• 得·是一个飞的小男孩,他永远不长大。

    Peter Pan is a young boy who can fly and never grows up.


  • 基文透露众议院通过气候变化法案不但与所有众议院委员成员集体,还每个人单独面。

    Ban also revealed that he had met all the committee members of the House of Representatives both individually and collectively, before the it passed its climate bill.


  • 听证气氛使人回想起35年前水门事件国听证。格林斯问到何时知道存在住房泡沫以及他又是何时告知公众一点的。

    In an echo of the Watergate hearings 35 years ago, Mr. Greenspan was asked when he knew there was a housing bubble and when he told the public about it.


  • :“锻炼总是没有好。”但是将锻炼分配两三天里更有耐久力身体恢复时间

    "Something is always better than nothing," Spang said. But spreading your exercise out over two or three days allows you to build endurance and gives your body recovery time.


  • 一位青年代表质问是否保证努力拯救由于海平面上升而面临生存危机的群落避而不答。

    Questioned by a youth delegate if he would pledge to try and save the communities whose very survival is already at stake because of rising seas, Pershing refused.


  • 例如伟迪称,新的资本金要求导致银行体系中无监管领域泛滥

    For example, Pandit says new capital requirements would simply encourage unregulated parts of the system to flourish.


  • 报道,德里欧时候暗示可能辞职即使赢得今天具有决定性信任票

    Papandreou was reported to have later indicated he could step down even if he won today's knife-edge vote of confidence in parliament.


  • 来自摩斯曼的执业医师·使用因特网后,病人误解简单症状导致严重焦虑

    Mosman GP Penny Shaw said simple symptoms were often misconstrued by patients using the Internet, resulting in severe anxiety.


  • 今后西恩共同出演梦幻舞台剧《生命之树》,预计将于今年秋天首演。

    He will next be seen starring alongside Sean Penn in fantasy drama Tree of Life, slated for release this autumn.


  • 再说既然认为西好的学校就让那么认为好了,很不愿意告诉一位百上下的老人什么东西的,说了她也不进去。

    Besides, if she thought Pencey was a very good school, let her think it. You hate to tell new stuff to somebody around a hundred years old.


  • 组织者希望通过位于市中心且连接英伦海底隧道的克拉斯火车站运送多人观看奥运

    The organizers hope to use the new Channel Tunnel Rail Linkat St Pancras in central London to bring even more people to the Gaes.


  • 不再肩负环评文化促进的主要任务,提供这些信息表示是否留在环保部仍未有定数

    But he no longer holds key responsibilities for environmental reviews and cultural promotion, and people informed about his situation said it was unclear whether he would remain at the ministry.


  • 眼下,尽管德里国内时间更长,但还是确保办公室里有人帮他盯债券交易市场的大屏幕

    For the time being, though, Mr Papandreou may have to stay at home a bit more-and be sure that somebody in his office is keeping a close eye on the bond-trading screen.


  • 成了一家咨询公司——汤森·格林斯公司全国工业咨询委员工作

    He founded a consulting company, Townsend-Greenspan and worked for the National Industrial Conference Board.


  • 因此格林斯书中指出:“市场参与者为了抓住这种机遇争相调整价格汇率利率,使其回归维持市场平衡的水平”。

    The scramble by market participants to seize those opportunities presses prices, exchange rates, and interest rates back to market-appropriate level, ” Greenspan writes.


  • 怎么知道

    How do you know that my name is Eponine?


  • 含有5%50%·德克斯弹性纤维的牛仔裤起到腰带作用。

    Jeans with 5% to 50% Spandex can serve as a waist and thigh girdle. Legs that flare from the hip or knee balance the hips.


  • 含有5%50%·德克斯弹性纤维的牛仔裤起到腰带束腿作用。

    Jeans with 5% to 50% Spandex can serve as a waist and thigh girdle.Legs that flare from the hip or knee balance the hips.


  • 然而正是那些看起来安全的措施可能因为滥用而造成损害跟人体适量摄入维生素是一个道理。因此格林斯时代的美联储避免衰退方面太远了。

    However, just as seemingly healthy measures, such as taking vitamins, can cause damage if done to excess, so did the Greenspan-era Federal Reserve take recession avoidance too far.


  • 格林斯提及衰退市场或许还有伯南克可能咒骂他。

    The markets (and perhaps Mr Bernanke) may have cursed Mr Greenspan for mentioning recession.


  • 克斯普研究老鼠,并发现咯吱老鼠时老鼠也

    Panksepp studies rats that laugh when he tickles them.


  • Glassdoor网站萨曼莎-祖表示:“人们要求最好公司排名,他们愈发青睐那些允许他们宠物上班或者更多时间在家上班的公司。”

    "When people are asked to rate the best companies, they increasingly favour those that let them bring their pets to work or spend more time working from home," says Samantha Zupan of Glassdoor.


  • 但是没人忘记,2002年也是民调中落后然而却领先候选人利昂内尔·若斯(Lionel Jospin)进入决赛

    But nobody can forget that in 2002 Mr Le Pen was also behind in the polls-and yet scraped into the run-off ahead of the Socialist candidate, Lionel Jospin.


  • 如果高盛亏损而不是获利布兰克·费恩花旗老板伟迪(Vikram Pandit)那样人同情然后被忽视

    If only Goldman Sachs had made losses instead of profits, Mr Blankfein would have been pitied and then ignored, like Citigroup's boss, Vikram Pandit.


  • 在格林斯领导联储,在2001年时将利息6.5%降到1%时,每次降息幅度也没有超出0.5%。

    Even the Fed under Alan Greenspan, which cut rates from 6.5% to 1% in the early years of the decade, was never moved to cut by more than half a percentage point in a single go.


  • 心理哲学接踵而至只有时间告诉我们如何这些倾向列。

    The psychological philosophies ensue and only time will tell how these tendencies pan out.


  • 心理哲学接踵而至只有时间告诉我们如何这些倾向列。

    The psychological philosophies ensue and only time will tell how these tendencies pan out.


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