• 事故发生港陆公司责令停产整顿。

    The steel factory was ordered to halt production after the accident.


  • 地址上海六合98号黄浦中心11层。

    Address: 11a, Harbor Ring Huangpu Center, 98 Liuhe Road, Shanghai.


  • 港陆烧结厂几种配矿方案烧结性能冶金性能进行实验室研究。

    The sintering characteristic and the metallurgical properties of some raw material proportioning schemes are studied in the lab of ganglu sintering plant.


  • 集团计划建设一个现代化高效深水

    Landbridge Group plans to construct a modern and efficient deep-water port.


  • 日本偷袭珍珠之后,路易斯捍卫自己头衔并将奖金捐给海军慰问基金是在1942年参军之前的事情。

    After the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Louis defended his title twice more, donating his purses to the Army and Navy Relief Funds, before entering the Army himself in 1942.


  • 2001年时,雅各布冰川世界上流动速度最快冰川,它以每年7公里的速度海洋流动。

    In 2001, Jakobshavn was already the fastest glacier in the world, flowing from land to sea at 7 kilometers per year.


  • 劳拉制定航行路线,这也意味着足够的时间而且也能在旅程中家人团聚。

    Laurahas mapped out a course hopping from port to port that means she will getplenty of time on dry land and visits from family during the voyage.


  • 这家奥列格·德里帕斯卡掌控俄罗斯铝业公司希望本月证券交易所成为首家在交所上市的俄罗斯公司。

    The Russian aluminium company, which is controlled by Oleg Deripaska, was hoping to debut on Hong Kong's stock exchange this month, becoming the first Russian company to list there.


  • 经过不成功的尝试之后,我们终于纳克踏上了南极的土地。

    After a few false starts, we eventually got to walk on the continent at Neko Harbour.


  • 燃油耗尽飞船达到远地点后,飞船化身滑翔机,瞄准广阔沙漠滑行返航,最后航天跑道着

    After the fuel runs out and the craft reaches its apogee, it will essentially become a glider, sliding back toward the vast desert to touch down on the runway at Spaceport America.


  • 截止到2013年,假如所有的一切都按照计划进行的话,一条新的铁路连接阿普东北(地图)。

    By 2013, if all runs to plan, a new railway will link Suape to the north-eastern interior (see map).


  • 没有批评海军应该将那么舰艇放在珍珠

    The Army doesn't blame the Navy because there were too many ships in Pearl Harbor, and it shouldn't have happened.


  • 两张美国航太总署地球观测1号(EO - 1)卫星高级成像仪(ALI)拍摄的图片显示的是2001年(上图)2010年(下图)的雅各布冰川

    These images acquired by the Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA's Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite show Jakobshavn Glacier in 2001 (top) and 2010 (bottom).


  • 两张美国航太总署的地球观测1号(EO-1)卫星高级成像仪(ALI)拍摄的图片显示的是2001年(上图)2010年(下图)的雅各布冰川

    These images acquired by the Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA’s Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite show Jakobshavn Glacier in 2001 (top) and 2010 (bottom).


  • 如果必须进入,必须要意识受感染风险可能会增加

    If you have to go inland, be aware that the danger of infection may increase.


  • 由于没有铁路联通矿井铁路线,驱动改进型机车通过铁路西伯利亚荒蛮之地运抵英国然后集装箱海运Hull,然后运到梅蒂。

    As there is no rail link from the mine to the railway, coal for the converted engine comes from the wilds of Siberia via rail to the ports, then container ship to Hull, then by road to Merthyr.


  • 阿里格雷起飞班机全部186名乘客与机组人员7位人员爆炸全部丧生,这起空难成为巴西历史上最大空难

    All 186 people aboard the flight from Porto Alegre died in the fireball, as well as several more on the ground, making this the worst disaster in the history of civil aviation in Brazil.


  • 福克斯生于田纳西州佛罗里达路西(Port StLucie)长大。她一位成功模特,后来荧屏,在2006年的电视剧希望忠诚》(Hopeand Faith)获得了固定戏份后。

    Born in Tennessee and brought up in Port st Lucie, Florida, Fox was a successful model before landing a regular stint in the television series Hope and Faith in 2006.


  • 来自孕妇出现九龙城法院使用妇产医生资格证预约妇产服务被起诉。 她们都将在11月生产,上月在她们尝试预约玛格里特公主医院后被捕。

    Two pregnant women from the mainland have appeared in Kowloon City Court accused of using false doctor's certificates to book obstetrics services in Hong Kong.


  • 采用公路铁路方式的运输尤其是指从发货地点发货或从到货至目的地点运输。

    Overland transportation, by road or by rail, and applying particularly to transportation from origin depot to port of shipment or from port of arrival to destination depot.


  • 其官方名为杰克逊延伸20公里就是帕拉·玛塔河相连。

    Officially called Port Jackson, the harbour stretches some 20km inland to join the mouth of the Parramatta River.


  • 代理告知船员下船一定要鹿特丹规定

    Agent: Remember to inform your crew about going ashore with Landing Permits. This is the regulation of Rotterdam Port.


  • 飞机天使,天空正在下着雨。没有看作某种征兆——下雨在福克斯是不可制止的。我已经太阳说过再见了。

    When I landed in Port Angeles, it was raining. I didn't see it for omenjust unaudio-videooidable. I'd then said my goodbyes to the sun.


  • 为了使地区得以科学合理地进行无水建设西南地区为对象研究了无水选址问题。

    In order to enable the inland area to carry on the land port construction scientifically and reasonably, this paper studies on the location of land port.


  • 从动力学进一步分析表明湛江增水类型热带气旋地点路径关系非常密切。

    Dynamical analysis also indicates that the type of the surge at Zhanjiang Harbor has intimate association with the landing location and the path of the tropical cyclone.


  • 结果表明湛江发生增水极值时间增水形式因热带气旋地点路径不同

    The result shows that the peak-value time and the pattern of the surge at Zhanjiang Harbor vary with the different landing locations and paths of tropical cyclones.


  • 结果表明湛江发生增水极值时间增水形式因热带气旋地点路径不同

    The result shows that the peak-value time and the pattern of the surge at Zhanjiang Harbor vary with the different landing locations and paths of tropical cyclones.


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