• 提出一种新颖球形滚动器人稳定性基础

    A novel spherical rolling robot based on stability of sphere was proposed.


  • 磁力悬浮或者磁悬浮,使这个旋转始终保持同一位置循环滚动机得更干净。

    Magnetic levitation, or maglev, holds the ball in place while it spins around, getting clothes cleaner than a circular-spinning drum ever could.


  • 兰尼先生可以宾馆房间滚动器人总部办公室隔间倾听电话推销宣传,提出建议

    From his hotel room, Mr. Serani can roll a robot up to an office cubicle back at headquarters, listen in on a telephone sales pitch and offer advice.


  • 此外根据第二方面发明包含连续浇铸分段滚动包含根据所述第一方面旋转轴

    In addition, according to a second aspect, the invention comprises a segment roll for a continuous casting machine, which comprises the non-rotating shaft according to the first aspect.


  • 枯萎绿叶通行证滚动扭曲的情况下推出打破细胞,并释放果汁,从而使风味

    From the withering-racks the soft, green leaf passes to the rolling machinery where it is twisted and rolled to break up the leaf cells and release the juices which give the tea its flavor.


  • 沃尔沃加密锁相当于一个起动锁,因为起动钥匙通过安全加密的电信号滚动发动起动电路进行通信

    The Volvo Immobiliser serves as a starter block since the starter key communicates with the engine′s starting circuit via security-coded electronic signals and random rolling codes.


  • 滚动轴承作为航空发动转子系统广泛采用的一种支承,力学特性对转子系统动力特性重要影响尤其是高速下更为显著。

    The ball bearing is widely used in aero-engines. Its mechanical properties exert important influence on the dynamic characteristics of rotor systems, especially at high speed.


  • 同时采用扰动推导了俯仰通道滚动通道简化模型,为空气动力和姿控发动推力复合控制系统进行初步设计提供了依据

    What′s more, according to the method of little disturbance, the simplified model of pitching and rolling plane is derived, so preliminarily combined control system can be designed.


  • 提出电动滚动轴承引起异常振动噪声识别方法分析了异常振动噪声形成原因,提出了消除异常振动噪声的方法

    This paper presents the methods to distinguish abnormal vibrational noise for rolling bearing of motor, analyzes the cause of formation, and presents the method to remove it.


  • 研究了未知环境下,特别是动态环境下,移动器人基于滚动窗口路径规划避障策略

    Using rolling window theory, the robot path planning algorithm in globally unknown environment, especially with moving obstacles is studied.


  • 通过中型(滚动轴承)电动轴承进行改造可以大大减少电动设备损坏事故

    Bearing cover retrofit of axle stretch end for large and medium - sized motor can reduce the damage accident of motor equipment greatly.


  • 高速旋转尤其是小型发动广泛采用陶瓷滚动轴承

    Ceramic bearings are widely used in the high speed machine, especially in the micro or small turbine engines.


  • 该球形器人驱动两组螺旋传动带动滚动实现直线运动,通过改变球内部分重心位置来实现转弯

    It moves ahead by two motors, which are attached to the shell, driving the corresponding screw transmission mechanism respectively, and turns by changing the position of the barycenter.


  • 滚动轴承飞行器发动,发动齿轮辅助设施。涡流检验

    Rolling Element Bearings - Aircraft Engine, Engine Gearbox, and Accessory Applications - Eddy Current Inspection.


  • 本文重点介绍评述比较流行三种模式滚动枢纽模式、低角度正断层的岩浆驱动模式、应力导层与低角度正断层的发育模式。

    In this paper, we introduce and review three the popular models: the rolling-hinge model, trigering mechanism of magmatism model and the stress guide model.


  • 动态不确定环境下本文提出结合时间滚动窗口人工蜂群算法移动器人路径规划方法

    In a dynamic uncertain environment, this paper presented a path planning method combined time rolling window and artificial bee colony algorithm for mobile robot.


  • 介绍锅炉滚动轴承、引风、传动轴等转动故障现象,分析了故障产生的原因提出相应解决方法

    This paper introduces troubles of revolving machines of boiler, analyzes reasons leading to the troubles, and puts forward some appropriate solution.


  • 第二方法从轮器人的运动学模型出发,研究受到滚动约束移动器人动态环境中的运动规划问题。

    The second method researches dynamic path planning under dynamic environment of mobile robot subjecting to rolling constraint that is involved in the robotic kinematics model.


  • INA全世界范围开发生产滚动轴承、滑动轴承、直线运动产品汽车发动部件

    All over the world, INA develops and produces rolling bearings, plain bearings and linear guides for machine building and engine components for the automotive industry.


  • 发动主轴轴承失效主要形式之一就是保持损坏,而保持架损坏的原因主要保持的磨损及滚动体对保持架的冲击。

    One of the main reasons of the failure on main shaft bearing of aviation engine is the damage of cage.


  • 电动通过减速器带动主轴转盘旋转,转盘通过柱销带动几十个磨环道内滚动并旋转。

    The main bearing and each dial are driven by electromotor of main machine through reducer, and Numbers of roller which are rolling in the ring, which are driven by dial through plunger.


  • 采用滚动轴承电动均有不加油排油转置

    Rolling bearing adopts iubricating gresse and its grease charger and discharger can be charged or discharged without stopping the motor.


  • 研究轮式移动器人(WMR)运动问题,分析了理想滚动情况航向角控制的差动运动模型。

    For Wheeled Mobile Robot (WMR), moving by getting information offered from vision is one of the hottest research in the world.


  • 研究轮式移动器人(WMR)运动问题,分析了理想滚动情况航向角控制的差动运动模型。

    For Wheeled Mobile Robot (WMR), moving by getting information offered from vision is one of the hottest research in the world.


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