• 当被问及拆分可能性时,潘伟没有路堵死。

    Asked about the possibility of spinoffs, Mr. Pandit didn't slam the door.


  • 不过潘伟迪面临问题是否应该分拆整个花旗王国

    But the big question hanging over Mr. Pandit is whether he should take a meat cleaver to the Citigroup empire.


  • 例如潘伟称,新的资本金要求导致银行体系中无监管领域泛滥

    For example, Pandit says new capital requirements would simply encourage unregulated parts of the system to flourish.


  • 知情人士称,外界对潘伟不满包括他过度依赖一小顾问的意见。

    Among the complaints is that Mr. Pandit relies too much on a small a cadre of advisers, according to people familiar with the matter.


  • 法则草案上周遭到泄密,潘伟花旗庞大的法律团队在对草案进行分析

    A draft of the rule was leaked last week and Pandit said Citi's army of legal minds was still parsing it.


  • 花旗集团(Citigroup)首席执行官潘伟说,我们不会重返衰退

    Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit says we're not headed back into a downturn.


  • 潘伟呼吁美国加大对华出口呼吁储蓄率高达53%的中国消费者增加消费

    Pandit called for the U.S. to increase exports to China, and for Chinese consumers, who have an extraordinarily high savings rate of 53%, to pick up their spending.


  • 潘伟呼吁美国加大对华出口呼吁储蓄率高达53%的中国消费者增加消费

    Pandit called for the U. S. to increase exports to China, and for Chinese consumers, who have an extraordinarily high savings rate of 53%, to pick up their spending.


  • 周三潘伟提醒读者们花旗集团抵押贷款组合的规模在美国银行中处于末流。

    On Wednesday, Pandit reminded the audience that Citigroup has among the smallest mortgage portfolios of any major U.S. bank.


  • 比如瑞士达沃斯世界经济论坛上,潘伟谈论的是增加贫困人群提供金融服务

    At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, for example, Pandit spoke about expanding financial services to the poor.


  • 潘伟透露,本年两月花旗集团盈利;截止目前银行季度表现直奔2007年来最佳

    Vikram Pandit disclosed that Citigroup had a profitable first two months this year, and that, so far, the bank was turning in its best quarterly performance since 2007.


  • 方面说,伊梅尔特先生潘伟先生一个共同点:他们全都利用危机消除著名前任大部分遗产

    In this respect, Mr Immelt and Mr Pandit have one thing in common: both took advantage of the crisis to kill off a big part of their famous predecessors' legacies.


  • 知道眼下这样市场很难衡量到底是什么在推动股价,”潘伟称,“特别是眼下人们信心受损。”

    "You know, in markets like these, it's very hard to gauge exactly what drives stock prices," says Pandit, "particularly as people's confidence gets affected."


  • 很少公开场合谈论此类跨国热点问题潘伟迪(Vikram Pandit)上周四在纽约的确这么做了。

    But Vikram Pandit, who rarely discusses such cross-border, hot-button issues in public, did just that on Thursday in New York.


  • 戴尔女士花旗集团职位最高女性,也是潘伟于2007年底成为集团首席执行长首批聘用重要人员之一

    Ms. Dial is the highest-ranking woman at Citigroup and one of the first major hires by Mr. Pandit after he became CEO in late 2007.


  • 如果高盛亏损而不是获利布兰克·费恩花旗老板潘伟(Vikram Pandit)那样人同情然后被忽视

    If only Goldman Sachs had made losses instead of profits, Mr Blankfein would have been pitied and then ignored, like Citigroup's boss, Vikram Pandit.


  • 由于潘伟个人前途战略成功与否以及财务表现联系起来,掌舵花旗集团任内风险将由此增大。

    But it will also raise the stakes over Mr Pandit's tenure at the helm of the financial group by linking his future to the success of the strategy and financial performance.


  • 他因未能更好地指导监督首次出任首席执行官潘伟(Vikram Pandit)受到一些董事花旗高管的批评。

    But he has been criticised by some board directors and Citi executives for failing to guide and supervise Vikram Pandit, a first-time chief executive, better.


  • 行人走过花旗银行纽约某分行门口自从去年12月担任花旗首席执行长以来,潘伟一直支持花旗的现有架构拒绝庞大全球机构分而治之的呼声

    Since becoming CEO last December, Mr. Pandit has embraced Citigroup's existing structure, resisting calls to dismantle the sprawling global enterprise.


  • 花旗集团(Citigroup)首席执行官潘伟接受《财富》杂志(Fortune)采访时提出愿意抗议者会面承认华尔街已失去公众信任

    Vikram Pandit, the CEO of Citicorp (C), offered in a Fortune interview to meet with the protesters, acknowledging a lack of trust in Wall Street.


  • 摩根大通银行总裁杰米·迪蒙就军人家庭贷款问题处理不当一事致歉花旗银行总裁潘伟承诺无论局势如何,花旗银行都会致力于从事“负责任金融活动”。

    Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase has apologised for mishandling loans to military families. Vikram Pandit of Citigroup has committed his bank to "responsible finance", whatever that may be.


  • 知情人士报告潘伟至少助手给出不太有利的评价,分别是董事长卡登(LewisKaden首席行政长卡拉汉Don Callahan)。

    The report provided less-favorable assessments of at least two of Mr. Pandit's lieutenants, Vice Chairman Lewis Kaden and Chief Administrative Officer Don Callahan, the people said. Mr.


  • 尽管花旗集团股价上周大幅下跌,但该公司首席执行长潘伟迪(Vikram Pandit)高管坚称股票下跌不会公司造成威胁,因为花旗仍足够资本流动性

    As Citigroup shares fell last week, Chief executive Vikram Pandit and other top executives insisted that the plunge wasn't a threat because the company has plenty of capital and liquidity.


  • 2017年,入选《自然》杂志2017年“十大科学人物”。

    Pan Jianwei was recognized by Nature magazine on its list of "10 people who mattered" in 2017.


  • 1985到1995年,在中国科学技术大学学习后,在1996年赴维也纳深造,并于2001年回国。

    After he studied at the University of Science and Technology of China from 1985 to 1995, Pan went to Vienna in 1996 for further studies and stayed there until 2001.


  • 1985到1995年,在中国科学技术大学学习后,在1996年赴维也纳深造,并于2001年回国。

    After he studied at the University of Science and Technology of China from 1985 to 1995, Pan went to Vienna in 1996 for further studies and stayed there until 2001.


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