• 此后所有用于研究火星卫星探测器细菌没有发现。

    For all the satellites and rovers that have studied Mars since, there has been no sign of so much as a bacterium.


  • 执行火星任务可能涉及到如何摆脱地球轨道成为火星卫星,然后才慢慢地降落

    A mission to Mars could involve swinging a spacecraft out of the Earth's orbit and into that of Mars before slowly making a descent.


  • 毕竟可以乘法说出火星卫星名字关于女人》美人》的读后感。

    After all I could do the multiplication tables name the satellites of Mars and write reports on Little Women and Black Beauty.


  • NASA计划未来大部分逃离地球的载荷特别是前往月球火星运载立方体卫星

    NASA plans for most of its future Earth-escaping payloads (to the moon and Mars especially) to carry Cube Sats.


  • 尽管金星水星没有卫星火星两个卫星,更别提超过60卫星土星木星

    While Venus and Mercury have no moons, Mars has two, while Saturn and Jupiter have more than 60 each.


  • 水手宇宙飞船发现火星表面还有两个卫星表面太空坠落流星体造成的陨石坑

    The Mariner spacecraft found that the surface of Mars, as well as that of its two moons, is pitted with impact craters formed by meteoroids falling in from space.


  • 它们可以到达更远轨道美国国家航空航天局计划未来大部分发射任务尤其是月球火星)中携带立方体卫星

    They can attain more distant orbits; NASA plans for most of its future earth escaping payloads (to the moon and Mars especially) to carry CubeSats.


  • 比尔·斯通看来我们有生之日会看到微生物火星、“欧罗巴一些外星的冰质卫星存在

    Bill Stone: in my opinion, within our lifetimes, microbiological life will be shown to exist either on Mars or on Europa, or some other outer planet's watery moon.


  • 后来其他卫星火星表面拍摄照片,而塞东尼亚地区后来拍摄的照片揭示只不过风化了平顶山

    When other satellites photographed the surface of Mars, the pictures of the Cydonia region revealed that the face was just an eroded mesa.


  • 上面两幅画“吹捧”的两个旅游胜地火星欧罗巴(右),木星神秘卫星”。

    Above are posters extolling Mars (left) and Europa, Jupiter's mysteriouscue ballmoon.


  • 共同签署了《中国国家航天局俄罗斯联邦航天局关于联合探测火星-火卫一合作的协议》,并确定双方将于2009年联合火星及其卫星“火卫一”进行探测

    The two countries announced a joint effort to explore Mars and one of its moons in 2009.


  • 事情发生欧洲航天局火星快车号宇宙飞船颗小卫星期间

    That’s when the European Space Agency’s Mars Express Spacecraft flew by the tiny moon.


  • 根据这种思维宇航员可以围绕月球火星火星的卫星飞行同时部署探测器他们进行岩石采集和试验工作。

    Under the new thinking, astronauts could barnstorm or circle the moon, Mars and Mars' twin moons, deploying probes to do their rock-collecting and experiments for them.


  • 月球火星金星两个小行星甚至连土星卫星之一接受过登陆飞船的光顾。

    The moon, Mars, Venus, two asteroids and even one of the moons of Saturn have all received the attentions of landing craft.


  • 第一,2016年发射颗人造卫星用于跟踪最近火星大气层检测到甲烷其他气体

    The first, to launch in 2016, is a satellite that would track down the sources of methane and other trace gases recently detected in Mars' atmosphere.


  • 火星勘测轨道器系列卫星一部分着陆器星球被应用红色星球研究中

    The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is part of a fleet of satellites, landers and rover that have dispatched to the Red Planet for studies.


  • 如果漫游机器人火星表面有信息传回地球,机器人数据保存起来等到卫星到了可以接收信号轨道范围发送出去;

    For example, if a rover on Mars needs to send data to Earth, it would first need to store the data until it was within range of an orbiting satellite.


  • 谷神星结果只是众多火星木星卫星中的颗,并非什么行星。

    Ceres turned out to be just one of many asteroids orbiting between Mars and Jupiter, rather than a proper planet.


  • 最近食尸鬼牺牲品似乎就是“福布斯-土壤”探测器了,俄罗斯试图把福布斯(火星卫星中的较大一颗)的岩石样本带回地球宏伟计划

    The ghoul's latest victim appears to have been Phobos-Grunt, an ambitious Russian mission that was intended to return to Earth with a rock sample from Phobos, the larger of Mars's moons.


  • 太阳系行星拥有的卫星很少的,金星水星没有卫星火星两颗卫星,但我们的比起来就像是小小的鹅卵石

    Moons are rare in the inner solar system: Venus and Mercury don't have any, and Mars's two moons are tiny pebbles in comparison with ours.


  • 一个月亮可能帮助稳定火星轨道但是它也两个卫星,很可能是被捕获小行星,他们根本没有足够的引力能束缚。

    A big moon likely could have helped stabilize Mars' orbit, but the planet has just two small moons, most likely captured asteroids, that don't have much gravitational muscle.


  • 蓝色的扇子点缀略带桃色火星南部极地地区,这美国宇航局火星侦察卫星拍摄照片发布于星期三

    Blue fans decorate the pinkish landscape of Mars's south polar region in a false-color picture taken by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and released Wednesday.


  • 其他航天机构,比如,最著名俄罗斯航天机构将计划进行太空深入探索:俄罗斯计划月球建造一个机器人基地,通过非载人飞行探索金星火星卫星表面

    Other space agencies, notably Russia's, plan to continue exploring: Russia talks of a robotic base on the moon, and unmanned trips to the surface of Venus and the moons of Mars.


  • 结束当天工作之前漫游车会火星奥德赛人造卫星发送照片以及他们所在地点其他数据卫星随后将信息转任务控制中心。

    Before shutting down each night, the rovers send pictures and other data of their positions to an orbiter called Mars Odyssey, which relays them back to mission control.


  • 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)火星环绕卫星最近拍摄到一起发生火星山崩事件,这是人类首次看到来自另一世界的山崩事件。

    A NASA satellite circling the red planet has snapped the first pictures ever taken of a landslide happening on another world.


  • 人造卫星成功地被发射进入火星轨道中。

    The satellite was successfully launched into the orbit of Mars.


  • 我们可以三十年内建立基地,五十到达火星,200年后探索行星卫星

    We could have a base on the moon within 30 years, reach Mars in 50 years, and explore the moons of the outer planets in 200 years.


  • 如果就像Olson预言那样,人类在本世纪中叶踏上火星那么工程师宇航员可能目光投向那些更远冰冻行星炙热的卫星以及诸多恒星上。

    If, as Olson predicts, humans reach Mars by the middle of this century, engineers and astronauts may then set their sights on the frozen planets, fiery moons and stars beyond.


  • 如果就像Olson预言那样,人类在本世纪中叶踏上火星那么工程师宇航员可能目光投向那些更远冰冻行星炙热的卫星以及诸多恒星上。

    If, as Olson predicts, humans reach Mars by the middle of this century, engineers and astronauts may then set their sights on the frozen planets, fiery moons and stars beyond.


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