• 制备半导体固定化解决问题有效途径之一,溶胶凝胶技术可以实现薄膜固定化。

    The immobility of semiconductor thin films is one of the effective methods to solve this problem, while sol-gel technology can realize the immobility of thin films.


  • 综述溶胶凝胶制备原理溶胶的制备方法,概述了目前溶胶凝胶技术纺织品上应用情况

    A review of preparation principle of gel and sol and preparation method of silica sol and application of gel and sol technique on textiles is surveyed.


  • 本文动态散射技术(DLS称为PCSQELS)和粘滞测量技术研究了明胶溶胶凝胶相变过程中的弛豫性质。

    The relaxation spectrum of aqueous gelatin during its phase change from sol to gel was studied by dynamic light scattering technique (DLS, also known as PCS or QELS).


  • 述了无机涂料涂料工业所起的作用特点,指出溶胶-凝胶技术使无机涂料品种得到繁衍,性能也有了质的飞跃。

    The article Outlines inorganic coatings function and characteristics in paint industry. With sol - gel technology, it enables their varieties to grow in number and their properties to be enhanced.


  • 溶胶-凝胶技术显著提高直接黑染料湿牢度,染色织物还有增深效果

    The sol-gel technique can improve markedly the wet color fastness and give deepening effect on dyed fabrics.


  • 研究结合功能薄膜特点,研究了感光溶胶-凝胶技术薄膜的制备过程考虑到薄膜的微细加工

    Combined with characteristics of functional films, a photosensitive sol-gel technique, in this paper, was examined, during which the fine-patterning process of the films was taken into consideration.


  • 陶瓷薄膜制备技术多种多样,物理气相沉积、化学气相沉积、高温烧结溶胶-凝胶等。

    There are many techniques for fabricating ceramic films such as PVD, CVD, high-temperature sintering and sol-gel method.


  • 介绍了FHA结构特点、FHA涂层制备工艺,并重点陈述了溶胶-凝胶技术制备FHA涂层中的应用

    The characteristic and structure of FHA, preparing methods of FHA coating are introduced in this work. The application of sol-gel technology in preparing FHA coating is emphasized.


  • 本文使用溶胶凝胶技术制备一种新型同时具有催化性能和光敏感性能的多功能光纤生物传感材料

    In this thesis, we use sol-gel method to prepare a new kind of multifunctional fiber optic biosensing materials that have the performance of enzyme catalysis and photo-sensitive synchronously.


  • 利用超声波乳化技术结合溶胶-凝胶反应制备了间苯二酚-甲醛有机凝胶粉末碳化凝胶粉末。

    Organic powder and carbon aerogel powder were prepared by sol-gel method with the help of ultrasonic emulsification technology using resorcinol and formaldehyde.


  • 溶胶-凝胶技术制备有机-无机杂化材料重要手段光致变色光纤传感发光等光化学杂化材料制备方面应用前景广阔。

    Sol-gel technique is an important experimental method for preparation of organic-inorganic hybrid materials which can be widely used to manufacture photochromic, optical fibre and emission materials.


  • 评述溶胶-凝胶技术研究进展及其纳米材料制备中的应用

    The recent progress in the sol-gel technology and its application in preparation of nano-sized materials are reviewed.


  • 采用溶胶-凝胶技术合成掺杂蓝光波段激光染料Coumarin461的SiO2固体材料

    Coumarin 461(C461) Dye doped and SiO 2 based solid laser material with blue band was synthesized by sol gel technique.


  • 系统介绍了溶胶凝胶法制涂层材料技术特点一般原理。概述了溶胶凝胶法制备涂层的工艺过程以及涂层材料的应用展望了未来发展前景

    This paper systemically introduced the features, principle, technological process and the application of coating materials, prepared by sol gel process, looked ahead the coming developing prospect.


  • 溶胶凝胶技术化学过程根据原料不同可以分为有机工艺无机工艺。

    The chemical process of sol-gel technology can be divided into organic and inorganic technology according to the different raw material.


  • 介绍溶胶-凝胶技术制备二氧化硅凝胶球过程中凝胶微球收缩及其目标气凝胶微球密度影响着重研究外相溶剂处理与否以及处理方式与凝胶收缩程度的关系。

    This paper presents the study on the shrinkage of low-density silicon hydrogel microspheres and its influence on the density of resultant aerogels, focusing on the effects of solvent on the shrinkage.


  • 发明属于催化剂技术领域,具体为一种利用非溶胶-凝胶法制备具有可见光催化活性纳米二氧化钛催化剂的方法。

    The present invention belongs to the field of catalyst technology, and is especially nonaqueous sol-gel process of preparing nanometer titania catalyst with visible light catalysis activity.


  • 采用凝胶色谱技术研究乙醇—水溶液硅酸聚合过程聚合物结构以及聚合物结构对溶胶涂膜性能的影响。

    The process of silicate anions polymerization and the structure of silicate polymers were studied by gel permeation chromatography (GPC).


  • 以间二酚甲醛为原料,采用溶胶-凝胶工艺,结合高温碳化溶剂替换常压干燥技术,制备了凝胶

    Carbon aerogels were prepared from resorcinol and formaldehyde via sol-gel process, high temperature carbonization and atmospheric pressure drying technology with solvent replacement.


  • 基于普鲁士修饰玻碳电极结合二氧化硅溶胶凝胶固定化技术构造具有三明治”式结构的酶电极。

    A highly sensitive glucose biosensor was prepared based on the Prussian Blue modified electrode combined with SiO 2 Sol-Gel immobilization method in a "sandwich configuration".


  • 基于普鲁士修饰玻碳电极结合二氧化硅溶胶凝胶固定化技术构造具有三明治”式结构的酶电极。

    A highly sensitive glucose biosensor was prepared based on the Prussian Blue modified electrode combined with SiO 2 Sol-Gel immobilization method in a "sandwich configuration".


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