• 10岁回到学校的狗袜袜住的地方

    10-year-old Penny goes back to her school to find a place for her dog Socks.


  • 相反的,苦逼的中产阶级服务零售商杰西·尼,科尔以及西尔斯等百货商店同期只有6%的增长,股票回报率只有不到5%。

    By contrast, retailers catering to the squeezed middle classes, such as JC Penney, Kohl's and Sears, grew by only 6% in the same period and delivered a negative 5% return to shareholders.


  • 消除学生们的误解老师们应该选用学生生活紧密相关的材料采纳互动式教学方法。”教授说道

    To clear studentsmisunderstanding, teachers should use materials closely related to students’ lives and adopt interactive teaching methods, ” said Pan.


  • 乔治·德里欧打算希腊是否接受新的援助计划举行全民公决,结果投票日期确定就被赶下了台。

    George Papandreou's attempt to hold a Greek referendum over a new bail-out package led to his ejection from office before the ballot date was even set.


  • 他们会在前往斯特拉特福德多种线路中感到便捷其中包括线起点·勒斯火车站的标枪高速列车恐怕依然难以避免千禧年那样的交通大瘫痪。

    They take some comfort from the variety of routes into Stratford, including the Jubilee Line and the new Javelin train from st Pancras, but will be desperate to avoid a millennium eve style meltdown.


  • 韩国习惯基文这些套路了;在国内这位外交官回避棘手问题倾向赢得了绰号

    South Koreans are used to that sort of thing from Mr Ban; back home, the former diplomat's tendency to duck awkward questions won him the nickname "the slippery eel".


  • 研究团队其他成员林肯试验室的成员斯科特威客,克里斯帝娜祖克塔拉伯·特舍,珍妮弗·克·斯特本杰明素斯门。

    Other members of the research team are Lincoln Lab staff members Scott Wick, Christina Zook, Tara Boettcher, Jennifer Pancoast and Benjamin Zusman.


  • 末人要只牛头上。你要将只作赎罪只作,献给耶和华利末人赎罪。

    After the Levites lay their hands on the heads of the bulls, use the one for a sin offering to the Lord and the other for a burnt offering, to make atonement for the Levites.


  • 100年前一周以一句著名的“所有孩子都会长大只有一个例外”开篇,小说《彼得温迪》面世了。

    "PETER AND WENDY," published 100 years ago this week, famously begins with the words, "All children, except one, grow up."


  • 朵拉(Pandora)LinkedIn上市相比人人的IPO像是明年市场定调一次网络公司IPO。

    More so than Pandora or LinkedIn, RenRen could be the web IPO that sets the market's tone for the next year.


  • 诠释宣称让发丝强韧之中,绽放光彩”,多伦多建筑上高高垂个巨型马尾辫,供攀登者攀爬。

    To demonstrate Pantene’s claim ofReally Strong Hair”, climbers climbed the oversized ponytails attached to a building in Toronto. [link]


  • 诠释宣称让发丝强韧之中,绽放光彩”,多伦多建筑上高高垂个巨型马尾辫,供攀登者攀爬。

    To demonstrate Pantene's claim ofReally Strong Hair”, climbers climbed the oversized ponytails attached to a building in Toronto. [link]


  • 指定(化名)替换代理人可由代理人自由斟酌予以取消。

    To appoint Li Pan (Assumed name), as substitute attorney and to revoke at the discretion of the attorney.


  • 德维尔朋友们准备进行起诉,将这项指控分解爱丽舍宫的一项“精心安排完美计划”目的是在来年的竞选之前抹黑

    Friends of Mr DE Villepin, who also plans to Sue, dismissed the allegations as part of a "perfectly orchestrated" campaign by the Elysee to discredit him ahead of next year's election.


  • 比如,人同时两个地方处于一种叠加状态这种状态,建伟它解释量子叠加

    For example, people can at the same time in two places, in a superposition of the state, this state, Pan Jianwei will be interpreted as quantum superposition state.


  • 现在一个说话温文尔雅,仔细外交官低调辩解用完成行动说话的

    Today, Ban is a soft-spoken and careful diplomat, who defends his low-key manner saying he is a man who gets things done.


  • 团队工程师经验丰富工业应用包括设计独特的直流电源供应

    Spang's teams of engineers are highly experienced designing DC power supplies for unique industrial applications including.


  • 原来那个县里人们知道升官后,他们感到高兴自豪但是觉得很遗憾

    When the people in his old county heard Pan was being promoted, they were happy for him, and proud, too, but they also felt sorry.


  • 男低音合唱队和管弦乐队而作斯特·拉辛之死康塔塔

    The Execution of Stepan Razin, cantata, for bass, chorus & orchestra.


  • 当兵祖国牺牲每个男孩梦想拥有红五星条道路一步电影闪闪红星里的东子就这样一枚闪闪的红星

    Being a soldier and sacrifice our lives for the motherland is every boy's dream. Have a red pentagram is first step of this path, just like Pandongzi in the movie of Shinning red Star.


  • 依次土豆泥橙皮四季豆萨尼沙拉乡村面包鼠尾草填料,普罗旺斯芳香火鸡肉汁红薯

    From left to right: Mashed Potato, Orange Scented Green Beans, Panzanella Salad, Country Bread Sage Dressing, Turkey with DE Provence, Gravy, Sweet Potato Pie.


  • 刚才一直强调贵公司旨在将高品质葡萄酒介绍中国是否可以理解贵酒庄的葡萄酒大部分都比较昂贵

    Since you have been emphatically stressing the introduction of premiere class of wines to China, how do people interpret the its premium value?Is it because of its price tag?


  • 本文探讨了雕塑家雕塑草稿中渗进个人感情进行自由表达

    This article searched for the freedom of expression of the sculptor's feelings in their draft, through PanHe's example.


  • 托拉人设计以伊恩·麦凯格《星球大战:第一》绘制的蓝皮肤议员概念基础

    The design of the Pantoran was based on an Iain McCaig concept illustration of a blue-skinned Senator created for Episode I.


  • 德安1V30商铺,经营裘皮设计生产销售一体外贸服装服饰企业

    Pandean 1V30 shops operating fur, is the design, production, sales of clothing apparel foreign trade enterprises.


  • 美文精神情态着眼点,以人情世态聚光镜来看社会、看取人生

    Viewing society and life from the Angle of peoples spirit, emotion and attitude, Pans essays lay stress on social cultural criticism.


  • 美文精神情态着眼点,以人情世态聚光镜来看社会、看取人生

    Viewing society and life from the Angle of peoples spirit, emotion and attitude, Pans essays lay stress on social cultural criticism.


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