• 只要写真喷绘写真喷绘墨水才华得到质量喷画图画一点溶剂墨水写真喷绘生产尤为显明

    As long as the photo printing cloth and photo printing ink painting pictures to get the room of high quality, which is particularly evident in the weak solvent ink photo printing production.


  • 结果表明升高反应温度丙酮溶剂以十二烷基硫酸钠转移剂均使反应速度加快

    The results show that increasing reaction temperature, using acetone as cosolvent or sodium dodecyl sulfate as phase-transfer reagent can accelerate the reaction.


  • 摘要目的:建立一种色谱同时测定注射用青霉素中有机溶剂丁醇、乙酸乙酯、乙酸残留量的方法。

    To found a method to detect the residual solvents of penicillin sodium for injection: butanol acetic ether and butyl acetate.


  • P C阻遏运用有机溶剂组合物胶水油漆触摸

    PC board repression using organic solvent and combination of glue, paint touch.


  • 传统有机物样品分析前处理方法主要有-液萃取萃取方法,这些方法具有耗时长、操作繁琐、且需要大量有机溶剂等缺点。

    Conventional organic sample preparation methods, such as liquid-liquid extraction and solid phase extraction, are time and solvent consuming, and often involve several complicated procedures.


  • 研究拜尔法生产氢氧化铝过程溶剂浮选-气色谱法测定结晶助剂有效成分硬脂酸方法

    A solvent flotation-gas chromatography for the determination of sodium stearate in sodium aluminate solution in aluminium hydroxide production by the bayer process was studied.


  • 目的建立测定非洛地平原料药有机残留溶剂空气色谱法

    Objective to determine organic solvent residual volume in felodipine raw material by headspace gas chromatography.


  • 目前使用甲醇溶剂纯化收率30%,发现以丙酮乙酸、水的溶剂体系,精制洛韦收率显著提高83.3%,高效色谱(HPLC)分析,产品纯度达到99.0%以上。

    Ganciclovir could be purified to more than 99.0%(HPLC) by a combination of acetone, acetic acid and water in 83.3% recovery as compared with 30% one when using water or methanol as solvent.


  • 近几年来离子液体作为绿色溶剂催化剂以及催化剂的液载体有机反应发挥了独特作用,受到人们越来越关注

    Recently, ionic liquids as a kind of green solvent and catalyst even as a carrier for catalyst have drawn much attention due to the important roles they played in organic reaction.


  • 目的:建立以空气色谱法测定夫西地有机溶剂残留量的方法。

    OBJECTIVE: to determine organic solvent residual volume in fusidic acid by headspace gas chromatography.


  • 方法原理、试验步骤、适用范围以及溶剂加热活化法温度、时间流动流速活性影响进行了考察。

    The principle and suitable range of application of the methods as well as the influence on column activation of activating Lemperature, tinge and solvent flow were investigated.


  • 总结了有机催化优点影响因素其中活度溶剂为众多因素最为引人注目因素。

    Factors which affect the efficiency of enzyme catalysis in organic media were discussed. In all of the factors. water activity and solvent are the two important factors.


  • 建立快速溶剂萃取-气色谱同时测定含脂羊毛47有机磷杀虫剂残留量方法。

    This study developed a method for simultaneous determination of 47 organophosphorous pesticides in greasy wool by accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) coupled with GC-NPD.


  • 它以纯有机溶剂作电色谱流动具有许多水溶液电色谱所不能比拟优点。

    There are many advantages which the ordinary CEC method doesnt have by using the pure organic solvent as mobile phase.


  • 这些反应在质子性醇溶剂K_2CO_3组成体系进行更为方便用于吡咯烷衍生物合成

    The reactions are performed more conveniently in two phase systems consisted of alcoholic solvents and K_2CO_3, and may be adapted for the synthesis of pyrrolidine and oxazolidine derivatives.


  • 研究萃取分子赋存方式及其变化规律,不同溶剂龙口褐煤进行了分级萃取。

    The fractional extraction on Longkou lignite by different solvent was used for the studying of the occurrence modes and the variations of small molecular phases in coal.


  • 邻苯二甲酰化壳聚糖多种常见有机溶剂中能形成胆甾液晶

    N-phthaloyl chitosan is able to form cholesteric liquid crystalline phase in concentrated solutions of some organic solvents, including DMF, DMSO, DMAc and pyridine.


  • 用气色谱法测定溶剂丙烯腈含量

    To determine acrylonitrile content in solvent with gas chromatography.


  • 目的建立工作场所空气二氯甲烷溶剂解吸气色谱测定方法

    To establish a gas chromatography method for solvent desorption of dichloromethane in the air of workplace.


  • 扫描电子显微镜SEM)分析煤沥青中原生淋不溶物(QI形貌,考察了不同有机溶剂分离中间微球影响

    The morphology of pri- mary QI was observed under Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) . The effects of solvents on the seperation of MCMBs were examined.


  • 选用羧酸类溶剂,采用合成孔雀石绿-硼酸系列可逆热致变色材料

    Applied some kinds of carboxylic acid as solvent, a series of malachite green-boric acid reversible thermochromic paints were prepared by solid phase synthesis method.


  • 目的建立工作场所空气中正丁基缩水甘油溶剂吸气色谱测定方法。

    To establish a solvent desorption gas chromatography for determining n-Butyl glycidyl ether in the air of workplaces.


  • 目的建立毛细管色谱测定有机金属抗癌原料药二茂钛中的有机溶剂残留量

    OBJECTIVE to establish a capillary gas chromatography method for the determination of residual organic solvents in organometallic antitumor crude drug titanocene dichloride.


  • 非水催化涉及有机溶剂环境微生物技术中,有机溶剂细胞的毒性使关的研究应用受到制约。

    Researches and applications on whole cells biocatalysis in non-conventional media and technology of environment microbiology are restricted of toxic effects of organic solvents to cell.


  • 应用加速溶剂萃取色谱-质联用法测定土壤中6种邻二甲酸酯类有机污染物。

    A method for the determination of 6 phthalate esters (PAEs) by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) with accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) sample preparation was developed.


  • 应用加速溶剂萃取色谱-质联用法测定土壤中6种邻二甲酸酯类有机污染物。

    A method for the determination of 6 phthalate esters (PAEs) by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) with accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) sample preparation was developed.


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