• 火箭引擎没法“酷”了。

    Rocket engines don't get much cooler than this.


  • 事实上还有另外一混合动力引擎火箭引擎

    There's actually another kind of hybrid: rocket engines.


  • 计算机控制火箭引擎发动

    The computer controlled the rocket firing.


  • 最近一次测试中,太空飞船二号由于火箭引擎点火失败而没有升入太空。

    In the latest test, SpaceShipTwo did not fire its rocket engine to climb to space.


  • 如果火箭引擎太小,却大量燃料火箭可能无法起飞

    If you have a smaller rocket engine and a lot of fuel, your rocket's probably not going to get off the ground.


  • 然而理解是,“混合动力火箭引擎同时使用固体燃料液态气态推进剂

    However, from what I gather, "hybrid" rocket engines use both solid and liquid or gas propellants.


  • 如果台巨大火箭引擎燃料较少,你可能无法火箭进入轨道。

    If you have a huge rocket engine but a tiny amount of fuel, you probably won't make it to orbit.


  • 火箭来打比方:需要巨大的火箭引擎,你还要足够的燃料

    An analogy is to building a space rocket: you need a huge rocket engine, and you need a lot of fuel.


  • 现在我们能力增大我们的火箭引擎,甚至已经超越了提供火箭燃料的能力。

    But now our ability to scale up our rocket engines has been catching up, and in some cases surpassing our ability to supply the rocket fuel.


  • 2月25日,美国航天局航天飞机组犹他州海角可回收的液态火箭引擎进行最后测试

    NASA's Space Shuttle Program conducted the final test firing of a reusable solid rocket motor Feb. 25 in Promontory, Utah.


  • 公司声称使用火箭引擎生产纳米技术粒子物理学领域经验技术,使新的刀片得以问世。

    The company claims it has used experience gained in fields such as rocket engine manufacturing, nanotechnology and particle physics to have created the new blade.


  • 过去十年间数据积累或者说火箭燃料增加超出我们建造火箭引擎吸收这些燃料的能力

    Over the last decade, the rise of data, or the rise of rocket fuel, got a little ahead of our ability to build rocket engines to absorb that fuel.


  • 并非一切都很完美由于这座城市需要寻找更多的水源,所以父亲必须冒着危险修理一个失败火箭引擎

    But all is not perfect, as the city's need for an additional water source leads to her father's perilous quest to repair a failing rocket engine.


  • 本学期大致上将重点放置不同种类火箭引擎物理学以及工程学上,而这些火箭引擎包含电热引擎静电引擎以及电磁引擎

    The bulk of the semester is devoted to the physics and engineering of various engine classes, including electrothermal, electrostatic and electro-magnetic.


  • 这个比喻中,火箭引擎便是大型计算机——在百度,也就是我们正在建造的超级计算机——而火箭燃料便是我们拥有的大量数据

    The analogy is that the rocket engines are the large computers-in Baidu's case, supercomputers we can now build-and the rocket fuel is the huge amounts of data we now have.


  • 阿姆斯特朗奥尔德林点燃了登月舱火箭引擎,喷降低了登月舱速度向下朝着登陆地点,登陆点一个被称为静海区域里。

    Armstrong and Aldrin fired the lander rocket engine. The firing slowed the spacecraft and sent it down toward the landing place. It was in an area known as the Sea of Tranquility.


  • 污染的飞机可以搭载50到100名乘客起飞时飞机使用海藻中提炼的生物燃料驱动常规引擎,当爬升到特定高度时,飞机会切换到火箭引擎

    The low-pollution plane to carry between 50 and 100 passengers will take off using normal engines powered by biofuel made from seaweed before switching on its rocket engines at altitude.


  • 类似工作仿真了在进入轨道期间管理火箭引擎点火的运载火箭数字计算机(LaunchVehicle Digital Computer,LVDC)。

    A similar effort simulates the launch vehicle digital computer (LVDC) that managed the firing of the rocket engines during ascent into orbit.


  • Astrium公司已经Romeo火箭引擎进行了相应的改造工作,以驱动飞船爬升太空并且风道测试已经证实气动外形。公司很快将会开始火箭发动机测试。

    Astrium has done considerable work already on the Romeo rocket engine that would power the climb to space, and wind tunnel testing has proven the aerodynamic shape.


  • Mims解释道混合动力火箭引擎的确存在,那就是维银河飞船1号(Virgin Galactic ' sSpaceShipOne)飞行器不过广泛投入使用之前还存在一些关口未被突破。

    Mims explains that hybrid rocket engines do exist, notably in Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipOne spacecraft, but there are several sticking points for widespread adoption.


  • 无人驾驶工艺可以一个机场跑到起飞没有外部火箭两个引擎使用氢气和氧气推动进入太空超过18英里

    The unpiloted craft, which can take off from an airport runway, has no external rockets and two engines use hydrogen and oxygen to propel it more than 18 miles into space.


  • 宇航员火箭使用核动力引擎,该技术长久以来处在认真研究之中至今仍未能投入实用)。

    The rocket uses a nuclear engine, a technology that was under serious investigation for a long time (and may yet see its day in space).


  • 一枚火箭可能多个部分组成,个部分称作一级,每一级又包含各自引擎某一级的燃料耗尽时就回自动脱离火箭

    Rockets can be made up of multiple sections, known as stages, each of which contain an engine and can be jettisoned when their fuel runs out.


  • 我们台风战斗机喷气发动机再加上架猎鹰火箭引擎使我们的这辆汽车可以冲刺47000英镑价值

    We have a Eurofighter Typhoon jet engine plus a falcon rocket which gives us 47,000 pounds worth of thrust.


  • 火箭采用的则人们长期以来一直认真研究核动力引擎技术

    The rocket USES a nuclear engine, a technology that was under serious investigation for a long time.


  • 1969年,人类首次登月AC火花塞引燃了第二第三火箭引擎

    In 1969, AC Igniter plugs fire the second and third stage rocket engines that put the first me on the moon.


  • 我们正3.24马赫飞行所有进气口紧紧关闭,两个J-58引擎火箭推进 器一样全速运转 -每秒吞吐100000立方英尺空气

    With all inlet doors tightly shut, at 3.24 Mach, the J-58s are more like ramjets now, gulping 100, 000 cubic feet of air per second.


  • 我们正3.24马赫飞行所有进气口紧紧关闭,两个J-58引擎火箭推进 器一样全速运转 -每秒吞吐100000立方英尺空气

    With all inlet doors tightly shut, at 3.24 Mach, the J-58s are more like ramjets now, gulping 100, 000 cubic feet of air per second.


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