• 评审每周二,《纽约客》漫画编辑罗伯特·曼考夫在这天画家面对面地交流。

    Every Tuesday is judgment day, the day Robert Mankoff, the magazine's cartoon editor, meets with cartoonists face to face.


  • 泰坦漫画编辑安德鲁·詹姆斯英国卫报表示:“看到这样一部英国电视剧重新译制成日本漫画真是有趣。”

    Speaking to the Guardian, Andrew James, Titan Comics editor, said: 'It's really interesting seeing such a British thing being reinterpreted in Japanese manga. '


  • 结果组成了自己的“癌症反击队”:摇滚音乐会巡演经理、一名模特、一位时尚杂志编辑、一位漫画MTV名人等等。

    The result was her own personal "cancer posse": a rock concert tour manager, a model, a fashion magazine editor, a cartoonist and MTV celebrity, to name a few.


  • 一直漫画立场邮报编辑只是幅对那个伤害了主人一个朋友康涅狄格警察杀死的黑猩猩特拉维斯的鲜明嘲仿.

    The newspaper had stood by the cartoon, which its editor called "a clear parody" of the death of Travis, the chimp killed by Connecticut police on Monday after it mauled a friend of its owner.


  • 纽约客》编辑大卫•瑞姆尼克说:“封面漫画组合了一系列丑化巴马荒谬形象,让一眼就能看出明显歪曲了事实。”

    "Our cover 'The Politics of Fear' combines a number of fantastical images about the Obamas and shows them for the obvious distortions they are, " said New Yorker editor David Remnick.


  • 今年编辑漫画出了两个显著麦克’,底特律的‘麦克.汤姆绅’丹佛的‘麦克.卡非’。

    Two of the more prominentMike’s” in editorial cartooning — Detroit’s MIKE THOMPSON and Denver’s MIKE KEEFE — recently were awarded two of the industry’s top honors.


  • 其它漫画家描述纽约客》历史博客了解到,编辑每个周二接受投稿。

    From reading cartoonist's blogs and books about The New Yorker's history I knew that the cartoon editor looked at work on Tuesdays.


  • 精华大学漫画师资包括国际知名漫画研究员圈内活跃漫画作者编辑

    The teaching staff includes internationally known manga researchers and active authors and editors.


  • 漫画天才罗伯·托马斯继任斯坦·李担任复仇者联盟》漫威漫画主要创作者编辑

    Rob Thomas is the comic book genius who succeeded Stan Lee as the main writer and editor for a number of Marvel comics such as "Avengers."


  • 漫画一无所知,把自己创作漫画拿到编辑希望可以成功连载尽情挥洒热情的两人把青春在了漫画上。

    The comics know nothing at all two people, their creative comic to the editorial department to hope can serialize, enjoy Huisa enthusiasm two the youth gambling in comics.


  • 编辑漫画中,杰出的漫画组合漫画一年中其特点创意编辑效益,质量的绘画,图案效果

    Editorial Cartooning-for a distinguished cartoon or portfolio of cartoons published during the year, characterized by originality, editorial effectiveness, quality of drawing, and pictorial effect.


  • 开始时艺术家们,就是漫画们从事了这件事情,而我们作家们编辑只是刚刚听到这些故事

    From the very beginning, it's been the artists, the cartoonists, who have been on the case. We writers and editors have only begun to get at those stories.


  • 总是兴高采烈地诸如温德尔漫画书展、昂古莱姆漫画这些场合,或是面对漫画期刊编辑时候说道“来说,霍迪尼置身木箱之中就如超人进电话亭里换装一样

    "To me, Clark Rent in a phone booth and Houdini in a packing crate, they were one and the same thing, " he would learnedly expound at WonderCon or Angouleme or to the editor of The Comics Journal.


  • 的全名斯坦利·里伯。他很快快捷漫画公司得到提升办公室助理一跃升漫画作家,然后升为编辑

    Lee, whose given name is Stanley Lieber, was quickly promoted at Timely Comics, from office assistant to writer to editor.


  • 罗马尼亚著名漫画插画家美术编辑

    He is a famous Romanian cartoonist, illustrator and art editor.


  • 漫画艺术家杂志庆祝伟大的漫画作家编辑漫画这本书编译三个销售出问题以及超过50全新材料

    Comic book Artist magazine celebrates the great cartoonists, writers, and editors of comics, and this book compiles the first three sold-out issues, along with over 50 pages of all-new material.


  • 戎念竹浙江省漫画协会常务理事浙江人民美术出版社幽默大师》资深美术编辑

    Rong Nianzhu is the executive member of the Cartoonists Association of Zhejiang Province and the Senior Art Editor of Humorist of Zhejiang People's Fine Arts Publishing House.


  • 戎念竹浙江省漫画协会常务理事浙江人民美术出版社幽默大师》资深美术编辑

    Rong Nianzhu is the executive member of the Cartoonists Association of Zhejiang Province and the Senior Art Editor of Humorist of Zhejiang People's Fine Arts Publishing House.


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