• 同时戒指项链胸针高端设计理念深入本次展会现场,时尚圈潮流设计已经覆盖整个展团之中

    Meanwhile, high-end design concept of ring, necklace and brooch has invaded into pavilions and filled the venue with updated fashion.


  • 室内设计者们他们职业生涯都花在追赶最新潮流

    Interior designers spend their working lives keeping up to date with the latest trends.


  • 难怪谴责许多大学只不过是精心设计骗局已经成为一种潮流

    No wonder it has become fashionable to denounce many universities as little more than elaborate con tricks.


  • 这些务实而又富有洞察力的设计决定20世纪末时尚潮流

    These practical, insightful designers have determined the course of late twentieth century fashion.


  • 近年婚纱很流行无、无设计但是现在潮流的方向改变了如果套时下最流行的婚纱那么长袖+肩款绝对你需要考虑的款式。

    Sleeveless and strapless have been in trend for years but now, it is all changed, if you need to buy a wedding gown with the current trends, then don't forget to have a gown with straps and sleeves.


  • 上图家具里种花草这次设计节里面一个主要潮流

    Image above: Growing plants in furniture was a huge trend at the fair.


  • 过去几年时尚博主已经成为引领潮流趋势的浪潮,给设计造型师、编辑普通人们带来灵感

    Over the past couple of years, fashion bloggers have become the newest wave of trendsetters, inspiring designers, stylists, editors, and everyday people.


  • 虽然当今许多大企业利用设计作为提高它们利润手段,设计应该如何充分利用这一潮流却并不清晰

    How exactly designers might take advantage of business 'new-found interest in using design to improve bottom lines was, however, less clear.


  • 娜塔莉也紧跟潮流推出了自己设计服装品牌,和别人不同出品的可是环保材料。

    Natalie's jumped on the trend of celeb-designed fashion lines, but she's doing it the eco way!


  • 我们很难说这位年轻的设计到底何时跨越新秀潮流主宰之间界限的。

    It's hard to know exactly when a young designer has crossed the line from being a sensation to becoming a major force.


  • 最新潮流就是今年开办的融合底价小屋先锋设计科技的袖珍旅馆。

    The latest examples of the genre, which opened this year, have added a further twist: they combine small rooms at low prices with cutting-edge design and technology.


  • 本厂设计紧跟世界潮流并且风格每年推出大量新式设计样板

    Since Jinhui closely connects its design on the world fashions and bestows it with distinctive styles, the Company can bring a great variety of new designs and models to the markets annually.


  • 我们logo展示风格多样、对象各异创意独特由此可以跟得上最新设计潮流技术

    Our logo showcases concentrate on many different styles, objects and unique ideas, so you stay up-to-date with design trends and techniques.


  • 好莱坞电影明星引领了潮流比如贝蒂·戴维斯葛丽泰·嘉宝引领艾德里安和穆里尔·金设计裙子和由莉莉·达祺(LilyDache)设计的帽子的潮流

    Hollywood movie stars such as Bette Davis and Greta Garbo set fashion trends in dresses designed by Adrian and Muriel King and hats designed by Lily Dache.


  • 高端潮流网站Net - a -Porter现在也提供牛皮纸袋包装设计服装了。

    Net-a-Porter, an upmarket fashion website, now offers the option of having designer outfits delivered in a brown paper bag.


  • 回顾流年岁月时尚潮流他们常常显得俗不可耐——尤其那些精心打造的服装发型设计

    When we look at fashion trends of bygone eras, they often look tacky - especially the elaborate designs of clothing and hairdos.


  • 设计字体最难设计风格之一就是为什么设计字体仍然是2010年的潮流趋势。

    Typography is one of the most difficult trends to tackle which is why it will remain fresh in 2010.


  • 天以来超过100设计展示了他们最近服装系列纽约时装上,从来不新兴潮流

    With over 100 designers showing their latest collections over seven days, there's no shortage of emerging trends at New York Fashion Week.


  • 回顾历史长河,伟大的设计师们总是能够找到新的方法展现他们创造力表达自我凭借引领新的潮流创建新的技术来使他们的作品脱颖而出

    Throughout history, great designers always found new ways to show their creativity to express themselves and create new trends and techniques to remark their work apart from the rest of the crowd.


  • 对于我们掌握设计美学来说,我们不断地将设计潮流向前推进,并不断探索下一设计趋势。

    As we master the skills of design aesthetic, we continue to push forward to what's next or what needs to be fully discovered.


  • 不仅使设计师们掌握了最新时尚潮流客户需求让他们知道了哪些商品不太受欢迎。

    This not only keeps Zara's designers informed of fast-changing customer trends and demand, but also provides the company with insight on less-desirable merchandise.


  • 尼娜穿衣打扮热爱很快就成了梦想未来的动力引导潮流的时装设计

    Nina's love for dressing up soon became a driving force that allowed her to dream a dream: becoming a leading fashion designer.


  • 因此那些极力回避电子商务技术设计师们现在正在利用驾驭今天购物潮流

    So designers, who had avoided technology to the point of eschewing e-commerce, are using it to ride today's shopping wave.


  • 很自然所能追随纽约新娘时装潮流。从上个周开始,我爱上了2012年的秋季时装设计

    Naturally, I try and follow New York Bridal Fashion week as closely as I can, and this last week I've fallen in love with so many of the fall 2012 designs.


  • 现在办公室装修设计潮流怎样呢?

    Now what is the trend of office decoration design?


  • 潮流趋势帮助我们这些设计不断进化

    Trends help us evolve as designers.


  • 许多前卫设计师都钟情于此,Number (N)ineUndercoverRickOwens潮流的特点是夹克或宽大外套,以及各种诡异的、正好可以躲过狗仔队的帽子

    Favored by edgy designers like Number (N)ine, Undercover and Rick Owens, the trend included hooded jackets, big coats and some sort of bizarre headgear, perfect for hiding from the paparazzi.


  • 可以剪比较柔和KimberlyStewart式发型,可以剪得更设计感。不过无论选择怎样的发型,一定要够,够潮流,够合适

    You can go for something soft, like Kimberly Stewart, or more structured; but whatever you choose it needs to look cool, current and to suit you”.


  • 可以剪比较柔和KimberlyStewart式发型,可以剪得更设计感。不过无论选择怎样的发型,一定要够,够潮流,够合适

    You can go for something soft, like Kimberly Stewart, or more structured; but whatever you choose it needs to look cool, current and to suit you”.


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