• 公司3d印制机将20——30微米的层面铺一个托盘上,钛托盘里激光电子光束熔化

    The firm's 3d printers spread a layer about 20-30 microns (0.02-0.03mm) thick onto a tray where it is fused by lasers or an electron beam.


  • 分析了主要工艺参数激光功率扫描速度、送以及Z增量成型质量形貌的影响。

    The technics parameters, such as the laser power, scan velocity, powder feed rate and the Z axis increment, which influence quality and shape were analyzed in this article.


  • 通过改变激光熔覆过程中的扫描速度、送速率、基体预热温度等工艺参数,获得了激光熔覆层。

    Single pass laser surface of the specimens using powder feeding method were obtained by varying the powder feeding rate and the preheating temperature of the substrate.


  • 采用激光堆焊技术及自动送工艺进行了修复实验。

    In this paper we tried to repair the abraded shafts using laser overlaying welding technology.


  • 系统研究激光功率扫描速度预热温度厚度工艺参数成型试样质量影响

    The effects of different process parameters such as laser power, scanning speed, preheat temperature, powder-bed depth on the sintered quality were studied systematically.


  • 单道覆中通过跟踪测量研究了激光功率扫描速度、送速率光斑直径基体预热温度温度影响规律。

    The influence of laser power, scanning speed, powder feed rate, spot diameter and preheating on the temperature of molten pool were revealed in the process of single-pass cladding.


  • 研究自行设计制作激光诱导化学沉积(LICVD)纳米硅制备设备关键部件设计思路进行了阐述。

    In this study we designed and made the preparation equipment of nano-silicon powder by LICVD (laser induced chemical vapor deposition), and introduced the designing thought of key parts.


  • 对古代碳化稻谷进行分辨电子显微镜、X衍射激光拉曼光谱研究

    Carbonated paddy has been studied through high resolution transmission electronic microscopy (HRTEM), X -ray powder diffraction and laser Raman spectroscopy.


  • 激光粒度分析方法矿渣试样进行了颗粒分布测试,并以RRS B线性回归进行拟合。

    The distribution of powder clusters of finely ground slag was measured by means of laser granulometer and was modeled through RRSB linear regression.


  • 扫描电镜激光粒度分析仪研究了立式生产矿渣颗粒形貌和颗粒群分布

    The appearances and particle size distribution of slag micro-powder produced by ball mill and vertical mill were researched with scanning electron microscope and laser particle size analyzer.


  • 基于同轴送技术提出激光熔覆支撑偏移堆积方法

    Based on the internal laser coaxial-powder feeding technology, it brought up a method of laser cladding inclined wall accumulation without support.


  • 结果表明预处理、送量、激光扫描速度决定模具修复质量的关键。

    The results show that repairing quality of the dies is affected by pretreatment, laser power scanning rates and powder feed rates.


  • 探讨一项利用激光快速成型技术成型技术、陶土成型技术制造PD C钻头烧结模具工艺

    This article introduces a new manufacture process of the sintered mould for matrix PDC bits by using laser rapid modeling technique, rubber mold forming technique and kaolin powder modeling technique.


  • 本文系统地研究金刚石压坯高功率CO2激光作用烧结工艺

    The sintering technique of diamond fine powders compact by CO2 laser has been researched systematically in the thesis.


  • 显然有实际意义的,因为同轴比预置末更易于实现自动化大面积激光

    Obviously, this is very significant because the coaxial powder feeding laser cladding is easy to realize automation and big area cladding.


  • 本文研究激光诱导化学沉积法制备纳米氮工作原理,提出减少游离措施,利用双光束激发制备了超微的、非晶纳米氮化硅体。

    It is used in many areas. In this paper, the general principles of LICVD (laser induced chemical vapor deposition) were investigated and the measures to reduce dissociated si were put forward.


  • 研制了种在激光为中心轴圆周方向均匀对称分布四个具有同轴汇聚双层的送喷嘴

    Developed a feeding nozzle which have four double-feeding pipes with co-axial shaping gas distributes on circle orientation of laser beam with uniformity and symmetry.


  • 激光三维快速立体成型已成为新的研究热点,送激光三维快速立体成型技术中的关键技术。

    Laser three-dimensional shaping is a new research hotspot, and powder feed unit is the key to this technology.


  • 激光同轴送覆中,由于激光相互作用,末流整体温度分布直接影响激光熔覆质量

    In laser coaxial cladding, laser casing qualities are directly affected by temperature field of powder flow for the interaction between laser and powers.


  • 建立了侧向激光末颗粒温升数学模型模型可以考虑激光的功率分布

    A temperature rise model of laser cladding material powder by side-injection is established. In this model, the distribution of laser power is considered.


  • 采用激光感应复合覆技术制备合金熔覆涂层研究了涂层组织裂纹行为

    The nickel base alloy coatings were fabricated by powder feeding laser induction hybrid cladding. The microstructure and cracking behavior of coating were studied.


  • 将供给态研磨态激光衍射FSSS法和BET测量颗粒粒度。

    FSSS method, laser diffraction method and BET method were used to perform the particle size measurement.


  • XRDSEM激光粒度分析等手段对所制各级化硼进行研究。

    The t-BN powder was analyzed by XRD, SEM and laser granularity analyzer.


  • 详细介绍了同轴激光成形过程中金属激光相互作用时间计算方法

    A method to calculate the interaction time between metal powder and laser beam during laser direct forming with the metal powder conveyed by coaxial powder feeder is introduced in detailed.


  • 利用X衍射激光拉曼光谱实验分析高岭石及其醋酸钾插层物的结构。

    Kaolinite and the kaolinite-potassium acetate intercalate were studied by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectra.


  • 借助TG-DSC、XRD激光拉曼光谱测试方法对提纯前后的金刚石微进行对比分析。

    The purification results could be contrasted and analyzed by modern test equipments, e. g. TG-DSC, XRD, Laser-Raman Spectrum.


  • 整个激光直接制造系统分为激光直接制造软件系统、硬件系统系统三大子系统。

    This whole system is divided into three subsystems by function, including laser system, CNC processing system and powder delivery system.


  • 获得良好的结合界面提供了实验证据,为制定激光熔覆工艺规程提供了理论依据

    Experimental evidence is acquired for obtaining a good interface; and a theoretical basis is presented for determining the reasonable processing schedule in powder feeding type laser cladding as well.


  • 提出了分布密度一新概念,即同步送激光覆时基体单位面积分布覆层末质量。

    A new conception, average powder density defined as the powder quantity clad on unit area of substrate surface has been put for ward.


  • 提出了分布密度一新概念,即同步送激光覆时基体单位面积分布覆层末质量。

    A new conception, average powder density defined as the powder quantity clad on unit area of substrate surface has been put for ward.


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