• 永远精明格林斯一次也觉得迷惑国会大厦抱怨说,他那些之前看来坚不可摧世界观也出现了一些裂痕

    Alan Greenspan, uncharacteristically befuddled, went up to Capitol Hill on Thursday and lamented that some sort of fissure had erupted in his previously impregnable worldview.


  • 这里土地有限的:南部墨西哥边境西部沿海地区,北部德尔海军基地东部克里佛国家森林公园

    Land here is limited in all directions: by the Mexican border to the south, the ocean to the west, the Marine base at Camp Pendleton to the north, and the Cleveland National Forest east of the city.


  • 下炮声齐发:东边当、蒋钦杀西边周泰璋杀来,南边徐盛、丁奉杀来,北边陈武、吕蒙杀来

    From the east came han Dang and Jiang Qin, west, Zhou Tai and Pan Zhang, south, Xu Sheng and Ding Feng; north, Cheng Wu and Lv Meng.


  • 工程师马克思这个奖今年的得主之一印位于度班加罗尔总部的全球销售服务执行官瑞玛迪亚也名列其中。

    Marks, the engineer, was among four winners this year. So was Parimal Pandya, a global sales service executive based in Bangalore, India.


  • ·利德·瓦尔布朗断崖(Brown Bluff)上拍摄到站一个冰块企鹅照片

    Lidvall snapped a picture of these four penguins atop a large piece of ice at Brown Bluff.


  • 上图中的罗伯特·医生正在一年级学生蕾妮·卡尔金斯讨论分之三罩冠(three - quarter - crown)的准备问题。

    That's Dr.Robert P.Ha in the photo above discussing a three-quarter-crown preparation with first-year student Renee Calkins.


  • 上图中的罗伯特·医生正在年级学生蕾妮·卡尔金斯讨论分之三罩冠(three-quarter-crown )的准备问题。

    That's Dr. Robert P. Ha in the photo above discussing a three-quarter-crown preparation with first-year student Renee Calkins.


  • 12月10日欧盟峰会上,德里承认希腊国内腐败问题严重,声称国内经济灾难主要原因。此言出,座皆

    At an EU summit on December 10th Mr Papandreou shocked his colleagues by admitting that Greece was riddled with corruption, which he claimed was the main reason for its economic woes.


  • 希腊十年期债券收益或者说利率升至9%,也就是在德里欧先生告知后至7.99%——多年来最高记录。

    The yield, or interest rate, on Greek 10-year bonds, fell to as low as 7.99% after Mr Papandreou spoke, after rising to nearly 9% on Thursday - its highest level for more than 10 years.


  • 很少公开场合谈论此类跨国热点问题伟迪(Vikram Pandit)上周在纽约的确这么做了。

    But Vikram Pandit, who rarely discusses such cross-border, hot-button issues in public, did just that on Thursday in New York.


  • 就是愿意走开,”爱装顽皮孩子撒娇的样子说,“不管,已经个月了,我见不着您,也不着您。”

    "I won't go, so there now," pouted Eponine like a spoiled child; "you send me off, and it's four months since I saw you, and I've hardly had time to kiss you."


  • 11月10日欧洲央行行长卢卡斯·帕帕季莫斯接任辞职的乔治·德里欧

    On November 10th Lucas Papademos, a former vice-president of the European Central Bank, was named to replace George Papandreou, who had pledged to stand down four days earlier.


  • 依次为:土豆泥橙皮季豆萨尼沙拉乡村面包鼠尾草填料,普罗旺斯芳香火鸡肉汁红薯

    From left to right: Mashed Potato, Orange Scented Green Beans, Panzanella Salad, Country Bread Sage Dressing, Turkey with DE Provence, Gravy, Sweet Potato Pie.


  • 甚至德里欧领导社会党部分成员支持紧缩措施星期名社会党议员辞职。

    Even some members of Papandreou's Socialist party are not behind his measures. On Thursday, two lawmakers from his party stepped down.


  • ,帕德里欧先生撤回了选民决定是否通过欧盟计划建议

    On Thursday, Mr. Papandreou withdrew his proposal to let voters decide whether to approve the EU plan.


  • 预热完成烹饪内部温度165分之一英寸厚偏见

    Place the pan in preheated oven and finish cooking the chicken to an internal temperature of 165 degrees F. Cool and cut into -inch-thick slices on the bias.


  • 格林斯已经元老,人们很难赶上一次明显批评任何财政政策时候

    Greenspan has served under four presidents, and it's hard to come up with a time when he was notably critical of any of their fiscal policies.


  • 明代布政使端的私人花园

    It was originally the private garden of Pan Yunduan, Governor of Sichuan in the Ming Dynasty.


  • 我们小组再次出发目标河南主角是任春分玲夫妇

    Four of our group again starting line, the goal is to Henan, is the protagonist and Pan Li-Chun Ren-ling and his wife.


  • 啊!”洛夫,“既然只手干活,当然工作应该更好!”

    "As for that," said Pencroft, "when one has four hands at one's service, of course one's work ought to be done so much the better!"


  • 阿布扎比举行届一年一度世界未来能源峰会上,基文表示可再生能源能够解决地球紧迫几个问题

    Speaking at the fourth annual World Future energy Summit in Abu Dhabi, Ban said renewable energy could help solve a number of the planet's most pressing problems.


  • 所言危险垃圾处理结构存在问题缺乏处理落后技术没有监控机制危机处理措施、没有责任体系

    According to Pan, there are four problems in the hazardous waste treatment set-up: a lack of disposal areas, outdated technology, no monitoring system or emergency measures, and no liability system.


  • 一个骑兵1916美国探险队墨西哥捕获别墅推荐名士兵荣誉勋章

    After a cavalry charge during the 1916 U. S. expedition in Mexico to capture Pancho Villa, Thorn recommends four soldiers for the Medal of Honor.


  • 一个骑兵1916美国探险队墨西哥捕获别墅推荐名士兵荣誉勋章

    After a cavalry charge during the 1916 U. S. expedition in Mexico to capture Pancho Villa, Thorn recommends four soldiers for the Medal of Honor.


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