• 父亲看着漫无目的地漂泊33除了是邮票护照外,其他什么都没有。

    My father sees me drifting aimlessly, nothing to show for my 33 years but a passport full of stamps.


  • 上的港口已经是冰,所以它不能通过船运

    The town's harbor was already full of ice, so it couldn't come by ship.


  • 哈维卡咖啡馆灯光幽暗,适合“沉思托洛茨基”这样的人物,墙壁上不出名的艺术家们的作品他们以此咖啡钱),还有被烟熏过丝绒沙发,还有一部电话,你可以打电话这里找一些这里的常客

    Cafe Hawelka has a dark, "brooding Trotsky" atmosphere, paintings by struggling artists (who couldn't pay for coffee), smoked velvet couches, and a phone that rings for regulars.


  • 我们可能到头失去我们房子里士不再物业,”卡本特含泪说道,“但是我们是在里士。”

    "We will probably end up losing our home and not have property in Richmond," Carpenter tearfully says. "But we are fighting this battle for Richmond."


  • 弗吉尼亚·里士警局已经作为先驱使用网络分析软件预言犯罪了。

    The police department of Richmond, Virginia, has pioneered the use of network-analysis software to predict crimes.


  • 虽然我们可以篇文章讨论关于RODC所有技术细节,但我们还是重点研究一下应该熟悉的要点吧。

    While we could take up an entire article discussing all of the technical details of the RODC, let's review the key points you should be familiar with.


  • 牛奶时若唇粘白色玩意儿看上去永远也不会有“杯牛奶”广告片里的名流气质。

    Unlike the celebs you see in the "Got Milk" ads, you will never look hip with white stuff spread across your upper lip.


  • 这些妙不可言的幻象通过巧妙地布局各种颜色人体实现的。

    These stunning illusions are created through the use of cleverly laid out bodies painted in different colors.


  • 除了咖啡非正式约会中可以喜欢事情比如艺术展览馆或者让你身上泥巴的山地自行车旅行

    Besides getting a cup of coffee, some of the best ideas for a date are the things you love to do the most, such as going to an art museum or getting muddy on a mountain bike ride.


  • 次日早晨基,见果然这样。将羊毛挤一挤,从羊毛中露水

    And that is what happened. Gideon rose early the next day; he squeezed the fleece and wrung out the dew — a bowlful of water.


  • 美国居住区隔离非常极端,最好公立学校致力于上大学的奋斗者然而最差的学校则需要金属探测器防止作弊。

    In America, where residential segregation is extreme, the best public schools are stuffed with college-bound strivers, whereas the worst need metal detectors.


  • 次日早晨基甸,见果然这样。将羊毛一挤,羊毛中拧出露水

    And it was so: for he rose up early on the morrow, and thrust the fleece together, and wringed the dew out of the fleece, a bowl full of water.


  • 秋风起时一直到春天冰雪消融,人们主要面包土豆肉汤果腹,并勤劳家庭主妇们落叶时节就准备好的罐头以及成箱柜的苹果作为营养补充。

    From autumn until spring we subsisted mostly on a diet of bread, meat, potatoes and gravy; supplemented by stuff our mothers had canned and by bins full of apples.


  • 孙权用其谋,先许都;却遣诸葛瑾使,投荆州

    Sun Quan adopted the plan; he sent Man Chong back to Xuchang and Zhuge Jin to Jingzhou.


  • 但是仍然没有Wolstencroft。在圣诞卡精美包装纸的货架上方仍然独自坐在那里,他感到特别悲伤孤独

    But still no one bought Wolstencroft, who was feeling extra sad and lonely sitting there all by himself high above the Christmas CARDS and wrapping paper.


  • 不论他们是否会课堂继续呆下去TFA大部分成员公共教育体制现状十分不,并且踌躇志地希望出一份力改变

    Whether or not they stay in the classroom, the vast majority of corps members are both enraged by the state of the public education system and confident they can help fix it.


  • 一杯溢着南方温暖

    O for a beaker full of the warm South! 15.


  • 相当于Alibaba注册卖家数量35%客户在一年期后没有续费,这意味着公司新增大约35000个供应商客户保持目前销售额

    As many as 35 percent of Alibaba’s registered sellers don’t renew their one-year contracts, meaning the company needs to add about 35, 000 new suppliers a year to maintain current sales.


  • 过去20食品生产商大举推销据称有益健康的“功能食品”,

    For the past two decades food manufacturers have grown fat selling "functional foods" that claim to make you healthier.


  • 10月医院已住其中一位病人就是Lenkoe,遥远Sekhutlong女子

    And by October, the hospital was full; one of the patients was Lenkoe, the woman from faraway Sekhutlong.


  • 但是达拉斯后卫基德个17年老兵,9次参加全明星,已经荣誉,还需一枚戒指增光添彩。

    But Dallas point guard Jason Kidd, a 17-year-vet and nine-time All-Star, is a Hall of Famer who wants a ring too.


  • 这个瓶子拿走拿一个

    Please take this empty bottle away and bring me a full one.


  • 只空盒子拿走

    Take away the empty box and bring me a full one.


  • 麦格教授了一眼他的肖像然后做了一个奇怪动作似乎是让自己硬下心,然后才桌后看着哈利紧绷脸上皱纹

    After glancing once at this portrait, Professor McGonagall made an odd movement as though steeling herself, then rounded the desk to look at Harry, her face taut and lined.


  • 伦敦社交圈内这样好多年一直保持三十五女人她们可以自由地挑去。

    London society is full of women who have of their own free choice remained thirty-five for years.


  • 秋天黄瓜架上了顶黄花黄瓜,苦瓜墙头我们

    Autumn comes, cucumber frame was covered with yellow flower, with full sting of cucumber, balsam pear, also covered the wall waiting for us to pick.


  • 秋天黄瓜架上了顶黄花黄瓜,苦瓜墙头我们

    Autumn comes, cucumber frame was covered with yellow flower, with full sting of cucumber, balsam pear, also covered the wall waiting for us to pick.


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