• 形成侵蚀遗迹是一个火山称为灰岩

    The formation is the eroded remains of a volcanic tower known as a tuff cone.


  • 几个世纪时间里,拉扩展他们边界巴布亚新几内亚丛林覆盖火山延伸到汤加孤独的珊瑚群。

    Within the span of several centuries, the Lapita stretched the boundaries of their world from the jungleclad volcanoes of Papua New Guinea to the loneliest coral outliers of Tonga.


  • 魔鬼过去遗迹当时地核的熔岩地表形成火山咽喉

    Devils Tower is a relic of the past, when the molten rock of the earth's core forced its way to the surface to form the throat of a volcano.


  • 大多数最大火山西斯凸起有关北部平原上发现了许多较小火山

    Most of the largest volcanoes are associated with the Tharsis bulge, but many smaller ones are found in the northern plains.


  • 西斯高原发现了非常火山尔西斯高原是火星赤道附近片广阔的地质区域

    Three very large volcanoes are found on the Tharsis bulge, an enormous geologic area near Mars's equator.


  • 迈克尔·米尔福德摄- - -条溪流经过岩石雕刻出一个峡谷,1912年附近诺娃拉普火山喷发促成了峡谷的形成

    Photograph by Michael Melford - in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes a stream carves a canyon through rock formed during the 1912 eruption of nearby Novarupta Volcano.


  • 波兰科学家哈罗恩·耶夫花了毕生精力来研究世界各地火山

    Haroun Tazieff, the Polish scientist, has spent his lifetime studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world.


  • 八百死亡腐烂菲律宾养鱼场,这些养鱼场位于马尼拉南部阿尔火山附近湖里

    More than 800 tons of fish have died and rotted on fish farms in a lake near Taal Volcano south of Manila.


  • 福(Atafu)是由包围着火山侧翼但现已开始变得活跃甚至已被海水淹没珊瑚礁组成。

    Atafu is made up of coral reefs that surrounded the flanks of a volcano that has since become inactive and submerged.


  • 帕切科说:“摄影帮助冲破一切障碍不断产生各种疯狂点子。”最近刚刚才登上了伊斯·西·瓦特尔——墨西哥城附近座5230(17159英尺)高的火山

    "It has helped me to break barriers and to keep having crazy ideas," said Pacheco, who recently climbed to the top of Iztaccihuatl, a 17, 159-foot (5, 230-meter) volcano near Mexico City.


  • 意大利西西群岛火山同样也有如此动态图片,图片中不仅有喷发时的火山灰柱,旁边的桔黄色亮线就是顺山口流下的岩浆。

    Equally dramatic shots of mount Etna in Sicily, Italy, shows the mountain erupting with plumes of smoke, while a line of bright orange lava can be seen snaking down the side.


  • 当前大家颇为关注火山一个相当火山埃亚·菲亚·德拉火山25千米

    Much attention is currently being focused on Katla, a considerably larger volcano 25km from Eyjafjallajokull.


  • 这些火山苏加图尔卡纳之间火山杂岩一部分。

    These cinder cones are part of a broad volcanic complex between the Suguta Valley and Lake Turkana to the north.


  • 不管是埃特纳火山还是西斯高地,贯穿火山山体裂隙也都显示出相似格局

    Both Etna and Tharsis show similar patterns of rifting running through the body of the volcano.


  • 谷里条溪流在它邻近诺瓦拉·普火山(Novarupta Volcano)于1912年爆发构成岩石上雕刻出一个峡谷

    In the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes a stream carves a canyon through rock formed during the 1912 eruption of nearby Novarupta Volcano.


  • 一个超大型火山(卡火山之一)喷发出的灰尘笼罩北欧大约1万3百

    A very large eruption, thought to be one of Katla’s, left ash all across northern Europe about 10,300 years ago.


  • 一个超大型火山(卡火山之一)喷发出灰尘笼罩北欧大约1万3百

    A very large eruption, thought to be one of Katla's, left ash all across northern Europe about 10, 300 years ago.


  • 火星西斯火山构造地区被风侵蚀的地貌,照片美国宇航局的高分辨率科学成像实验相机摄于2010年7月31日

    Windblown features are visible on this shield volcano structure in Mars' Tharsis Region seen by NASA's HiRISE camera on July 31st, 2010. (NASA/JPL/University of Arizona)


  • 列入关注理由20世纪次最大规模火山爆发,玛里亚就占了次,记录的火山爆发指数(VEI)为6留下了一个直径为700-1000火山

    Reasons to worry: Santa María's last big blast was one of the four largest volcaniceruptions in the 20th century, registering a VEI magnitude of 6 and leaving a 700-by-1,000 meter craterbehind.


  • 街道对于20世纪来说,艾火山(MountEtna)总是矗立在远处,那个冒烟紫色圆锥形山体

    The streets are too narrow for the 20th century, and Mount Etna is always there, a distant cone of purple and smoke.


  • 游客标牌指引怀观看难得一见硫磺泥浆喷泉火山奇观

    Tourists in sign under the guidance of can watch tower to uw Mr Doppler inaccessibly sulphur mud fountains and seven colors volcanic lake wonders.


  • 问及此次火山爆发意义连续多久,另有这会欧洲带来多少不幸灾祸。

    The Zetas were asked about the significance of this latest eruption, how long it would continue, and how much grief this would cause for Europe.


  • 法的天空弥漫着令人窒息黑云,其主要成分为灰烬烟雾火山灰。

    Mustafar's skies are obscured by choking black clouds of ash, smoke and tephra.


  • 觉洛地层分区广泛发育石炭石炭世早期火山-沉积建造。

    The volcanic-sedimentary formations of Early Carboniferous and early Late Carboniferous are widely developed in the Qoltag stratigraphic subregion.


  • 进一步塑造穆法活跃的景观,制作时每一个外景景头使用了数码真实的烟雾火山

    Further sweetening the growing Mustafar composites were digital and practical smoke and cinder elements that populated every exterior shot.


  • 巴里坤煤矿原划下泥盆统黑尔巴斯套下部,发现一套基性火山火山碎屑岩建造。

    A set of intermediate basic volcanics, pyroclastic rock and top part of clastic rock is found in north of Balikun coal mine.


  • 位于沿汤加海沟盆地西南太平洋西火山一个海底火山萨摩亚,汤加斐济交界地带系列一部分

    Located in the Lau Basin along the Tonga Trench in the southwest Pacific Ocean, the west Mata volcano is part of a series of submarine volcanoes in the area bordered by Samoa, Tonga, and Fiji.


  • 波兰科学家哈罗恩·耶夫花费了一生精力来探究全世界各地火山

    Haroun Tazieff the Polish scientist, has spent his life-time studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world.


  • 位于太平洋中的萨摩亚南面西火山火山喷发

    This is the eruption of the West Mata Volcano south of Samoa in the Pacific Ocean.


  • 八打雁阿尔火山湖里另一个火山里的火山这里坐落远东最大教堂圣马丁大教堂

    Taal , a volcano within a lake within another volcano, is in batangas, where the st. martin of tours basilica, the largest church in the far east, is located.


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