• 报告滥用刑法非常普遍政府军队将其作为司法程序之外的判决。

    The report says torture was widespread, as were extra-judicial executions by government troops.


  • 司法工作人员滥用职权,犯前款罪的,从重处罚

    Any judicial officer who abuses his power and commits the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be given a heavier punishment.


  • 司法20个起诉微软控告这家无处不在视窗操作系统的制造商滥用市场势力阻挠来自网景及其他公司的竞争

    Justice Department and 20 states Sue Microsoft, accusing the maker of the ubiquitous Windows operating system of abusing its market power to thwart competition from Netscape and others.


  • 最终联邦调查局派出了超过25名特工帮助调查但格桥以及发生在其他地区警察滥用职权案,该市成了司法重新推动民权运动的中心

    Eventually, the FBI assigned more than 25 agents to help with Danziger and other police-abuse cases, and the city has become the centre of a renewed push by the Justice Department over civil rights.


  • 这种滥用中国犯人之间共同尽管偶尔呼吁司法官员结束折磨

    Such abuse is common among Chinese prisoners, despite occasional calls by judicial officials to end torture.


  • 统一司法解释限制法官自由裁量方式导致自由裁量权的隐性化运作法官滥用自由裁量权提供空间

    And uniform judicial interpretation of a judge discretion in a way that led to the discretion of the hidden operation, abuse of discretion for the judge to provide the space.


  • 他们的观点的确具有可信度:大型监狱经营公司特别美国,会通过游说要求更加严厉刑罚,而这种行为是对刑事司法体系扭曲滥用

    They argue, plausibly, that big prison-management companies, especially in America, distort the criminal-justice system by lobbying for tougher sentencing.


  • 这种级别管辖制度设置会导致司法不公正司法资源的闲置浪费公民诉权得不到保障和行政职权滥用问题。

    The jurisdiction system lead to judicial injustice, idle and waste of judicial resources, Citizen's right to appeal can not be guaranteed and the abuse of administrative authority and so on.


  • 一方面具体制度具体规定可以防止最大诚信原则司法实践中的滥用

    Concrete concrete regulation of system on the other hand can prevent heavy sincere principle abuse of the judicial practice most from.


  • 第五部分阐述了行政自由裁量进行司法控制同时,如何防止司法自由裁量滥用

    The last part talks about how to prevent the abuse of judicial free adjudication right administrative free adjudication right.


  • 司法家庭暴力可以定义任何关系中的滥用行为控制另一方的模式

    The Justice Department says domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior used by one partner in any relationship to control another partner.


  • 因此改变人格滥用现状我国现行人格否认制度的补充完善势在必行

    Therefore, in order to change of corporate personality abuse of the present situation, the our country present disregard of corporate supplement and complete is imperative.


  • 滥用职权客观行为表现形式司法实践具争议一个问题

    The form of the objective behavior of crime of abuse of power is a disputable question in the judicial operation.


  • 关于渎职罪因果关系,对玩忽职守滥用职权型渎职犯罪因果关系司法认定进行探讨。

    The crime of dereliction of duty on the causal relationship between the negligence of dereliction of duty and abuse of the causal link between the judicial cognizance of the actual conduct.


  • 司法实践大量程序性违法行为刑讯逼供滥用强制措施均发生阶段

    In the judicial practices massive procedural illegal activities like extortion of confession by torture, abusing the precautionary measures and so on occur in this stage.


  • 司法工作人员滥用职权,前款罪的,从重处罚

    Judicial workers committing crimes stipulated in the above paragraph by abusing their authority are to be severely punished.


  • 问题根本该条规定过于原则司法机关留下过多裁量空间导致条款实践中频频滥用

    The fundamental problem is that the provision is too principle which leave too much judicial discretion space for the Judiciary, leading to the provision in practice was frequently abused.


  • 司法公平公正面对权力职权滥用黯然失色,有的只是部分执法人员嚣张霸道。

    Justice fair and impartial under the authority of the terms of the face of the abuse have been overshadowed, but rather part of law enforcement personnel and high-handed arrogance.


  • 现实生活中行政活动自由裁量滥用现象普遍存在司法滥用行政自由裁量权的规制乏力。

    In actual life, the phenomenon of abusing administrative discretionary power is existing generally in the administrative activity, and the control of judicial review is insufficient.


  • 司法实践中规定较多死刑条款进一步滥用,死刑宣告越来越多;

    In the judicial practice this had stipulated the many death penalty provision is further abused, the death penalty announces more and more much;


  • 防止滥用诉权维护程序安定司法权威

    Preventing from abusing appeal right, maintaining the procedure stability and protecting judicial authority.


  • 同时,通过完善公司法一些规定,严格限制一人有限公司股东滥用有限责任。

    Meanwhile, strict measures should carry out to prevent some investors from abusing the rights.


  • 刑讯逼供作为司法人员滥用职权表现,正是在这种环境下滋长蔓延的。

    Being a representation of abusing of powers, the inquisition by torture actually develops and extends under such circumstances.


  • 但是随着公司制度的不断实践,现实出现大量滥用司法人格现象亟待法律规制

    But with constant practice, there are many phenomenon, which abuse corporate personality. It demand to be regulated by law urgently.


  • 评析基础提出我国司法人格否认的价值取向上,法律的侧重点应当防止滥用保护社会公共利益倾斜

    On the basic of the analysis, putting forward that emphasis point of law should be put on preventing private rights from abuse and protecting social public interests not to slope.


  • 我国尚无系统司法人格否认制度,探讨规制滥用司法人格行为具有重要意义

    There is not the disaffirm system of firm law personality in our country. The discussing of criterion misuse firm law personality has the important significance.


  • 人格否认制度移植过于超前,更重视建立滥用司法人格积极防御机制等。

    Transplantation of corporation personality denial institution seems to be surpassing vanguard, and a new positive defensive mechanism against abusing the corporation personality should be established.


  • 西方国家为此创设司法人格否认系列法理,较为有效解决了滥用司法人格问题

    So in the western countries, the theory of repudiation of corporate personality has been created to solve this problem.


  • 西方国家为此创设司法人格否认系列法理,较为有效解决了滥用司法人格问题

    So in the western countries, the theory of repudiation of corporate personality has been created to solve this problem.


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