• 据报道,这场火灾发生晚上9点26分,地点玛丽教堂附近密歇根大街上一间老旧购物中心

    The fire was reported at 9:26 pm at an old shopping center on Michigan Avenue near St. Mary's Church.


  • 巴里·麦克罗伊是卡罗莱纳火灾救援中心主任他在离开一家华夫饼餐厅名男子而争吵着进来

    Barry McRoy, a South Carolina fire and rescue director, was leaving a Waffle House restaurant when two men came in fighting over a gun.


  • 通过观察来自世界研究中心16个不同气候变化模式科学家把对雨林威胁归结因全球变暖所致的干旱森林火灾

    The scientists calculated the threat to rainforests from drought or forest fires as the world warms by looking at 16 different climate change models from research centres around the world.


  • 但是今年这些火灾发生该国人口高度密集中心地区,这些地区又遭遇了几个世纪以来最热夏天

    But this year they have occurred in the densely populated centre of the country, which has experienced its hottest summer in centuries.


  • UKNOWN PILOT: “烟雾来自,世界贸易中心大楼顶部,那里发生了严重火灾。”

    UKNOWN PILOT: "Coming out of the, ah, top of the World Trade Center building, a major fire."


  • 中国拥挤城市工业中心发生致人伤亡的爆炸火灾并不罕见

    Deadly explosions and fires aren't unusual in China's crowded urban industrial centers.


  • 总指挥等到达消防中心后,总经理立即通过消防插空电话了解火灾现场火势情况后,并作进一步指示

    General Manager as the commander in chief will monitor progress as well as coordinate with fire site through fire telephone and give further instruction.


  • 大城市中心城区往往火灾多发,消防管理中的薄弱环节。

    The fires happen very often in the central city zone of the metropolis. It's an unsubstantial aspect in the fire control management.


  • 课程包括防火组织管理人类行为火灾威胁事故管理系统紧急行动中心,和相关题材

    Courses may include fire prevention organization and management, human behavior and the fire threat, incident management systems, emergency operations centers, and related subjects.


  • 日本本州岛中心城市,位于名古屋的西北偏北,是一个制造中心城市89年毁灭性地震火灾重建人口4,740。

    A city of central Honshu, Japan, north-northwest of Nagoya. A manufacturing center, the city was rebuilt after a devastating earthquake and fire in 89. Population, 4,740.


  • 模拟的结果美国国家标准局火灾研究中心编制的ASET软件计算结果进行了比较。

    Predicted results were compared with those obtained using the software ASET developed by the Fire Research Center, National Bureau of Standards U. S. a.


  • 火灾报警系统核心思想对报管中发生任何火情及时地感知,及时的信息报给报管中心联动处理

    The core thought of the fire alarm system is that it can apperceive any situations of fire in time and send the information to the center of monitor or linkage handle.


  • 几个小时之间,圣贝纳迪诺国际机场临时撤离中心已经挤满了蜂拥而至的火灾难民

    Within hours, a makeshift evacuation center at the San Bernardino International Airport was overflowing with fire refugees.


  • 横穿廊道上的各项装备安装:安装电话通风设备及灭火器,未设置火灾中的疏散逃生指示未能提供与监控中心联系的途径。

    The cross-galleries are not equipped at all: no telephone, no ventilation, no instruction on how to behave in case of fires, no communication means with the monitoring center, no extinguishers.


  • 标语写着:“正是火灾时,来到这里就是”装扮成典型火灾属于坩埚,奥克兰加利福尼亚州艺术学习中心,卡车保险杠

    A bumper sticker reads, "It was on fire when I got here," and adorns the bumper of a classic fire truck belonging to the Crucible, an Oakland, Calif., arts learning center.


  • 澳大利亚西北海岸帝汶海大油井中心座油井发生火灾

    An oil well at the centre of a massive spill in the Timor Sea off the north-west coast of Australia is on fire.


  • 澳大利亚西北海岸帝汶海大油井中心座油井发生火灾

    An oil well at the centre of a massive spill in the Timor Sea off the north - west coast of Australia is on fire.


  • 介绍上海森林网球中心主赛场火灾报警系统实例

    In this paper, the example of the fire alarm system for the main game court of Shanghai Qizhong Forest Tennis Center is presented.


  • 计算结果说明世界贸易中心倒塌直接原因火灾导致钢材软化楼板塌落冲击荷载引起的连锁反应。

    The numerical results also show that the softening of steel under fire and impact load of top floors are the two main reasons for the collapse.


  • 火灾烧毁了44层高的央视附属东方文华中心大楼酒店当时并没有人在酒店内居住。消防员在灭火死亡其他名消防员受伤

    The fire ravaged the 44-story Mandarin Oriental hotel, which was unoccupied. One fireman died and several others were injured fighting the blaze.


  • FGS接受来自现场火灾、可燃气体探头的检测信号手动报警信号,启动警报系统,同时火灾信号消防中心

    FGS will alarm when it receive the field alarm signals from fire, gas sensors and manual call points, At the same time, the fire alarm signals will be sent to central fire station.


  • 会展中心建筑具有面积,层高高人员密集火灾危险大的特点。

    The exhibition and conference building is very fire risk bearing due to that it has large area with high height and is crowded with people.


  • 周四消防调查人员对悉尼中心座华人寺庙的着火原因进行调查,确认是否为故意纵火而引起火灾

    Fire investigators will work on Thursday to determine if arson caused a blaze at an historic temple in inner Sydney.


  • 周四消防调查人员对悉尼中心座华人寺庙的着火原因进行调查,确认是否为故意纵火而引起火灾

    Fire investigators will work on Thursday to determine if arson caused a blaze at an historic temple in inner Sydney.


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