• 简短的话说,而且可以让所有人带来满足答案不用丢失

    The short answerand the one on which all are agreed — is: use it or lose it.


  • 研究显示人们求知需求如此强烈以至于就算答案明显令人不快,也还是会设法满足自己好奇心

    The new research reveals that the need to know is so strong that people will seek to satisfy their curiosity even when it is clear that the answer will hurt.


  • 满足他们需要达到他们的需求告诉他们产品就是他们正在寻找的答案

    Satisfy their needs, meet their requirements and show them that you're the answer they're looking for.


  • 已经有些进展部分答案简化问题如果我们这样的函数,满足第一条件

    We have made some progress. We have part of the answer and we have simplified the problem. If we have anything that looks like this, it will satisfy the first condition.


  • 这堂看起来很复杂但却答案就是满足物质层面需求,有一个方法让你能够提升幸福感:联系那些比你自己更广阔的东西,行为,思想。

    And the lessons are complex, but one of theanswers is that after you've fulfilled your material needs, one of the ways toelevate your happiness level is to connect with some cause larger thanyourself.


  • 通常,对于部署哪种文件系统,并没有简单的答案必须分析自己存储需求选择能够满足目标文件系统文件系统组合

    Typically, there is no right or wrong file system to deploy: you must analyze your storage needs and pick the file system or combination of file systems that suit your purpose.


  • 可以编写一些简陋程序满足那些简单示例,对比程序的输出示例的答案这样可以确认自己理解题目的要求,并且找到正确方向

    Try writing a program to generate for simple cases and check that your output agrees with the example cases; this will confirm you've understood the problem and are heading in the right direction.


  • 科学家表示答案其实很简单,更多满足传粉者的需求减少生活压力通过利用本土动物行使授粉职责来减轻饲养蜜蜂的工作负担。

    Give pollinators more of what they need and less of what they don't, and ease the burden on managed bees by letting native animals do their part, say scientists.


  • 追寻答案清晰地浮现在脑海中,感觉如此美妙,你会领略到一种深切感激满足

    The answer that you seek will come to you so clearly and it will feel so perfect that you'll experience a deep sense of gratitude and contentment.


  • 了解这个问题答案可以使领悟为了得快乐,你实际需要满足纯粹的生活所需多少物质

    Knowing the answer to this question can give you some insight into what material things you actually need beyond the bare necessities, in order to be happy.


  • 再次这个答案可能没法满足讲究饮食的人,放冰箱冷冻有效方式

    Again, this might not please your inner foodie, but freezing is the most efficient way to manage your kitchen.


  • 为了寻找答案观察那些位于中脑负责生产满足细胞行为

    To find out, he looked at the behaviour of such cells in the part of the midbrain responsible for producing the sensation of pleasure.


  • 他继续说,“不管答案什么”都带来了获利机会满足即:单身智慧型女人单身智慧欠佳男人很合适。

    "Whatever the answer is," Carney concludes, "it is creating an unmet arbitrage opportunity — an overabundance of intelligent, single women and an over-abundance of less intelligent, single men."


  • 这个基本答案find隐含定义了这些类型需求集合,这些实例能够满足这些需求。

    The basic answer, then, is that find implicitly defines a set of requirements on types, and that it may be instantiated with any type that satisfies those requirements.


  • 我们外面寻找答案每个毛孔都希望这个这些满足我们内心缺失部分

    We are seeking answers outside of ourselves and hoping with every fibre of our being that this person or persons can and will satisfy the missing elements within us.


  • 人类存在终极问题提供答案满足个体化程度最高、清醒社会成员需要,回答了生活意义这一命运悠关疑问

    To the ultimate questions of human existence it provides answers which satisfy the most developed and discriminating members of the society and the fateful question of the meaning of life.


  • 头脑简单第二问题答案永远不会满足

    Simple-minded souls will never be satisfied with the answer to the second of these questions.


  • 如果答案肯定的,这一软件实用程序可能会满足您的需要

    If your answer is yes, this software utility may suit your need.


  • 答案简单因为他们控制和拥有基金,并且使用属于基金财产满足他们个人需要。

    The answer is simple, because they own the foundations and can use the wealth that is in the foundation virtually to their heart's content.


  • 因此基础思想的,但是程序满足,正确答案给定区间这个条件对不对

    So the basic idea was fine, but I failed to satisfy the initial condition that the answer had to be between the lower bound and the upper bound. Right?


  • 为什么工作竟然人们获得满足如此重要源泉呢?最主要的答案在于工作通过工作所取得的成就,能激起一种自豪感

    We should work be such a significant source of human satisfaction. a good share of the answer rest in the kind of pride that is stimulated by the job, by the activity of accomplishing. Leonard r.


  • 如果愿意给出答案满足好奇心相信更多的读者提出更有有趣的问题见解

    If BLACK BELT is willing to find out some answers to my curiosity, I am sure that many other readers will come up with more interesting questions and comments.


  • 他们从不满足于一个简单答案总是寻找新的问题

    They are never satisfied with simple answer and are always looking for new questions.


  • 问题另一询问方式:“什么他们晚上保持兴奋?”如果找到该问题的答案那么就可以了解如何最好地满足他们需求

    Another way to frame that question is to ask, "What keeps them up at night?." If you can figure that out, then you can begin to understand how to best address their needs.


  • 如果什么最喜欢的暑假旅游aound唯一答案希望有一,我满足不同不同的地方vist兴趣

    If you ask me what my favourite summer holiday will be like, traveling aound the only answer. I hope that one day I could meet different people and vist different places of interest.


  • 答案就是西蒙称作满足东西——这是介于满意足够之间交叉地带。

    The answer is something that Simon calls "satisficing" - perhaps best thought of as a cross between satisfying and sufficing.


  • 答案就是西蒙称作满足东西——这是介于满意足够之间交叉地带。

    The answer is something that Simon calls "satisficing" - perhaps best thought of as a cross between satisfying and sufficing.


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