法毫无意义,只加速它们的灭亡

    There is no point whatsoever in carefully placing our valuable artifacts in paper or cards that is going to hasten their demise.


  • 但是如果这样做,他也许就会加速自己国家灭亡

    But if he does this, he may hasten the collapse of his own country.


  • 俗话说:没有记忆国家就会灭亡

    As the old saying goes: a nation is lost without its memories.


  • 惶惑不安踉踉跄跄咔的后面,飞向灭亡

    Bewildered, and now staggering in her flight, she followed Tink to her doom.


  • 几个物种已经我们地球上存在数百万但是官方称2018它们已经陆续灭亡

    They had been on our planets for millions of years, but 2018 was the year several species officially died off forever.


  • 罗马帝国灭亡欧洲第一按照复杂礼节规范私人生活行为社会12世纪法国普罗旺斯。

    After the fall of Rome, the first European society to regulate behaviour in private life in accordance with a complicated code of etiquette was twelfth-century Provence, in France.


  • 尽管罗马帝国灭亡城市崩溃几个世纪里教堂仪式一直保持着人们对计时的兴趣,但教堂的时间自然时间。

    Although church ritual had sustained an interest in timekeeping throughout the centuries of urban collapse that followed the fall of Rome, church time was nature's time.


  • 动辄肆无忌惮地为抢地盘大打出手,岂不是自取灭亡

    At every turn unbridled ground roughhouses to grab territory under one's control, be court destruction?


  • 不义者愤怒背弃了智慧,遂兄弟自取灭亡

    But when the unjust went away from her in his anger, he perished by the fury wherewith he murdered his brother.


  • 另一个重要区别是:恐龙知道是什么击中了它们,它们自己的灭亡不负责任

    Another key difference: dinosaurs didn't know what hit them, and played no role in their own demise.


  • 如果我们不想办法,简直自取灭亡意思要我们坐视不管吗?

    We're cutting our own throats if we don't do something. Are you saying we should just do nothing?


  • 违反赖以存在行为,就是自取灭亡,何况根本不存在的东西并不能创造任何东西。

    Violation of the act by which it exists would be self-annihilation; and that which is itself nothing can create nothing.


  • 如果转让更多的权力给欧盟,那无异于自取灭亡问问爱尔兰法国荷兰政客知道了)。

    But a vote on transferring new powers would be suicide: just ask Irish, French or Dutch politicians.


  • 看来作为美国最大经济体加州正在尽最大努力自取灭亡也打碎了美国经济复苏给予的希望

    California thus seems to be doing its level best to come to ruin and, as the nation's largest economy, to drag the country's hopes for a recovery down with it.


  • 八月斯摩棱斯克一心只想如何推进可是我们现在看出这种继续推进对他来说显然是自取灭亡的。

    In August he was in Smolensk and thinking of nothing but advancing further, though, as we see now, that advance meant inevitable ruin.


  • 特别是后者导致一个两难的境地:人类如果过度掠夺自然资源将会自取灭亡但是如果那样做又会面临悲惨的命运。

    The latter, in particular, presents a catch twenty-two: man will sow his destruction if he exploits natural resources, but he risks perishing if he does not do so.


  • 吉姆·柯林斯作为一个简单背景介绍,说明一下自己这个问题兴趣,也就是企业是如何自取灭亡,走向衰落的。

    Jim Collins: Just as a brief background, I got really fascinated with the question, of how enterprises bring about their own demise or how they fall.


  • 图6最终恒星风中蝴蝶星云中心部位,一颗行将灭亡的恒星将热气吹到了几万亿英里之外星云的翅膀边缘处。

    6In a final gust of wind, the dyingstar at the center of the Butterfly Nebula sweeps hot gas into lacy wingstrillions of miles across.


  • 每个人都自取灭亡大大出乎意料的是,《分手大师》周末报收1.5亿此类影片来说,这个表现算是相当不错了。

    Everyone said this would be suicidal, but surprise, surprise, it returned 150 million yuan during its first weekend, a very respectable performance for this genre.


  • 展示不诚信企业界大亨如何自取灭亡揭示棘手的难题(比如说是否解雇忠诚无效率员工)怎样巧妙解决时,个案研究显然有用

    Case studies are clearly useful in showing how dishonest tycoons can come undone, or revealing how tricky dilemmas - whether, say, to fire loyal but inefficient employees - can be finessed.


  • 展示不诚信企业界大亨如何自取灭亡揭示棘手的难题(比如说是否解雇忠诚无效率员工)怎样巧妙解决时,个案研究显然有用

    Case studies are clearly useful in showing how dishonest tycoons can come undone, or revealing how tricky dilemmas - whether, say, to fire loyal but inefficient employees - can be finessed.


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