• 注意包含可下载内容任何游戏脚本必须存在执行文件

    Please note: Any game scripts included in downloadable content must also be present in the main executable.


  • 希望可以PHP编写30个游戏脚本一系列文章可以帮助开始PHP创建有趣的游戏脚本

    I hope this "30 game scripts you can write in PHP" series put you on the road to creating interesting game scripts with PHP.


  • 主要包括游戏风格教育游戏结构角色界面交互功能奖励惩罚机制的确定,最终设计游戏脚本

    Mainly, it includes the game style, the structure of instructional games, the roles, the interface, the interactive features, the reward and punishment mechanism, and ultimately a game script.


  • 最后,文字游戏脚本帮助解决Jumble 游戏创建简单置换计算程序,生成文字搜索同时PHP数组处理技能更上层楼。

    Finally, the word-game scripts will help you solve the Jumble game, create simple substitution cyphers, and generate word-search diagrams while taking your PHP array-handling skills one step further.


  • 本文说明了如何获取PHP可以编写30个游戏脚本系列第1部分中编写一些基本脚本以及如何基于这些基本脚本进行构建提供健壮脚本

    This article shows how to take some of the basic scripts written in Part 1 of this "30 game scripts you can write in PHP" series and build on them to provide more robust scripts.


  • 应当能够得到可以PHP编写30 个游戏脚本系列的 第 1部分创建简单roll函数并且使用计算基本武器的破坏力。

    You should be able to take the simple roll function created in Part 1 of this " 30 game scripts you can write in PHP" series and use it to calculate the damage for a base set of weapons.


  • 脚本获得了一个数据库句柄游戏id

    The script takes a database handle and the game ID.


  • 我们整合一个帮助存储找到游戏提示脚本

    Let's put a script together that helps store and find game notes.


  • 本文探究各种游戏可以使用10个基本脚本

    This article will explore 10 fundamental scripts that can be used in various types of games.


  • 同时添加了我们提供游戏脚本URL

    You've also added the URL for the script that will provided your new games.


  • 本文中,我们角色扮演游戏构建一个清单管理系统提示脚本同时处理php脚本交互操作

    In this article, we build an inventory-management system and note-taking scripts for your role-playing games, while working on the interactivity of your PHP scripts.


  • 很多游戏程序甚至核心设计使用脚本脚本实现某些方面(例如玩家角色行为)。

    Many game programs even use scripting in their core design to implement certain aspects (such as non-player character behavior) with scripts.


  • 验证连接上服务器可以服务器通过curl命令执行moves.php脚本,从而获取游戏动作最新列表

    To verify that the server was connected, you can execute the curl command against the moves.php script on the server to get the most recent list of game moves.


  • 段代码开始构建一个名为show _ moves的helper脚本,用于获得给定游戏当前把它们导出XML

    This code starts with building a helper script called show_moves that gets the current moves for a given game and exports them as XML.


  • TwoLivesLeft发布了Codify一个应用Lua脚本语言进行游戏开发平台可以直接AppleiPad上运行

    Two Lives Left have released Codify, a platform that allows game development using the Lua scripting language, which runs directly on an Apple iPad.


  • 许多现代游戏包括非玩家控制角色行为脚本使用执行bytecodes比如Lua)的语言其他游戏方面

    Many modern games include scripting of nonplayer-character behaviors and other game aspects using languages that execute bytecodes (such as Lua).


  • VMs其他游戏应用程序包括ScummVM(提供一个VM环境ManiacMansion (SCUMM)脚本语言脚本创建工具使用)(创建1987年)。

    Other game applications of VMs include the ScummVM which provides a VM environment for the script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion SCUMM scripting language created in 1987.


  • 查看游戏列表使用清单3中的games . php脚本

    To see the list of games, use the games.php script that is in Listing 3.


  • 已经使用Perl开发了很多Web站点编写了很多管理脚本编写了一些游戏

    I've written Web sites, administration scripts, and games using Perl.


  • Codify由Lua脚本语言构建,Lua一个广泛应用于游戏脚本

    Codify is built upon the Lua scripting language, a widely used scripting mechanism used in games.


  • 游戏编写报告的SDL 用法,第 4 部分:lexyacc 构建用于脚本和 GUI 设计的语法分析器developerWorks,2000 年 5 月)展示作者如何使用 lex 和 yacc 为 游戏整合出一个配置文件解析器。

    game-writing saga shows how the authors put together a configuration file parser for the game using lex and yacc.


  • 视频游戏允许通过编写脚本进行大量定制

    Video games permit a tremendous amount of customization through scripting.


  • 如果希望玩家能像游戏设计者一样使用脚本系统的话十分重要的。

    This is true particularly if you want players as well as game designers to use the scripting system.


  • 有用,但是我们还需要一些方法我们脚本进入游戏世界检查那些可能引起AI行为改变条件

    For this to be useful, however, we need some way for our script to see into the game world and check for conditions that might alter our AI behavior.


  • 了解我们脚本如何互相交谈我们打入许多脚本组件我们的游戏同时创造功能我们需要最少努力

    Understanding how our scripts will talk to each other lets us break our game into many script components, while still creating the functionality we need with the least amount of effort.


  • 这些变量将会真正游戏引擎而不是我们脚本语言完成。

    The actual game engine, not our scripting language, will assign the values in these variables.


  • 然后游戏引擎脚本系统可以使用这些文本,以便于分析文本对此做出适当的响应。

    The game engine then makes the text strings available to the script system, which analyzes the text and provides an appropriate response.


  • 游戏引擎将会计算这个脚本这个行为胆怯的巨人关联

    The game engine will evaluate the script and link this behavior to the cowardly troll.


  • 例如用于Angband(Roguelike游戏)configure脚本可选标记——enable - gtk告诉脚本在编译时启用gtk支持

    For instance, the configure script used for Angband (a Roguelike game) has an optional flag, — enable-gtk, to tell it to build with GTK support.


  • 例如用于Angband(Roguelike游戏)configure脚本可选标记——enable - gtk告诉脚本在编译时启用gtk支持

    For instance, the configure script used for Angband (a Roguelike game) has an optional flag, — enable-gtk, to tell it to build with GTK support.


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