• 虽然不同模型预测不同方面细节他们表明四分之一地表火灾风险变化

    Although the different models predict different details, they agree that the fire risk will change for about a quarter of the land surface.


  • 某些全球环流模型预测21世纪亚马逊地区可能干燥。这种概率上升有可能促使亚马逊成为火灾多发区

    The higher probability of a drier Amazon in the 21st Century predicted by some global circulation models... may push Amazonia towards an amplified fire-prone system.


  • 尽管那些投保火灾偷窃险投机商们根据几十年经验来投保,但是金融市场向来难以预测

    Those who insure against fire and theft can set premiums on the basis of decades of experience; financial markets are inherently less predictable.


  • 以前老师这样预测他的,他拿水管站火灾前面,不知所措。(张轶注:可能翻译错了。不会翻。)

    His former teacher would have predicted Dennis to be in front of the fire, with a sweater and a pipe, expounding on the cosmos.


  • 预测火灾行为人工神经网络ANN一个新的应用领域

    Predicting the fire behavior is a new application area of Artificial Neural Network (ANN).


  • 通过计算可以预测火灾发生时任意点处失效后果以便采取必要的防范措施

    The consequence of failure in any place may be predicted by calculation when pool fire occurs, so that necessary preventive measures can be taken.


  • 最佳回归模型与最佳灰色模型有机地结合起来建立中国火灾最佳灰色回归组合预测模型。

    Finally an optimal combinatorial forecasting model for fire in China has been established through combining the Grey and regression models.


  • 系数用于火灾烟气流动预测计算,也可用于正压送风量及一般建筑通风换气计算。

    It can be used for the prediction calculation of the fire smoke flow and the calculation of the positive air supply as well as for the ventilation.


  • 利用人工神经网络地震火灾发生率进行非线性预测具有实用价值和理论意义。

    To predict the seismic fire in an urban area, this paper tries to put forward a nonlinear means-Artificial Neural Network (ANN).


  • 述及国家自然科学基金资助项目建筑物火灾烟气流动性状预测主要研究成果

    This paper presents results of a research project "the prediction of the Fire Smoke Flow Properties in the Building", supported by the National Natural Science Fund.


  • 锦萍东引引水隧道施工可能存在风险进行了预测,包括围岩差异引出的工程风险、岩爆风险、涌水风险、有毒气体风险火灾、坍塌风险等,并提出相应的施工预案

    In view of the possible latent risks in the construction of water-diversion tunnels, this article makes relevant forecasts and puts forward an effective construction pre-arranged planning.


  • 运用灰色理论预测2000 - 2005年重庆南岸区火灾次数直接经济损失

    Grey theory is used to forecast the fire frequency and the direct economic losses from 2000 to 2005 in Nanan District, Chongqing city.


  • 森林火灾人类生命财产造成巨大的损失因此对森林火灾预测风险评价显得十分迫切重要

    Forest fires have caused huge losses to human life and property, so forest fire prediction and risk assessment becomes very urgent and necessary.


  • 鉴于这种原因本文考虑火灾损失信息确定性预测分析模糊方法问题

    This article consider the method question that the fire damage for the poor information is not determined in view of this factor.


  • 为了扼制该类火灾发生,煤自燃火灾指标气体早期预测预报功能越来越受到人们重视

    For the control of such fire, more and more attention has been paid to the early prediction and forecasting function of fire indication gases.


  • 同时运用建筑物火灾烟气流动性状预测计算软件分析了门窗开度及流量系数火灾影响

    Using the prediction software of the fire smoke flow properties in the building, the effect of the flow coefficient on the fire smoke flow was also studied.


  • 实验结果表明提出方法森林火灾面积进行准确有效预测

    The results indicated that the forest fire could be forecasted exactly and effectively by the proposed method.


  • 分析了1993~2003年火灾统计数据,应用自适应过滤模型预测火灾发展趋势

    The author analyzes the fire statistic date from 1993 to 2003, and forecasts the fire development trends by adaptive filtering model.


  • 提出了采用图像矿井火灾进行预测预报,克服了以往监测方法弊端

    The image processing method can be applied for the prediction and forecast of mine fire disasters.


  • 本文分界点总结归纳了目前国际采用的轰前后室内火灾温度预测方法。对每一种方法的使用条件优缺点作了分析。

    This paper takes flashover as a transition point and concludes present international forecast methods of temperature in pre-flashover and post-flashover compartment fires.


  • 介绍UL利用火灾建模预测实验结果,帮助客户减少产品开发中的往复实验,节省研发成本

    Introduce UL USES Fire modeling predict test performance, and in turn reduce the retest cost.


  • 当前森林火灾预报预测研究现状进行了分析指出了当前技术方法上存在问题不足

    This paper analyses the study status of forest fire forcast, and points out the problem and insufficient existing on technology and method about it at present.


  • 本论文是掌握应用建筑物火灾烟气流动性状预测软件基础上进行研究的。

    Research on Forecasting the Properties of Fire Smoke Flow in Multiroom Building with Field-Network Model;


  • 模型基础MATLAB6.0编程语言开发出建筑物火灾烟气流动预测应用软件。

    On the basis of new model, by using MATLAB6.0 language, the author developed a computer program for calculation on the properties of fire smoke flow in building.


  • 基础提出一种新的基于GIS技术遥感技术数学建模等技术森林火灾预报预测模型

    On the basis of this, this paper puts forward a new kind of forest fire forecast and spreading model based on GIS technology, the remote sensing technology, mathematics modeling.


  • 选用单位面积火灾损失、人口密度建筑密度、路网密度和消防力量建立城市火灾危险预测评估统计模型

    The statistic model of fire risk assessment is based on fire losses, population density, buildings density, road density and fire protection force.


  • 一些科学家预测加州将会有更多干旱森林火灾沿着加州长长的海岸线的海浪将更高猛烈具有酸性

    Some scientists foresee more droughts and forest fires, and higher, stormier and more acidic seas along California's long coastline.


  • 将各种非稳态火源释放速率计算式嵌入建筑物火灾性状预测软件并进行了算例验证。

    Some heat release rate formulas are added to the application software for calculation on the properties of the fire smoke flow in building.


  • 如何对森林火灾发生蔓延进行预测预报成为一个迫切需要解决的问题

    In this occasion, the forecast of occurrence and the development of the forest fire is becoming an important problem to be solved urgently.


  • 如何对森林火灾发生蔓延进行预测预报成为一个迫切需要解决的问题

    In this occasion, the forecast of occurrence and the development of the forest fire is becoming an important problem to be solved urgently.


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